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【Applied Energy最新原创论文】集成低品位热源的直接接触膜蒸馏系统的技术-经济-环境分析:一种多目标优化方法

AEii国际应用能源  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-08-22 18:30



Techno-economic-environmental analysis of direct-contact membrane distillation systems integrated with low-grade heat sources: A multi-objective optimization approach



(1) 膜蒸馏系统的多目标优化框架

(2) 经济和环境影响为相互冲突的性能指标

(3) 余热是比地热能更经济、更环保的热源

(4) 保持适度的产水量和回收率有利于系统的均衡设计


膜蒸馏(Membrane distillation,MD)是一种以低品位热能为驱动力的新兴海水淡化技术。本文提出了MD海水淡化系统的多目标优化设计,热源为超临界CO 2 (Supercritical CO 2 ,sCO 2 )布雷顿循环的余热和地热。基于经济和环境指标,建立了多目标混合整数非线性规划模型来优化集成系统的设计和运行条件。该模型同时考虑产水成本(Water production cost, wpc)和环境影响(Water production environmental impact, wpei)的优化。其中,环境影响采用ReCiPe 2016生命周期评价方法进行量化,从而识别整个海水淡化系统生命周期的主要环境热点。本文还通过多个案例研究测试提出的多目标评价框架,分析MD海水淡化系统的技术-经济-环境性能。结果表明,均衡的MD系统设计仅需略微增加产水成本即可显著降低环境影响。对于sCO 2 -MD方案,成本效益型设计可以实现最小的为0.758 $/m 3 ,而环保型设计的最小为0.172 Pt/m 3 。与成本效益型设计相比,均衡型设计可以减少31.30%的环境影响,而产水成本仅增加4.48%。地热MD方案的最小和最小分别比sCO 2 -MD方案的高412.27%和215.94%。此外,降低地热MD系统所需的成本较sCO 2 -MD的更高,需要增加10.67%的才能将环境影响降低21.65%。

更多关于“Membrane distillation systems”的文章请见:


Abstr act

Membrane distillation (MD) is an emerging desalination technology powered by low-grade thermal energy. This paper presents the multi-objective optimal design of the membrane distillation desalination plant. The heat sources are supercritical CO 2 (sCO 2 ) Brayton cycle waste heat and geothermal energy. Multi-objective mixed-integer nonlinear programming models are developed to optimize the integrated systems' design and operating conditions based on economic and environmental metrics. The models consider the simultaneous optimization of water production costs (wpc) and environmental impacts (wpei). The environmental performance is quantified through a life cycle assessment using the widely used ReCiPe 2016 method, enabling the identification of the main environmental hotspots throughout the plant's life cycle. Our methodology demonstrates the sustainability of MD desalination plants through various case studies. The results indicate that an appropriate MD system design can significantly reduce the environmental burden with a slight increase in cost. For the sCO 2 -MD scenario, a cost-effective design can achieve a minimum wpc of 0.758 $/m 3 and a minimum wpei of 0.172 Pt/m 3 in an environmentally friendly design. A balanced design can reduce the environmental impact by 31.30% with a slight cost increase of 4.48% compared to a cost-effective design. The minimum wpc and minimum wpei for the geothermal MD (GTMD) scenario are 412.27% and 215.94% higher, respectively, compared to the sCO 2 -MD scenario. Moreover, reducing the wpei of the GTMD system is also more expensive, requiring a 10.67% increase in cost to reduce the environmental impact by 21.65%.


Membrane distillation

Multi-objective optimization

Economic-environmental evaluation

Water-energy nexus


图1 图形摘要

图2 sCO 2 -MD集成系统工艺流程图

图3 sCO 2 -MD系统经济-环境最优解的Pareto曲线
