专栏名称: 财经早餐
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Femorning Daily 8.4.2017

财经早餐  · 公众号  · 财经  · 2017-04-08 06:09


Hello,ladies and gentlemen! Today is Saturday April 8th, 2017. Welcome to today'sFemorning.

亲爱的观众朋友大家好,今天是 2017 4 8 日,星期六,欢迎大家收听今天的财经早餐。

1 State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) news, as of March 31st, China's foreign exchange reserves were 3.0091 trillionUS dollars, increased by 4 billion US dollars compared with the end ofFebruary, an increase of 0.1%, it was recovery for the second consecutive month. In the first quarter,China's foreign exchange reserves fell by 1.4 billion US dollars, the decreasewas significantly lower than the previous two quarters, reflecting that theoverall pressure of cross-border capital outflow has been eased with thestabilization of China's economic operation, changes in foreign exchangereserves are gradually stabilized.

外管局消息,截至 3 31 日, 我国外汇储备规模为 30091 亿美元,较 2 月末小幅上升 40 亿美元,增幅为 0.1% 为连续第二个月出现回升。一季度,我国外汇储备规模下降 14 亿美元,较前两季度降幅显著缩小,体现出随着我国经济运行趋稳,跨境资本流出压力总体有所缓解,外汇储备规模的变动正在逐步趋于稳定。

2 ECONOMIC INFORMATION DAILYnews, since the end of last year, the financing function of China's bond markethas been significantly weakening, but non-standard financing scale hasrebounded sharply. In the present, de-leverage in the bond market has achievedremarkable results, the negative effect of poor financing in the bond market isgradually emerging, it is necessary to fine tune the relevant policies torestore the financing function of the bond market. It is necessary for the monetary policy torelease some ease signals to hedge the tighten signal in the past, so as totruly implement the "neutral" policy tone.

经济参考报消息,从去年年末至今,我国债券市场融资功能明显走弱,非标类融资规模却大幅反弹。在债市去杠杆已经取得明显成效,债市融资不畅的负面效应逐步浮现的当下,有必要微调相关政策,恢复债市的融资功能。 货币政策有必要释放一些宽松信号,以对冲过去发出的紧缩信号,从而真正落实“中性”的政策基调。

3 CHINA BANKING REGULATORY COMMISSION (CBRC) issued "the guidance opinions on the banking industryenhancing the quality and efficiency of real economy". It proposed to effectivelycheck and correct trading businesses with too much participants, complexstructure, too long chain, and lead to funds being off the real economy to thevirtual economy, toensure that financial resources flow to the real economy. The collection andsharing of credit information and the joint incentive of trustworthy need to bestrengthened, the mechanism of credit enhancement and the risk-sharing of multi-partycooperation need to be improved, the intensity of the fight against corruptionneed to be increased.

银监会发布《关于提升银行业服务实体经济质效的指导意见》, 提出要切实查纠参与方过多、结构复杂、链条过长、导致资金脱实向虚的交易业务, 确保金融资源流向实体经济。要加强信用信息归集共享与守信联合激励,完善多方合作的增信和风险分担机制,加大逃废债打击力度。

4 Xinhua News Agency reported, despitethe continuous enforcing of property market regulation and control policies andthe continuous tightening of fighting against "real estate speculation",for many young people striving in cities, to buy a house in the short-term isstill out of reach. In the times of high housing prices,the local governments are searching for ways to establish a housing system of simultaneouspurchase and rent, the rental market is ushering in the "goldendevelopment period".

新华社消息,尽管楼市调控政策不断加码、打击“炒房”声声从紧,但对很多年轻的城市打拼者而言,短期内买房仍然显得遥不可及。 高房价时代,各地正在探索建立购租并举的住房制度,租赁市场迎来“黄金发展期”。

5 China Securities Journalnews, with the tightening of regulation and control, it is bound to have impacton the sales and operating performance for the housing business, some realestate enterprises’ attitudes toward the market have gradually turned tocaution this year. At the same time, in the land market, the real estateenterprises’ strategy of taking lands has also been adjusted. The industry insiderssaid that housing enterprises will take a more diverse model of land acquisition in thefuture. In additionto open market auction, they will take lands using ways more like mergers andacquisitions, the transformation of old cities and old villages and so on, soas to get a lot of high quality resources.

中证报消息,随着调控不断收紧,势必对房企的销售和经营业绩带来影响,部分房企对今年市场的态度逐渐偏向谨慎。同时,在土地市场上,房企拿地策略也有所调整。业内人士表示, 未来房企将采取更加多元的土地收购模式, 除了公开市场拍卖以外,更多运用并购收购、旧城旧村改造渠道等手段曲线拿地,从而获得大量优质资源。

6 BEIJING MUNICIPAL COMMISSION OF HOUSING AND URBAN-RURAL DEVELOPMENT recently said that in order tofurther strengthen the real estate regulation and control, to stabilize housingprices, to solve the problem of housing difficulties for new Beijing people andto meet the rigid demand, they will shortly carry out specific distribution pilots inpublic rental housing and self-using housing in Beijing for new Beijing people,but it is apply to those that have no housing, without household registration butwith stable jobs in Beijing.
