很多人回顾PBPK(生理药代动力学)在监管接受度上取得进展时,会发现其起点与药物间相互作用的应用有关。尽管在监管领域中PBPK的应用早期就已存在,但其广泛应用的推动主要是在药物间相互作用领域,PBPK模型的主要作用在于解决那些无法进行临床研究的情况。在FDA的框架内,通常会进行少量的关键性研究来提供必要的信息并校准模型。然而,对于那些无法开展或计划之外的条件下,PBPK模型则提供了巨大的帮助。在过去二十年里,PBPK的应用已从最初的药物间相互作用扩展到更多的应用领域,特别是针对那些在药物上市初期未能得到充分研究的患者群体, 例如,严重肾功能不全或肝功能不全的患者,或者一些我们知道在早期阶段无法得到充分关注的患者群体等。我们正利用这些建模方法来探索和解决这些问题。令人欣喜的是,最新的申报资料和建模应用表明,无论是在公开发表的研究数量,还是在提交给多个监管机构的应用数量上,PBPK模型都得到了明显的提升。尤其是在
The starting point many people when you look back you know to the PBPK taking off with the regulatory acceptance, even there have been odd occasions of use of PBPK in regulatory space a long time before goes back to the applications in the area of the drug-drug interactions And many aspects of this is basically addressing the ultimately the conditions in which you cannot do their clinical studies. So in the terms of FDA, you may run few index studies that they inform you and also they inform your models, but then for all the other conditions that you are not going to run or you were not going to be able to run their studies, then you take the benefit of the modeling that you have seen that it has worked in those index studies. The advantages that we have actually brought up is that we have over the years, that's you know over the last 20 years, slowly but firmly, we have been taking this from purely the drug-drug interaction, side of the things, into applications that they are related to the patient groups that they are not served well at the time of at least entry of the drug to the market For instance, severe renal impairment or severe hepatic impairment or group of patients that we know that they are not going to be addressed at the early stage and so on and we are looking into many of these using these modeling approaches. And I'm glad to say that when we look at the latest submissions and applications of the modeling, both in the size, you know based on publication but also the applications that they are going through many of the regulatory agencies be noticed very clear that increase in the quality and the number of the applications, they are going for pediatrics, they are going for these special populations and so on. So I would say that we have helped with gathering the information as I previously said for filling the gaps and expanding the breadth of what PBPK is now addressing. Particularly in the orphan disease groups, that they are not easy to study and combination of conditions, then you have got not just, for instance, drug-drug interaction but you are talking about drug-drug interaction pediatrics or you are not talking about just renal impairment but you are talking about renal impairment in very obese patient. So the combination of these parameters are now we are addressing and patients are the ultimate beneficiary of this because the prescriber has got that possibility of understanding and then acting on many of the things that they are related to these groups, on the basis of well informed PBPK model, rather than just leaving them with I would say void that everybody decides for their own, you know sort of based on their own experience and so on.