The greatest shock to the marriage tradition came from an unlikely source: in 1997, the government gave people the right to buy and sell homes on the open market. China had never had an official term for “mortgage,” but real estate was suddenly an asset. Young Chinese couples used to move in with the groom’s parents, but today less than half of them stay very long, and the economists Shang-Jin Wei and Xiaobo Zhang discovered that parents with sons were building ever larger and more expensive houses for their offspring, in the hope of attracting better matches. Between 2003 and 2011, home prices in Beijing, Shanghai, and other big cities rose by as much as eight hundred per cent. According to a poll reported last year by Xinhua, the state news service, although only ten per cent of men on Jiayuan own a home, nearly seventy per cent of women said they wouldn’t marry a man without one. James Farrer, a sociologist at Sophia University, in Tokyo, who studies Chinese dating habits, calls this phenomenon “a bubble in the marriage market.” New Chinese terms have cropped up: a man without a house, a car, and a nest egg is a “triple without.” If he gets married, it’s a “naked wedding.” As these weddings become more common, they have acquired bohemian cachet, though the term conveys a certain recklessness. Last summer, “Naked Wedding” was the title of a TV miniseries about a privileged young bride who married her working-class husband over the objections of her parents, and moved in with his family. It became the most popular show in China. By the series’ end, the couple had divorced.
婚姻传统受到的最大的冲击来自一个原本不可能的原因:1997年,政府赋予了人们在公开市场上买卖房屋的权利。在此之前,中国对于“债权”从来没有一个官方的概念,但是一夜之间不动产变成了一项资产。在过去,中国的年轻夫妇会跟男方的父母同住,但是在今天,少于一半的新婚夫妻会在父母家呆很长时间。另外,经济学家魏尚进和张晓波发现有儿子的父母会为他们的后代建更大更豪华的房子,以此来吸引更好的媳妇。2003年至2011年间,北京、上海以及其他大城市的房价提高了足足有八倍之多。根据新华社去年公布的一项民调显示,在佳缘网站,即使只有10%的男人有房,将近70%的女人称她们不会嫁给一个没房的男人。研究中式约会习惯的上智大学(位于东京)社会学家James Farrer,将这种现象称作“婚恋市场的泡沫”。中文里面一个新的俗语也应运而生:一个没车没房没存款的男人就是一个“三无”的男人。如果他结婚了,那就是一场“裸婚”。随着这种越来越普遍的形势,裸婚已经成为一种摒弃世俗的标志,尽管这个词儿给人一种有些鲁莽的感觉。去年夏天,有一部名为“裸婚时代”的电视连续剧在中国大热。这部剧主要讲述的是一个家庭条件优越的年轻女孩在她父母的反对之下嫁给了一个工薪阶层的男人,并且搬去与男方的父母同住。但是在电视剧的结尾,这对夫妻离婚了。