专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-11-19 09:31


Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)获悉,大河钢铁公司位于阿肯色州奥西奥拉的旗舰短流程钢厂已实现产能翻番。

Big RiverSteel has officially doubled its capacity at its flagship mini-mill in Osceola,Arkansas, Kallanish learns from a company release.

该公司的二期扩建耗资 7.16 亿美元,将该厂产能提高至 330 万短吨 / 年,将于 1 27 日投产。

Thecompany’s so-called Phase Two expansion cost $716 million and pushes the mill’scapacity to 3.3 million short tons/year. It will be commissioned on 27January.

“谈到我们成功实施二期建设项目时,我非常自豪地能够使用我最喜欢的两个词来概括:‘提前完成’和‘低于预算’。这一成就是对我们员工努力工作和乐观进取态度的证明,”首席执行官 Dave Stickler 说。

“When describing the success of our Phase Two construction efforts, I am extremelyproud to be able to use my five favorite words: ‘ahead of schedule’ and ‘underbudget.’ This achievement is a testament to the hard work and can-do attitudeof our employees,” says ceo Dave Stickler.


Big River is in the midst of being acquired by US Steel as part of the company’s on-goingstrategy to combine legacy integrated assets with new mini-mill capabilities inArkansas and Alabama.

大河钢铁公司还自称是世界上唯一通过 LEED (环境与能源设计先锋)认证的钢厂。

Big Riveralso bills itself as the world’s only LEED (Leadership in Environmental andEnergy Design) certified steel facility.

“大河钢铁公司的碳排放系数仅为 0.125 ,在为钢材消费者提供‘绿色钢铁’的努力中,大河钢铁公司走在了行业前列,”该公司表示。

“With anindustry leading carbon emissions factor of only 0.125, Big River Steel is atthe forefront of the effort to provide steel consumers with ‘green steel,’” thecompany says.

二期扩建工程最初于 2018 3 月宣布,预计达到满负荷生产需要 5 个月左右的时间。

The Phase Two expansion was originally announced in March 2018. Ramp-up to full capacityis expected to take about five months.

