Mr Zhulkarnain Abdul Rahim asked the Prime Minister and Minister for Finance in view of more large companies in the private sector requiring employees to return to work in the office five days a week (a) whether the Civil Service will continue to support flexible working arrangements; and (b) whether the Government has conducted any studies on the benefits of working from home on businesses, such as environmental impact from lesser commuting and financial impact from lower operating and rental cost.
Mr Chan Chun Sing (for the Prime Minister): The Government recognises that there is a growing need for flexible work arrangements (FWAs), given the demographic changes facing Singapore and the evolving demands on Singaporeans with an ageing society. As highlighted in the Tripartite Guidelines on Flexible Work Arrangement Requests (TG-FWAR), FWAs are increasingly important in supporting working caregivers, encouraging workforce re-entry, sustaining labour force participation and enhancing talent attraction and retention. Flexible work also presents other benefits, such as to the environment, from reduced commute.
The Public Service is committed to implementing FWAs to support the evolving needs of our workforce. By the end of this year, Public Service agencies will have in place procedures relating to reviewing formal FWA requests in line with TG-FWAR.
The introduction of FWAs in the Public Service has, at the same time, not seen us shy away from our commitment to deliver effective policies and services. The recently released Singapore Public Service Outcomes Review 2024 shows that there has been good progress in key areas, such as growing opportunities for all, strengthening the economy, ensuring high-quality and sustainable living environment and safety and security. We will continue to monitor the implementation of FWAs within the Public Service moving forward and adjust our approach, where necessary.