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明日线上学术报告 | 焦雨铃、林文慧、师恺、王雷等14位大咖线上做学术报告,植物与环境互作国际学术讨论会

植物科学最前沿  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-05-12 21:02







International Workshop on Plant-Environment Interactions

本届植物与环境互作国际学术讨论会将由Wiley 集团与北京林业大学联合举办。会议旨在深入探讨植物在不同环境条件下的适应性、响应和互动机制,以及如何通过合作研究积极推动植物生长发育与环境保护的可持续发展,并促进不同国家和地区在该领域的科学研究成果分享与传播,推动全球范围内的学术合作与创新。

本次会议免收注册费,参会人员请自行安排住宿,现场参会席位有限,欢迎积极报名参会。如需报名或者咨询会议细节,请联系崔老师 ([email protected])。



International Workshop on Plant-Environment Interactions


2024年5月13日 (周一)



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北京林业大学图书馆 五层报告厅


  • 林金星,北京林业大学生物学院

  • Christine Foyer, University of Birminghan, UK


  • Alex Costa, University of Minalo, Italy

  • Donart Ort, University of Illinois, USA

  • Steffan Abel, University of Halle, Germany

  • Stephen Clemens, University of Bayreuth, Germany

  • Seth Davis, University of York, UK

  • Jonathan Ingram, Wiley

  • 雷蕾,Wiley

  • 黄烯,厦门大学生科院

  • 焦雨铃,北京大学生科院

  • 林汉民,香港中文大学生科院

  • 林文慧,上海交通大学生科院

  • 师恺,浙江大学园艺学院

  • 王雷,中国科学院植物研究所

  • 叶清,中国科学院华南植物研究所



Christine Foyer

University of Birmingham, UK

Christine is Professor of Plant Sciences at the University of Birmingham (UK). She obtained her BSc at the University of Portsmouth, UK, and her PhD at Kings College, London, UK. She is the President of the Association of Applied Biologists, an elected Board Member of the American Society of Plant Biologists and a Member of the French Academy of Agriculture. She is also the Editor in Chief of Food and Energy Security. As well as being a Senior Editor for Plant, Cell and Environment, she is an Associate Editor of the Biochemical Journal and Physiologia Plantarum, and an Editor of The Journal of Experimental Biology. Christine has over 400 published papers and currently has an H-Index over 100. She is on the Thomson Reuters IP and Science official list of Highly Cited Researchers ranked within the top 1% most cited works for their subject field and year of publication, earning a mark of Exceptional Impact. Christine is an expert in plant metabolism and its regulation under optimal and stress conditions. Her lab focuses on the role of reduction/oxidation (redox) processes and signals in regulating plant growth and stress tolerance, studying how primary processes (photosynthesis, respiration) alter the redox status of cells and associated phytohormone signalling under optimal and stress conditions. Using model plants (Arabidopsis) as well as crops (wheat, barley, maize, soybean, tomato) the lab investigates plant responses to abiotic (drought, heat, chilling, high light) and biotic (aphids) stresses.

Jinxing Lin

Beijing Forestry University, China

Jinxing is a professor and director of the Institute of Tree Development & Genome Editing at Beijing Forestry University. He obtained his PhD from the Department of Biology at Peking University in 1992, after his ad hoc study from 1986 to 1988 at the Australian National University. From 1992 to 2013, he worked as a postdoctoral fellow, and became a PI/director of department at Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, including several periods of collaborative studies in Max-Planck Institute at Koeln, University of Antwerpen, University of Cambridge, and University of Bonn. From 2014 to 2021, he worked as the dean of College of Biological Sciences, Beijing Forestry University and President of Beijing Botanical Society. He has published extensively in plant science, with particular research interests in cell biology and tree physiology.

Jonathan Ingram

Wiley, Oxford, UK

Jonathan obtained a DPhil at the University of Oxford through research on the regulation of malate decarboxylation in CAM plants, and continued work on the molecular basis of drought tolerance in resurrection plants under a Royal Society Research Fellowship at the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research in Cologne. Following a move to Trends in Plant Science with Elsevier, he then spent time as Managing Editor at New Phytologist and Commissioning Editor at Journal of Experimental Botany. At Wiley Jonathan has managed an evolving portfolio of life science titles with particular focus in plant and environmental sciences, including Plant, Cell & Environment, Physiologia Plantarum and Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews.

Jonathan is Editor in Chief at Plant-Environment Interactions, Co Editor in Chief at Food and Energy Security, and Senior Editor at Ecology and Evolution.

Lei Lei

Wiley, Beijing, China

Lei earned her Ph.D. in Plant Biology from Pennsylvania State University in the USA, followed by a postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. She holds dual bachelor's degrees in Biological Sciences and Economics from Peking University in China. Before joining Wiley, Lei served as a Senior Editor at Nature Plants, primarily based in New York.

With over fifteen years of experience in scientific research and academic publishing, she has authored more than sixty research articles, reviews, and commentaries in various international journals, including Nature Plants, New Phytologist, PNAS, Current Opinion in Plant Biology, Plant Cell, Molecular Plant, The Arabidopsis Book, Plant Physiology, Advanced Biology, and Modern Agriculture etc.

Lei currently oversees the strategic positioning, team development, and sustainability of several life science journals at Wiley, such as Global Change Biology, GCB-bioenergy, Cell Proliferation, Land Degradation and Development, Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, Grass and Forage Science, iMeta, mLife, Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, Animal Research and One Health, New Plant Protection, iMetaomics etc. She is also actively involved in Wiley's scientific editorial teams for multiple journals, including Advanced Science and Advanced Biology, and serves as a co-EiC for Modern Agriculture.

Alex Costa

University of Milano, Italy

In 2011 Alex became Assistant Professor in Plant Physiology at the University of Milano (now Associate Professor since 2015) and focused his attention on the development of new tools for the study of calcium dynamics in plant subcellular compartments, with the final aim of identifying the molecular mechanisms involved in calcium transport across membranes. Thanks to a fruitful collaboration with the Politecnico of Milano, Alex used new microscopy technologies (LSFM) for the study of calcium dynamics in single cells during development or in response to external stimuli. The great interest about microscopy brought Alex to contribute to the setting-up of the new bio-imaging facility NOLIMITS at the University of Milano becoming its Scientific Director.

Qing Ye

South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou, China

Qing is a professor at South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou. He is interested in the regulation mechanisms of plant water relations from the molecular to ecosystem levels. His current research focuses on hydraulic strategies underlying plant adaptation to variable environmental factors, and the linkage between plant functional traits and forest ecology under global change scenarios.

Further information


Donald Ort

University of Illinois, USA

Don is the Robert Emerson Professor of Plant Biology and Crop Sciences at the University of Illinois. His B.S. degree is in biology/chemistry from Wake Forest University and he earned his Ph.D. in plant biochemistry from Michigan State University. He has served as President of the American Society of Plant Biology, President of the International Society of Photosynthesis Research, President of the International Association of Plant Physiology, and as Editor-in-Chief of Plant Physiology. He is an ASPB Kettering Award recipient, Fellow of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and Member of the National Academy of Sciences.

He is the Director of the SoyFACE project; a unique open-air laboratory investigating the impacts of rising carbon dioxide and tropospheric ozone and their interactions with temperature and precipitation on crop systems of the Midwest (www.soyface.uiuc.edu). He is also Theme Leader of Genomic Ecology of Global Change in the Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology at Illinois. His laboratory is engaged in three lines of research: i) redesigning photosynthesis for improved efficiency; ii) the molecular and biochemical basis of environmental interactions with crop plants; and iii) ecological genomics: interactive effects of CO 2 , temperature and drought on plant, plant canopy and plant ecosystem performance.

Yuling Jiao

Peking University, Beijing, China

Yuling is Professor of Life Sciences at Peking University. He obtained his PhD at Yale University. Yuling is an expert in plant development, especially the involvement of mechanical stress. His group has also been actively involved in synthetic biology.

Further information:



Kai Shi

Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China

Kai is a professor in the Department of Horticulture at Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. Her research focuses on exploring how horticultural crops, particularly tomato, respond to biotic and abiotic stresses in the context of global climate change, aiming to devise eco-friendly approaches that improve plant resilience.

Further information:


Steffen Abel

Leibnix-Institute of Plant Biochemistry, Halle, Germany

Steffen is the Director of Leibnix-Institute of Plant Biochemistry in Halle, Germany.  He is also a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of IPK Gatersleben.
