专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-10-23 10:14



The regionalrebar market has inched up in Southeast Asia. A Turkish rebar cargo was bookedin Singapore mostly to cover for a forward contract done earlier thisyear.

上周,一宗 5 万吨 1 月船期的土耳其螺纹钢货物达成交易,价格约为 465 美元 / cfr 新加坡理重。贸易人士称,其中约 3 万吨货物的买家需要履行早前(可能是在 3 月或 4 月)签订的远期交货合同。一位新加坡贸易商称,大多数新加坡进口商有足够的库存,将在购买 2 月船期货物时返回市场。但如果市场上有便宜的螺纹钢,他们也会预订。他认为,他们正在等待价格下滑 30 美元 / 吨。

A50,000-tonne Turkish January-shipment rebar cargo was booked at around$465/tonne cfr Singapore, theoretical-weight, last week. The buyer for around30,000t of the cargo needs to fulfil a future-delivery contract which wassigned earlier, possibly in March or April, trading sources report. MostSingapore importers have sufficient stocks and will return to purchaseFebruary shipments, a Singapore trader says. But they will book if thereis cheap rebar available in the market. He believes they are waiting for pricesto slide by $30/t.

中国贸易商目前对不限原产地的 10-32mm 螺纹钢报价为 475 美元 / cfr 新加坡, 2 月船期。在香港,大约十天前有两批土耳其螺纹钢被预订,总量超过 10 万吨,价格为 472 美元 / cfr 实重。一位香港进口商认为,这两宗交易是由贸易商达成,为了交付远期合同。他补充说,目前土耳其螺纹钢报价已升至 487 美元 / cfr 香港实重。

Chinesetraders are now offering 10-32mm rebar, of unspecified origin, for Februaryshipment at $475/t cfr Singapore. In Hong Kong, two cargoes of Turkishrebar, totalling more than 100,000t were booked around ten days agoat $472/t cfr, actual-weight basis. A Hong Kong importer believes thebookings were made by traders to similarly cover for forward contracts. Turkishrebar offers have now risen to $487/t cfr Hong Kong, actual weight basis,he adds.

中国螺纹钢在新加坡的报价在类似水平,为 500-510 美元 / cfr 。一位新加坡贸易商表示,中国供应商的官方报价为 510 美元 / cfr ,但可以接受 500 美元 / 吨。他补充说,人民币走强使出口价格居高不下。 Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)对 BS4449 500B 10-40mm 直径螺纹钢的每周估价升至 465 美元 / cfr 新加坡理重,周环比上涨 5 美元。

Chineserebar offers in Singapore are priced at similar levels, at $500-510/t cfr.Chinese suppliers are officially offering at $510/t cfr but can accept $500/t,a Singapore trader says. The strong CNY is still keeping export prices high, headds. Kallanish lifted its weekly BS4449 500B10-40mm diameter rebar price at $465/t cfr Singapore theoretical weight, up $5on week.

同时,过去一周菲律宾盘条市场保持稳定。来自印尼的 12 月船期高炉 SAE 1008 6.5mm 直径盘条主流报价约为 505 美元 / cfr 马尼拉。上周,成交价为 500 美元 / cfr 马尼拉。中国盘条主流报价为 525 美元 / cfr

Meanwhile,the wire rod market held steady in the Philippines over the past week. Offersfor December shipments of blast furnace SAE 1008 6.5mm diameter wire rod fromIndonesia are prevailing at around $505/t cfr Manila. Bookings took place lastweek at $500/t cfr Manila. Chinese wire rod offers are prevailing at $525/tcfr.

一位马尼拉贸易商表示,一些贸易商的还盘比报价低 5 美元 / 吨。他说,与过去两个月相比,市场放缓。另一位贸易商说,在 7-9 月大量订购之后,菲律宾市场“……盘条供应充裕”。

Some tradersare bidding at $5/t below offer prices, a Manila trader says. He says themarket is slower than the past two months. Another says thePhilippine market is "…a bit flooded with wirerod" after the spate of bookings in July-September.

Kallanish SAE 1008 6.5mm 直径盘条的估价为 500 美元 / cfr 马尼拉,周环比持平。

Kallanish assessedSAE 1008 6.5mm diameter wire rod at $500/t cfr Manila, unchanged on-week.
