2017年10月31日,美国麻省总医院胸外科主任Douglas J. Mathisen教授和美国圣路易斯市心胸外科中心(Center for Cardiothoracic Surgery, Inc)主席Hon Chi Suen(孙汉治)医生将来到广州医科大学附属第一医院(广医一院)参加“Airway Surgery &Tubeless VATS”研讨会,并进行参观,学习,交流。两位专家将分别分享“特发性气管狭窄”、“气管外科的历史”、“联合食管切除术和隆突切除术”等话题。而广医一院何建行院长的团队则分享非插管气管手术和无管胸腔镜手术、非插管胸腺、气胸手术的进展,何院长还特别邀请了蔡开灿教授和曹庆东教授分享食管手术的经验,为大家呈现传统与创新碰撞的技术盛宴和学术精品。欢迎全国广大医生、学者报名现场参与,与麻省名家面对面交流(名额有限,仅限150人);没能获得现场名额的同道,可以通过AME直播平台在线收看(参与方式见下文)。
美国麻省总医院(Massachusetts General Hospital, MGH)被称为现代气管外科起源地,也是全球气管手术量最大的医院,“现代气管外科之父”Hermes Grillo教授的团队深耕于此(Douglas Mathisen教授和Joel Cooper教授等气管外科领域的名家在MGH都是师从Grillo教授)。MGH创造了很多气管手术工具和手术方式,在气管切除及重建方面作出了杰出贡献1。
而近年来惊艳众人的是,广医一院的何建行院长团队开创了非插管气管手术,倡导微创和快速康复的理念。2017年 6月,Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 杂志题为The Year in Thoracic Anesthesia: Selected Highlights from 2016(《2016年胸科麻醉大事记》)一文中2,来自匹兹堡大学、斯坦福大学、北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校等机构的专家学者共同甄选了2016年胸科麻醉领域最值得关注的学术进展,其中,Nonintubated Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery(非插管麻醉胸腔镜手术,又称自主呼吸麻醉胸腔镜手术,以下简称NIVATS)摘下榜首。此文还着重介绍了将NIVATS与单孔胸腔镜手术进行融合与创新的术式——Tubeless VATS3。
这一项颠覆传统、革新性的技术,甚至引起了大洋彼岸的Douglas J. Mathisen教授、Hon Chi Suen医生等人的注意,了解非插管气管手术和无插管胸腔镜手术的进展便是他们此番到访广医一院的重要行程之一,更为重要的是,双方在短暂的交流中探讨长期合作的方案,以此为契机,借助两个中心的强大科研和临床平台,结合双方的优势,促进非插管技术在气管外科、胸外科等领域的应用和推广,解决临床难题,造福病人。除了医院平台的合作,AME旗下Journal of Thoracic Disease(JTD)可为双方提供充分的学术支持,何建行院长是JTD的执行主编,而Mathisen教授和Hon Chi Suen医生是JTD的编委。
会议时间: 2017.10.31
会议地点: 广州医科大学附属第一医院住院部大楼30楼
1. 参会方式:
A. 现场参与:本次研讨会现场仅开放150个名额,全国相关领域的医生、学者、学生可以在线报名,注册费用:500元/人。注册方式:识别下方二维码,进入微店购买”Airway Surgery & Tubeless VATS”课程、付款,填写个人信息即可。
B. 观看在线直播:除了现场参与,全国相关领域的医生、学者、学生都可通过AME直播观看会议讲座,注册费用:100元/人。注册方式:识别下方二维码,关注直播间,点击公众号主页下方,选择相应直播内容“Airway Surgery &Tubeless VATS”,付费后即可观看。
2. 会议期间参会代表食宿、交通自理
3. 会议联系人
Cooper JD. Surgery of the airway:historic notes. J Thorac Dis 2016;8(Suppl 2):S113-S120. doi: 10.3978/j.issn.2072-1439.2016.01.87
Boisen ML, Rao VK, Kolarczyk L, et al. TheYear in Thoracic Anesthesia: Selected Highlights from 2016. J Cardiothorac VascAnesth. 2017 Jun;31(3):791-799.
Chief, Division of Thoracic Surgery,Massachusetts General Hospital, 55 Fruit Street, Founders 7, Boston, MA 02114,USA
Dr. Mathisen is the Chief of the Divisionof Thoracic Surgery and Visiting Surgeon at the Massachusetts General Hospital,Boston, MA. He is also the Professor of Surgery at Harvard Medical School.
He received his medical degree from theUniversity of Illinois College of Medicine in 1974 and was AOA. He was ageneral surgery resident and cardiothoracic resident at the Massachusetts General Hospital from July, 1974 to December, 1982. He spent 2 years inthe Surgery Branch of the National Cancer Institute of Health, Bethesda,Maryland. He spent 6 months at the Western Chest Hospital, Southampton,England, during his general surgery residency. He joined Massachusetts General’s Thoracic Surgery unit in 1984.
He is a past Director of the American Boardof Thoracic Surgery, past President of the Thoracic Surgery DirectorsAssociation, past Chairman of the Residency Review Committee, past Treasurer, past President of the Society of Thoracic Surgeons and past Councilor of theEuropean Association of Cardio-thoracic Surgery. He has held numerousother positions in national medical organizations. He has published over380 articles and book chapters and written 5 books.
At the MGH he has been Chief of ThoracicSurgery since 1994, Chief of Cardiac Surgery 2007-2011, and Program Director in Cardiothoracic Surgery since 1995. He was a previous member of the Physicians Organization Executive Committee, Board of Directors and General Executive Committee. He has been the Director or Co-Director of a highly successful Postgraduate Course in Thoracic Surgery since 1985. Dr.Mathisen received the Distinguished Service Award from the Society of ThoracicSurgeons at the 2014 Annual Meeting. He is an Honorary Member of theEuropean Society of Thoracic Surgery.
Hon Chi Suen
Cardiothoracic Surgeon and President, Center for Cardiothoracic Surgery, Inc., St. Louis, MO, USA
Dr. Hon Chi Suen graduated from the University of Hong Kong.After obtaining FRCSEd and FRCS(G) he further his studies at Harvard University(Massachusetts General Hospital and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center) under Hermes C. Grillo, MD, Doughlas J. Mathisen, MD and John C. Wain, MD and Washington University (Barnes-Jewish Hospital) under Joel D. Cooper, MD and G.Alexander Patterson, MD. In 2006, he established Center for CardiothoracicSurgery, Inc in St. Louis, MO, USA and has served as President since then. His scope of practice includes cardiac surgery, thoracic surgery, airway surgery, esophageal surgery, mediastinal surgery, diaphragmatic surgery and chest wall fracture surgery. He frequently travels to China and participates in thoracic surgery educational activities.
美国外科学院Fellow,英国皇家外科学院(RCS)Fellow,美国胸外科协会 (AATS) Member,STS&欧洲胸外科医师学会(ESTS) Member,广东省胸部疾病学会长,广东省医学会副会长,广东省医师协会副会长,广东省医院管理学会副会长,广东省健康管理学会副会长,广东省精准医学会副会长,广东省医学会胸外科分会首任主任委员,广东省医师协会胸外科医师分会首任主任委员,广东省明医医疗慈善基金会执行理事长,卫生部有突出贡献中青年专家,中央保健专家,Journal of ThoracicDisease (INDEXED BY SCI)创始人及执行总编辑,Annals of Translational Medicine 总编辑,European Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery胸外科编委,2014中国医生奖, 2014中国十大口碑医生,国务院津贴专家,南粤百杰。河南省安阳肿瘤医院名誉院长。
蔡开灿,教授 ,博士 ,主任医师,南方医科大学南方医院胸外科主任,博士研究生导师。