一、巴西邮政推出虚商业务Correios Celular
巴西邮政局Correios推出了自己的移动虚拟网络运营商(简称虚商)业务, 计划五年内全国用户达到八百万。
Correios Celular已经酝酿虚商业务多年,并尝试使收入来源多样化:巴西邮政业在过去的几年中每年都亏损超过20亿巴西雷亚尔(6亿3千6百万美元)。
Brazilian Post与Surf Telecom公司合作共同推进该业务。Surf Telecom是一家巴西本地公司,利用Telecom Italia公司的移动运营商TIM提供网络。
最初,Brazilian Post唯一提供的产品是一个单一的预付费套餐,包括有效期为30天的100分钟通话和1GB的3G或4G数据流量,总费用为30巴西雷亚尔(即9.50美元)。
Brazilian Post launches Correios Celular service MVNO
Brazilian postal service Correios has launched its own mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) services with plans to reach a user base of eight million users nationwide within five years.
The Correios Celular service had been in the making for years and is an attempt to diversify revenue sources: the Brazilian postal service has been suffering with annual losses surpassing R$2bn ($636m) over the last couple of years.
The service operates under a partnership with Surf Telecom, a local firm that utilizes the network provided by Telecom Italia’s mobile operator TIM.
Initially, the only product on offer will be a single prepaid package that offers 100 minutes plus 1GB 3G/4G of data valid of 30 days costing R$30 ($9.50).
The service features zero-rated WhatsApp access. In addition, access to some government websites is also offered free outside the initial data allowance.
Some 12 branches of the postal service in the city of São Paulo will be offering the product in the launch phase. This will be followed by Belo Horizonte and Brazil’s capital Brasília.
By the end of 2017, Correios plans to extend the mobile product to some 3,600 cities across the country and at least 500,000 customers generating about R$14m ($4.5m) in revenue.
西班牙电信公司Telefonica旗下的虚商品牌Tuenti宣布,将针对年轻观众推出新的YouTube频道,以扩大用户群体。该YouTube频道将分为四个板块(分别为'Tuenti antes de morir', 'Con T de Tuenti', 'Oh My App'和'Giga Botch')并由七个国内最受欢迎的YouTube博主(“油管博主”)演绎特别节目内容。其YouTube博主包括Yellow Mellow, Elvisa, Around the Corner, Loulogio,Topes de Gama等。Tuenti称此举为新合作方式下的一次尝试,这会让YouTube内容创造者拥有自己的频道,而非反之亦然。
Spain's Tuenti launches YouTube channel
Telefonica-owned MVNO Tuenti has announced the launch of a new YouTube channel to promote its range of offers to a young audience. The channel will be divided into four sections ('Tuenti antes de morir', 'Con T de Tuenti', 'Oh My App' and 'Giga Botch') and will feature special content from seven of the country's most popular Youtubers, including Yellow Mellow, Elvisa, Around the Corner, Loulogio and Topes de Gama. Tuenti said the new venture is an attempt at a new type of collaboration, in that it's bringing YouTube content creators to its own channel, rather than vice-versa.
三、虚商Simquadrat增加Smart L费用中的通话时长,短信数量和流量数据
德国VoIP服务提供商Sipgate的预付虚商Simquadrat增加了Smart L费用内的通话时长和数据流量。购买基本Simquadrat套餐(30天4.95欧元)的用户可享受此费率,即14.95欧元每月的套餐。该套餐将德国境内的通话时长从200分钟增加至250分钟,以及增加国内短信50条。同时,套餐内的数据流量翻了一倍,即从500 MB增至1000 MB。
Simquadrat adds minutes, SMS, data to Smart L tariff
German VoIP service provider Sipgate's prepaid MVNO Simquadrat has increased the number of minutes and data included in its Smart L tariff. The tariff is available for customers with the basic Simquadrat (EUR 4.95 per 30 days) and costs EUR 14.95 per 30 days. The number of included minutes for calls within Germany has been increased from 200 to 250 minutes and the tariff now also includes 50 SMSs to be sent within Germany. At the same time, the included data volume has been doubled from 500 Mb to 1000 Mb.