专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-02-28 09:50



Import offers of hot rolled coil intosouthern Europe are still uncompetitive, despite some source believing servicecentres will soon need to replenish their stocks.

据报道,土耳其供应商的报价仍为 480-490 欧元 / 吨( 527-537 美元 / 吨) cfr 。这远高于意大利市场上 440-460 欧元 / 吨出厂价的交易水平,与西班牙国内市场上的报价相比也没有竞争力。

Turkish suppliers are still reportedto be offering at €480-490/tonne ($527-537) cfr. This is well above the€440-460/t ex-works base transaction levels registered in Italy and notcompetitive compared with offers in the Spanish domestic market.


“Service centres in Italy are sniffingaround, but domestic material remains more competitive than imports,” a tradernotes.

由于意大利爆发新冠肺炎疫情,本周市场处于不稳定状态。当地一家板材供应商 Arvedi 表示,生产和交货未受影响。然而,一位贸易商指出,需求将受到打击。他表示:“市场应该不会受到意大利近期消息的影响,但实际上,未来几周需求将受到负面影响。”

The market is in limbo this week dueto the outbreak of the coronavirus in Italy. Arvedi, a local flat productssupplier, says production and deliveries are not impacted. Nevertheless, atrader notes demand will be hit. “The market should not suffer from the recentnews in Italy, but, effectively, demand will be impacted negatively during thenext weeks,” he says.

根据 Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)的估价,热轧卷进口价格保持在自 2019 6 月以来的最高水平。与近期相比, 35 欧元 / 吨的差价也非常高。这表明,如果进口水平继续居高,本地钢厂应该有可能在各自市场上进一步提高交易价格。

According to the Kallanish priceseries, import prices for HRC remain at their peak since June 2019. Thedifferential of €35/t is also very high compared with recent periods. Thisindicates that if import levels remain elevated, domestic mills should have thepossibility to further lift transaction prices in their respective markets.



Asia Steel Markets 2020 (已延期)

22 Apr 2020, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
