专栏名称: 中山大学管理学院
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科研论文 | 秦昕副教授发表一A重要核心期刊论文

中山大学管理学院  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-10-16 21:26




教师姓名: 秦昕 副教授

论文题目 :Will Creative Employees Always Make Trouble? Investigating the Roles of Moral Identity and Moral Disengagement

刊物名称: Journal of Business Ethics

期刊卷期数: 2019年第157卷

所有作者: Zheng, X., Qin, X.(通讯), Liu, X., Liao, H.(共同第一作者)

学校类别: 一A重要核心期刊论文


Recent research has uncovered the dark side of creativity by finding that creative individuals are more likely to engage in unethical behavior. However, we argue that not all creative individuals make trouble. Using moral self-regulation theory as our overarching theoretical framework, we examine individuals’ moral identity as a boundary condition and moral disengagement as a mediating mechanism to explain when and how individual creativity is associated with workplace deviant behavior. We conducted two field studies using multi-source data to test our hypotheses. In Study 1, the results indicated that creativity positively predicted moral disengagement for those low in moral identity. In Study 2 with multi-wave data, we replicated the finding that moral identity moderated the effect of creativity on moral disengagement in Study 1 and further revealed that moral disengagement mediated the interactive effects of creativity and moral identity on workplace deviant behavior. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings and directions for future research are discussed.


秦昕,北京大学光华管理学院管理学博士,哈佛大学商学院中美富布赖特(Fulbright)联合培养博士生,中山大学管理学院管理学学士,现任中山大学管理学院常任轨副教授,入选中山大学“百人计划”人才引进项目。研究兴趣包括领导、伦理、交叉学科等。已在Academy of Management Journal、Strategic Management Journal、Journal of Applied Psychology、Personnel Psychology、Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes、Human Relations、Journal of Business Ethics、《管理世界》《心理学报》等国内外顶级学术期刊上发表20余篇论文。
