专栏名称: GISer last
GISer last 公众号 主要以分享互联网数据资源为主。也分享过GIS、FME等技术教程方法。我个人对于大数据资源、可视化制作、地图制图等方面有很大兴趣,也会分享个人的一些应用和教程。
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GISer last  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-01-09 21:42


本期推送的是“ 城市地理与环境规划类刊物 ”(2024年12月) 的文献目录,我们对《Urban Studies》《Urban Geography》《Nature Cities》和《International Journal of Urban and Regional Research》等主要收录环境与规划类(包括城市地理研究类)论文的文献更新进行了整理,文献目录如下。

*为了便于查阅,推送将文献标题进行了翻译,其中 有关中国的研究 来自中国学者 的文献进行了 高亮 处理。

一、《城市研究(Urban Studies)》

Online First (2024/11/28-2024/12/27)

1. Climate change and municipal finance: Ordinary innovations for just urban transitions

作者: Claudia V Diezmartínez, Anne G Short Gianotti

单位: Boston University, USA

2. Salience of social identities in explaining homeownership patterns in India

作者: Ashish Gupta, Prashant Das, N Edward Coulson, Abhiman Das

单位: RICS School of Built Environment, Amity University, India; Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, India; University of California Irvine, USA

3. Urban infrastructures, metabolic resource flows and the contradictions of circular economy ‘solutions’ in Nantes and Gothenburg

作者: Jean-Baptiste Bahers, Jonathan Rutherford

单位: CNRS, UMR ESO (Spaces and Societies) 6590, Université de Nantes, France; LATTS - Laboratoire Techniques, Territoires et Sociétés, UMR 8134 CNRS, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, France

4. Of broken promises cities are made. Gambling, urbanisation, and belonging in Macau

作者: Sheyla S Zandonai

单位: University of Macau, China

5. Where do neighbourhood reputations come from? Analysing Chicago community areas using a systematic neighbourhood reputation score, 1985–2020

作者: Forrest Stuart, Charles R Collins, Bocar Wade, Rebecca D Gleit, Caylin Louis Moore

6. Laboratory Barcelona: Tenants, corporate landlords and housing justice

作者: Jordi Bonshoms-Guzman

单位: Pompeu Fabra University, Spain

7. The (re)enchantment of suburbia: Mediation of the production and consumption of Melbourne’s outer suburbs

作者: Nicholas A Phelps, Ashraful Alam

单位: The University of Melbourne, Australia

8. The complexities of smartification: Exploring horizontal tensions in smart city governance

作者: Desirée Enlund, Katherine Harrison

单位: Linköping University, Sweden

9. Zoning a productive city? A typology of clustering, diversity and specialisation in Melbourne’s urban industrial areas

作者: Carl Grodach, Nícolas Guerra-Tão

单位: Monash University, Australia

10. ‘Neo-collectivisation’ through property rights reforms: Villager empowerment and state building in urbanising China

作者: Siu Wai Wong, Jinlong Liu, Bo-sin Tang

单位: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China; Renmin University of China, China; The University of Hong Kong, China

11. Hello, stranger? How attraction trumps interaction in ‘new’ public space

作者: Sverre Bjerkeset

单位: Oslo School of Architecture and Design, Norway

12. (Re)defining the smart city at national level? Coexisting narratives of urban sustainability governance in Germany

作者: Leonie Büttner, Nele Kress

单位: Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Germany; Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Germany

13. Urban street dynamics: Assessing the relationship of sidewalk width and pedestrian activity in Auckland, New Zealand, based on mobile phone data

作者: I-Ting Chuang, Qingqing Chen

单位: The University of Auckland, New Zealand; University at Buffalo, USA

14. Will low-carbon transformation cause income inequality? Empirical evidence from the low-carbon city pilot policy

作者: Dong Liang, Yu Liu, Shuo Zhang, Boyang Chen

单位: China Agricultural University, China; Peking University, China; University of Hong Kong, China

15. On measuring Muslim segregation in urban India

作者: Arpit Shah, Anish Sugathan, Naveen Bharathi, Andaleeb Rahman, Amit Garg, Deepak Malghan

单位: Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, India; University of Pennsylvania, USA; Cornell University, USA; Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, India

《城市研究(Urban Studies)》

Current Issue (Volume 61 Issue 16)

16. Digitalisation, neighbourhood change and urban social processes: Conceptual framework and introduction to the Special Issue

作者: George C Galster, Jan Üblacker

单位: Wayne State University, USA; University of Applied Science for Housing and Real Estate, Germany

17. How digitalisation influences neighbourhood change

作者: George C Galster

单位: Wayne State University, USA

18. What’s in a name? Place misrepresentation and neighbourhood stigma in the online rental market

作者: Ariela Schachter, John Kuk, Max Besbris, Lydia Ho

单位: Washington University in St. Louis, USA; University of Oklahoma, USA; University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA

19. Access to the exclusive city: Home sharing as an affordable housing strategy

作者: Julia Gabriele Harten, Geoff Boeing

单位: University of British Columbia, Canada; University of Southern California, USA

20. Supplementary rental supply? The digital market for low-cost and informal housing in Sydney, Australia

作者: Zahra Nasreen, Nicole Gurran, Pranita Shrestha

单位: The University of Sydney, Australia

21. Place-oriented digital agency: Residents’ use of digital means to enhance neighbourhood change

作者: Hadas Zur

单位: Harvard University, USA

22. Preference for internet at home in a disadvantaged neighbourhood

作者: Sören Petermann

单位: Ruhr University Bochum, Germany

23. The implications of digital school quality information for neighbourhood and school segregation: Evidence from a natural experiment in Los Angeles

作者: Jared N Schachner, Ann Owens, Gary D Painter

单位: University of Southern California, USA; University of Cincinnati, USA

24. Catalysts of connection. The role of digital information and communication technology in fostering neighbourhood social cohesion: A systematic review of empirical findings

作者: Jan Üblacker, Simon Liebig, Hawzheen Hamad

单位: University of Applied Science for Housing and Real Estate, Germany; ILS, Research Institute for Regional and Urban Development, Germany

25. The unequal spread of digital neighbourhood platforms in urban neighbourhoods: A multilevel analysis of socio-demographic predictors and their relation to neighbourhood social capital

作者: Dietrich Oberwittler, Lisa Natter

单位: Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law, Germany; Criminological Research Group, Bavarian State Criminal Police Office, Germany

26. Local familiar strangers in digitalising urban neighbourhoods in Seoul

作者: Yong-Chan Kim, Miran Pyun, Hyejin Shin, Lu Fang

单位: Yonsei University, Korea; Seoul National University, Korea; Penn State University, USA

27. A conceptual framework for understanding neighbourhoods in the digital age

作者: Tali Hatuka

单位: Tel Aviv University, Israel

二、《城市地理(Urban Geography)》

Online First (2024/11/28-2024/12/27)

28. The dragon’s head or Athens’ sacrifice zone? Spatiotemporal disjuncture, logistical disruptions, and urban infrastructural justice in Piraeus port, Greece

作者: Elia Apostolopoulou

单位: Centre for Environmental Policy, Imperial College London, London, UK; Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK

29. Socio-material governance tensions in nature-based solution experiments:Lessons from Turin

作者: Alessandra Manganelli

单位: DFG – Research Training Group 2725: “Urban future-making”, HafenCity Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

30. Aging, everyday active mobility and the challenge of the tourist city: An illustration from Barcelona

作者:  Wilbert den Hoed & Antonio Paolo Russo

单位: Research Group on Territorial Analysis and Tourism Studies (GRATET), Department of Geography, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain

31. Trust and social space - a relational perspective

作者:  Cosima Werner

单位: Department of Geography, Christian-Albrechts-University, Kiel, Germany

32. Rhythmanalysis and the emergence of public space: The case of University Avenue in Saint Paul following the George Floyd uprising

作者:  Dan Trudeau

单位: Department of Geography, Macalester College, USA

33. Turning land into assets: Local government borrowing through land assetization in China

作者:  Yi Feng, Fulong Wu & Fangzhu Zhang

单位: Bartlett School of Planning, University College London, London, UK

34. Public housing, homeplaces, and entangled spatial strategies of Black freedom

作者: Mona Domosh

单位: Department of Geography, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, USA

《城市地理(Urban Geography)》

Current Issue (Volume 45 Issue 10)

35. The empire strikes back: The financialization of rental housing – a new frontier of accumulation and precarity

作者: Raquel Rolnik, Adriana Marín-Toro & Etien Jasonson

单位: Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil; et al.

36. The new informality? The financialization of informal housing as a parasitic relation (2023) Plenary Commentary

作者: D. Asher Ghertner

单位: Department of Geography, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA

37. The geographies of housing assetization (2023) Plenary Commentary

作者: Ayona Datta

单位: Department of Geography, University College London, London, United Kingdom

38. Climate transparency and the affective politics of adaptation in Miami

作者: Savannah Cox

单位: Department of Urban Studies and Planning, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK

39. “I don't think anybody’s ever been to scale:” The imperative for growth and the implications of scale for Community Land Trusts in Minnesota, USA

作者: Deborah G. Martin, Joseph Pierce, James DeFilippis, Olivia R. Williams, Richard Kruger & Azadeh Hadizadeh Esfahani

单位: Graduate School of Geography, Clark University, Worcester, MA, USA; et al.

40. Tracing the smart virus in a smart city: A discursive analysis of Singapore’s early pandemic surveillance response

作者: Al Lim

单位: Department of Anthropology and School of the Environment, Yale University, USA

40. Integrated urban governance of COVID-19 interventions in Ghanaian cities: Insight from marketplaces in Accra and Kumasi

作者: Lewis Abedi Asante, Naa Adjeley Ashiboe-Mensah Doamekpor, Joseph Kwaku Kidido, Paapa Yaw Asante, Jannat Abbas & Henning Füller

单位: Department of Estate Management, Faculty of Built and Natural Environment, Kumasi Technical University, Ghana; et al.

41. The restless urban landscape of housing financialization: Geographies of residential real estate investment trust expansion in Germany and the United States

作者: Zac J. Taylor & Manuel B. Aalbers

单位: Department of Management in the Built Environment, TU Delft, Delft, The Netherlands;  Division of Geography & Tourism, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium

42. The Vancouver socioecological fix: Indigenous real-estate development as the city’s imagination of sustainability, affordability, and reconciliation

作者: Thilo van der Haegen

单位: Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany;b HafenCity University Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

43. Mitungi as … thinking about urban space and infrastructure with the jerry can

作者: Moritz Kasper

单位: Department of Spatial Planning, Technical University Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany

三、《国际城市和区域研究杂志(International Journal of Urban and Regional Research)》

Online First (2024/11/28-2024/12/27)

44 . Integrating climate policy objectives into municipal land policies: From conceptualization to empirical evidence from Finland

作者: Tuulia Puustinen, Heidi Falkenbach, Ari Ekroos, Seppo Junnila

单位: Department of the Built Environment, Aalto University, P.O. Box 12200, Aalto, Finland

45. Heritagizing the other: Diversity, heritage and gentrification in Amsterdam Oost

作者: Elisa Fiore, Vittoria Caradonna

单位: Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning, Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University, Princetonlaan 8a, 3584 CB, Utrecht, The Netherlands

46. Mega-real estate speculation and racialized dispossession: Miami's Little Haiti

作者: Richard Tardanico

单位: Department of Global and Sociocultural Studies, Steven J. Green School of International & Public Affairs, Florida International University, SIPA 1, 3rd floor, 11200 SW 8th Street, Miami, Florida 33199 USA

47. States of compulsion: Reassessing ‘State-Led’ neighborhood change in Hong Kong

作者: Ben A. Gerlofs, Kylie Yuet Ning Poon

单位: Department of Geography, Urban Systems Institute, University of Hong Kong, China; Department of Geography, University of California, Los Angeles

四、《自然·城市(Nature Cities)》

Online First (2024/11/28-2024/12/27)

48. From local to global and in between, urban context counts (Editorial)

49. Untapped capacity of place-based peer-to-peer resource sharing for community resilience

作者: Zhengyang Li , Anthony Chen, Cynthia Chen, Katherine Idziorek

单位: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China; et al.

50. Cities incorporate equity in their climate policies but overlook procedural justice in decision-making

作者: Mahir Yazar, Håvard Haarstad & Johan Elfving

单位: Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation, Department of Geography, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway

51. Domestic migration and city rank dynamics

作者: Sandro M. Reia, P. Suresh C. Rao, Marc Barthelemy & Satish V. Ukkusuri

单位: Lyles School of Civil and Construction Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA; et al.

52. Response and sensitivity of urban plants with different seed dispersal modes

作者: Zhiwen Gao, Yingji Pan, Kun Song, Yanyi Yang, Mingming Zhuge, Tian Wu, Tiyuan Xia, Yuandong Hu, Liangjun Da & Ellen Cieraad

单位: Global Institute for Urban and Regional Sustainability, Tiantong National Forest Ecosystem Observation and Research Station, School of Ecological and Environmental Sciences, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China; et al.

53. Urban inequality, the housing crisis and deteriorating water access in US cities

作者: Katie Meehan, Jason R. Jurjevich, Lucy Everitt, Nicholas M.J.W. Chun & Justin Sherrill

单位: Department of Geography, King’s College London, London, UK; School of Geography, Development and Environment, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA; ECONorthwest, Portland, OR, USA

《自然·城市(Nature Cities)》

Current Issue (Volume 1 Issue 12)

54. From local to global and in between, urban context counts (Editorial)

55. Polls, planning and the potential for people and planet

作者: Laura Young, Sarah Crowe, Sue Dawson, Husam AlWaer & Rebecca Wade

单位: Faculty of Social and Applied Sciences, Abertay University and the Centre for Water Law, Policy and Science, Energy Environment and Society, University of Dundee, Dundee, UK; et al.

56. Open questions about the effects of ground warming on infrastructure

作者: Alessandro F. Rotta Loria

单位: Subsurface Opportunities and Innovations Laboratory (SOIL), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA

57. Organizing against urban inequality

作者: Floris Vermeulen

单位: University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

58. Criminal governance and social order in Nottingham, England (Research Briefing)

59. Neighborhood contexts shape how organizations connect communities (Research Briefing)

60. People make places urban

作者: Sean Fox & Levi John Wolf

单位: School of Geographical Sciences, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK

