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印际 x Westbourne Studio | 生活的回响

印际  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-01-09 17:07


总部位于加利福尼亚的Westbourne Studio,由美国设计师Alex Yanke于2020年创立,专注于住宅项目领域。他们希望平衡有机材料、层次分明的古铜色与极简的现代形式之间的审美关系,打造出丰富多样的室内环境。全球设计趋势与加利福尼亚的当地风格相结合,促使他们构建出朴实无华的宜居的生活空间。

California-based Westbourne Studio, founded in 2020 by American designer Alex Yanke, specializes in residential projects. They wanted to balance the aesthetic relationship between organic materials, layered bronzes and minimalist modern forms to create a rich and varied interior environment. Global design trends combined with California's local style prompted them to create unpretentious and livable living Spaces.

Morton Street


Morton Street是位于纽约的一处极简公寓,橡木、黄铜等材质与中世纪家具和现代灯光之间巧妙地融合,形成了一个既具有视觉冲击力又有利于身心放松的空间。中世纪家具有着点睛的作用,赋予住宅永恒的魅力,而简洁的线条及有机的形状则营造出一种低调的雅致感。每件物件都经过精心的挑选,以增强功能的需要和提升空间的整体舒适性氛围。

Morton Street is a minimalist apartment in New York City, where materials such as oak and brass are subtly blended with mid-century furniture and modern lighting to create a space that is both visually striking and conducive to relaxation. The midcentury furniture is the focal point, giving the house a timeless charm, while the clean lines and organic shapes create an understated sense of elegance. Each piece has been carefully selected to enhance the functional needs and enhance the overall comfort atmosphere of the space.

Linea Del Cielo


位于加利福尼亚的极简住宅Linea Del Cielo,内部没有多余的装饰,设计师试图表达了以形式服务于功能的设计哲学,给人一种静谧之感。大尺度的窗户为室内提供了充足的自然光照,以凸显出木梁结构和空间的温暖气息。柔软的纺织品和坚固的木材和谐地融为一体,为原本内敛的情境增添了几分华丽。

Linea Del Cielo, a minimalist house in California, has no superfluous decoration inside, and the designer tries to express the design philosophy of form serving function, giving people a sense of serenity. Large Windows provide plenty of natural light to highlight the wood beam structure and the warmth of the space. Soft textiles and solid wood blend harmoniously, adding a touch of opulence to an otherwise restrained situation.

Muirlands La Jolla


这是一套追求实用性的现代式极简住宅,空内主要采用重色基调来赋予其复古的风格,并以少许温暖色的调和来表示对业主归家的欢迎。这对Westbourne Studio来说,他们认为重色调的空间有着神奇的内在魔力,当你在空间中自由活动时,它们会让你产生不同的感官体验和视觉感受。

This is a modern minimalist house that pursues practicality. The interior mainly uses a heavy color base to give it a retro style, and a little warm color to welcome the owner home. For Westbourne Studio, they believe that the heavy color space has a magical inner magic, when you move freely in the space, they will allow you to produce different sensory experiences and visual feelings.

Alex Yanke



Exclusive Interview


Q1: What kind of items do you like to collect?

Alex Yanke我热衷于收集那些在搬家时可以随身携带的物品,因为我深信室内风格会随着时间的推移而发生变化。我小时候,父亲在澳大利亚军队服役,我们家几乎每年都会搬家,前往世界各地不同的地方。每次搬到新的住所,我都喜欢和妈妈一起把家具搬来搬去。我们也喜欢在旅行中收集家具或家居用品,它们的存在让每间房子看起来都不一样,这令我感到非常地兴奋。

Alex Yanke: I am passionate about collecting items that I can take with me when I move because I am convinced that interior styles change over time. When I was growing up, my father served in the Australian Army, and my family moved almost every year to different places around the world. Every time I move to a new place, I like to move the furniture around with my mom. We also like to collect furniture or household items on our travels, and I'm really excited that their presence makes each house look different.


Q2: How do you get your design inspiration?

Alex Yanke:我热爱于设计,但随着年龄的增长,我意识到自己需要在各方面不断精进。为了滋养自身的创造力,我总在旅行或阅读中寻找灵感。我喜欢旅行,但这不能说某个目的地比其他地方更能激发灵感,而是指我喜欢具有故事性的地方,这会更让我着迷。例如:印度的宫殿、新加坡的殖民建筑、洛杉矶20世纪20年代的西班牙传教会建筑等,它们都以不同的方式激励着我。

Alex Yanke: I love design, but as I get older, I realize that I need to improve in all aspects. In order to nourish my creativity, I always find inspiration by traveling or reading. I love to travel, but that doesn't mean that one destination is more inspiring than another, it means that I like places with a story, which fascinates me more. For example: palaces in India, colonial architecture in Singapore, 1920s Spanish mission buildings in Los Angeles, they all inspire me in different ways.


Q3: What kind of advice would you give to a designer just starting out?

Alex Yanke:提升你的文本能力,你就永远不会失业。要有求知欲,要有耐心,要有愿意在离开学校后继续学习的动力。善于提问会给你带来更多的启发,因为人们总是更愿意帮助那些提出问题的人。对我来说,概念阶段是设计过程中最令人振奋的环节,没有任何两个项目是相同的,我喜欢面对问题,然后解决问题。

Alex Yanke: Improve your text skills and you'll never be out of a job. Be curious, be patient, and be motivated to continue learning after you leave school. Being good at asking questions will give you more inspiration, because people will always be more willing to help those who ask questions. For me, the concept phase is the most exciting part of the design process, no two projects are the same, I like to face the problem and then solve it.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Westbourne Studio