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爱情业务【下篇】| 纽约客

译者说  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-10-02 20:08



译 文 导 读

The Love Business



双 语 精 读

The Love Business

Letter From China


 The Love Business


With the country’s new freedoms, choosing a mate has become ever more complicated.




Shao Tong, a former Jiayuan employee, said, “You have to look at the details. Everybody has a tell, and you can’t hide your true self for too long.” Shao left Gong’s company in 2010 to open a school—the Beijing Moral Education Center for Women—which advertises with the slogan “Marry Once, Marry Right.” She gives classes on making the best use of Jiayuan and other sites, and her advice includes: Beware of a man posing beside a fancy car. (The richer he really is, the less likely he is to show it in his profile.) On a first date, make him do the travelling. (A man who suggests that you cross town on the first date is a man who will suggest that you split the bill.) Examine what she calls the “Four Big Accessories” (wristwatch, cell phone, belt, and shoes). When the bill comes, be wary if he keeps the receipt. (You should be more than a business expense.) 



be cautious and watchful 

be wary of

e.g. "Why are you so wary of thought"? said the philosopher.


Shao told me that she teaches the importance of managing expectations. “It’s enough to find someone with ten times your income,” she said.

“Ten times?”




“Ten times is enough. No more than that. If your annual salary is twenty thousand yuan, then a spouse making one or two hundred thousand is enough. If you’re holding out for a millionaire, stop daydreaming.”



a person’s partner in marriage

e.g. You and your spouse both have to sign this contract.


Charlatans have proved to be one of the greatest threats to Gong’s business. Last summer, Chinese state television reported that a man was sentenced by a Beijing court to two and a half years in jail for swindling a woman he allegedly met on the site. (Jiayuan denies involvement in the case.) After the report, Jiayuan stock lost nearly forty per cent of its value. More criticism followed. Last August, Jinghua Weekly, a state-backed newspaper, took aim at Jiayuan’s “V.I.P. High-Level Marriage Hunting Advisers,” a team of special matchmakers who deal only with the richest members, mostly men, lining them up with the most sought-after female users. The Diamond Bachelors, as these clients are called, spend up to fifty thousand dollars for six matches—an “outrageous” sum, the paper declared, making the program sound like a high-tech escort service. Gong, in response, cited the law of supply and demand. “Diamond Bachelors are looking for pretty young women,” she told me. “And some of these pretty women are looking to marry this kind of man. So it’s a perfect match.”




to swindle money out of someone

e.g. She was swindled out of £ 1,000 by a witch. 


according to

e.g. Other emails ask for registration fees for conferences allegedly sponsored by WHO and for hotel reservations, again with the promise of certain benefits. 


being searched for ;in great demand,usually it is rare or of very good quality.

e.g. Now "gorgeous young female calves" and cute babies with hairy heads and the ability to quickly learn tricks are the most sought-after.


accompany and protect

e.g. We have a counter at the airport. Our representative will escort you to the car.


As a result of all the bad press, Jiayuan’s competitors thrived; there are now more than fifty Chinese dating sites, and they exploited Jiayuan’s troubles to pitch themselves as more conservative. The site that had built its reputation on the promise of “freedom of love” was being punished for losing control. Internet dating, which barely existed in China when Gong began, had become an industry worth more than a billion yuan, and the company needed a veteran. In March, with its revenue and its stock price slumping, Jiayuan hired a seasoned tech executive, Linguang Wu, to be co-C.E.O. On the day that Wu’s appointment to the love industry was announced, he had been running a popular online shooter game called World of Tanks.



decrease and fall suddenly

e.g. Property values are slumping in almost all of the 19 countries in our latest global survey.



experienced;aged or processed

e.g. Some of the seasoned legislators said we shouldn’t raise the license fees at all, and instead should finance the road program with an increase in fuel taxes.


Love stories didn’t become popular in China until the twentieth century, after European novels inspired a genre called “butterfly romance,” in which the lovers all “weep a great deal,” according to Haiyan Lee, at Stanford. In China, it seemed, love rarely ended well. While European protagonists occasionally found happiness, Chinese lovers succumbed to forces beyond their control: meddling parents, disease, a miscommunication. The love stories were categorized so that readers knew which doom to expect: Tragic Love, Bitter Love, Miserable Love, Wronged Love, and Chaste Love. A sixth genre, Joyous Love, was not as successful. (In the mid-nineties, the researchers Fred Rothbaum and Billy Yuk-Piu Tsang analyzed the lyrics of eighty Chinese and American pop songs, and found that Chinese songs conveyed more “negative expectations” and “suffering,” a sense that, if destiny did not help a relationship, “it cannot be salvaged.”)

据来自斯坦福的Haiyan Lee的说法,直到20世纪,也就是在欧洲小说推行“梁祝式爱情”(苦命鸳鸯)的体裁之后,爱情故事才在中国流行开来。在中国,爱情似乎很少有一个好的结果。与欧洲戏剧中的男女主人公偶尔能得到幸福相比,中国的情侣们不得不屈从于他们无法抵抗的势力,例如,横加干涉的父母,疾病,或是误解。这些爱情故事已经被标签化了,所以读者都清楚结局注定是:悲剧的爱,苦涩的爱,悲惨的爱,错误的爱,无性的爱。然而第六种类型,即幸福的爱并不受到市场的欢迎。(在90年代中期,学者Fred Rothbaum和Billy Yuk-Piu Tsang分析了80首中国和美国的流行歌曲的歌词,他们发现中国的歌曲传递了更多的“消极的预期”和“苦难”,从某种意义上说,一段关系如果没有命运相助,“它将注定无法被挽救”)。


If you succumb to temptation or pressure, you do something that you want to do, or that other people want you to do, although you feel it might be wrong.

e.g. Don't succumb to the temptation to have just one cigarette.


Today, it seems that some people are making up for lost time. Lin Yu, a graduate student from Wuhan, itemized her expectations in an online ad:

Never married; master’s degree or more; not from Wuhan; no rural I.D. card; no only children; no smokers; no alcoholics; no gamblers; taller than one hundred and seventy-two centimetres; more than a year of dating before marriage; sporty; parents who are still together; annual salary over fifty thousand yuan; between twenty-six and thirty-two years of age; willing to guarantee eating four dinners at home per week; at least two ex-girlfriends, but no more than four; no Virgos. No Capricorns.




Money and weddings have always been entwined more explicitly in China than in the West, but the finances were simpler when most people were broke. A bride’s parents paid a dowry, and the groom’s parents paid a larger sum, known as “bride wealth.” Under Mao, the exchange was made in grain, but in the eighties couples came to expect “three rounds and a sound”: a bicycle, a wristwatch, a sewing machine, and a radio. Or, in some cases, “thirty legs”: a bed, a table, and a set of chairs. (The custom persists in much of China, but in cash, most of which goes to the couple.)



The greatest shock to the marriage tradition came from an unlikely source: in 1997, the government gave people the right to buy and sell homes on the open market. China had never had an official term for “mortgage,” but real estate was suddenly an asset. Young Chinese couples used to move in with the groom’s parents, but today less than half of them stay very long, and the economists Shang-Jin Wei and Xiaobo Zhang discovered that parents with sons were building ever larger and more expensive houses for their offspring, in the hope of attracting better matches. Between 2003 and 2011, home prices in Beijing, Shanghai, and other big cities rose by as much as eight hundred per cent. According to a poll reported last year by Xinhua, the state news service, although only ten per cent of men on Jiayuan own a home, nearly seventy per cent of women said they wouldn’t marry a man without one. James Farrer, a sociologist at Sophia University, in Tokyo, who studies Chinese dating habits, calls this phenomenon “a bubble in the marriage market.” New Chinese terms have cropped up: a man without a house, a car, and a nest egg is a “triple without.” If he gets married, it’s a “naked wedding.” As these weddings become more common, they have acquired bohemian cachet, though the term conveys a certain recklessness. Last summer, “Naked Wedding” was the title of a TV miniseries about a privileged young bride who married her working-class husband over the objections of her parents, and moved in with his family. It became the most popular show in China. By the series’ end, the couple had divorced.

婚姻传统受到的最大的冲击来自一个原本不可能的原因:1997年,政府赋予了人们在公开市场上买卖房屋的权利。在此之前,中国对于“债权”从来没有一个官方的概念,但是一夜之间不动产变成了一项资产。在过去,中国的年轻夫妇会跟男方的父母同住,但是在今天,少于一半的新婚夫妻会在父母家呆很长时间。另外,经济学家魏尚进和张晓波发现有儿子的父母会为他们的后代建更大更豪华的房子,以此来吸引更好的媳妇。2003年至2011年间,北京、上海以及其他大城市的房价提高了足足有八倍之多。根据新华社去年公布的一项民调显示,在佳缘网站,即使只有10%的男人有房,将近70%的女人称她们不会嫁给一个没房的男人。研究中式约会习惯的上智大学(位于东京)社会学家James Farrer,将这种现象称作“婚恋市场的泡沫”。中文里面一个新的俗语也应运而生:一个没车没房没存款的男人就是一个“三无”的男人。如果他结婚了,那就是一场“裸婚”。随着这种越来越普遍的形势,裸婚已经成为一种摒弃世俗的标志,尽管这个词儿给人一种有些鲁莽的感觉。去年夏天,有一部名为“裸婚时代”的电视连续剧在中国大热。这部剧主要讲述的是一个家庭条件优越的年轻女孩在她父母的反对之下嫁给了一个工薪阶层的男人,并且搬去与男方的父母同住。但是在电视剧的结尾,这对夫妻离婚了。


The one-child policy has heightened competition. When sonogram technology spread in China, in the nineteen-eighties, couples aborted female fetuses in order to wait for a boy. As a result, by 2020 China is expected to have twenty-four million men of marrying age who are unable to find a spouse—“bare branches” on the family tree, as they’re known in Chinese. Even so, the pressure to marry is hardly less intense for women, who are barraged with warnings in the Chinese press that they will be “leftover women” if they are still single at thirty. Women make up nearly half the population at Chinese universities today, a larger share than ever before, but Gong said that they often downplay their achievements to avoid intimidating their dates. “In China’s marriage market, there are three species trying to survive,” she said. “Men, women, and women with graduate degrees.”



In 2003, shortly after Gong Haiyan launched her site, a posting caught her eye: “Seeking a wife, 1.62 metres tall, above-average looks, graduate degree.” The seeker was a postdoc studying fruit flies. He liked to work out, and he posted a jokey photograph that showed him flexing his triceps in front of a lab bench. “He had the whole package,” Gong said. Then she looked at his requirements, and discovered that “I didn’t meet a single one.” She decided to answer his posting anyway. “Your announcement is not well written,” she replied. “Even if someone meets all those requirements, she’ll think you’re picky.” The man’s name was Guo Jianzeng, and he was embarrassed. “I’ve never written anything like this, and I don’t quite know what I’m doing,” he told her. Gong volunteered to polish his announcement. “After polishing, I could think of exactly four girls in the world who met those criteria, including me,” she said.



He was thirty-three and shy. When they met, his phone had only eight numbers stored in it. Gong had taken an online I.Q. test, and she asked Guo to take it, too. He beat her score by five points. She was also moved by the way he cared for his widowed father. Guo’s first gift to her was a replacement for a pair of broken glasses. On their second date, he proposed. She rode sidesaddle on the back of his bicycle to the Ministry of Civil Affairs, where they paid nine yuan for a marriage certificate. The ceremony took ten minutes. Instead of a wedding ring, he bought her a laptop.



When you ride a horse sidesaddle, you sit on a special saddle with both your legs on one side rather than one leg on each side of the horse.


“He’d rather buy me a watermelon than a flower,” she told me as we sat in a taxi idling in traffic. It was Valentine’s Day, one of China’s busiest shopping days. But not in the Gong household. “He thinks it’s not for married people, just for young lovers.”

当我们坐在缓慢行驶的出租车里时,龚海燕对我说:“比起送花,他宁愿送我一个西瓜。” 那天是情人节,也是中国最繁忙的购物节之一。但是在龚海燕家并非如此。她说:“他觉得情人节不是已婚人士的节日,而仅仅是给年轻情侣准备的。” 


For someone in the love business, Gong has a fitful relationship with romance. She speaks proudly about her bare-bones courtship but yearns, now and then, for some fuss of her own. (“Ten years, and I’ve yet to see a single petal.”) She finds China’s fusion of marriage and materialism disillusioning, but she prefers to focus on the fact that she’s equipping people to make a choice.



occurring in spells and often abruptly

e.g. The government is making slow and fitful progress in these negotiations.


Anything bare bones has only the most basic elements or parts.

e.g. Anderson outlined the bare bones of his strategy.


To yearn for something is to want it really bad.

e.g. Despite his great commercial success he still yearns for critical approval.


make a fuss of

e.g. She doesn't see her grandchildren very often so she makes a real fuss of them when she does.


The sun was setting as we pulled off the highway into the suburb where she lives. The love business has made her rich; when the company went public, her shares were worth more than seventy-seven million dollars. We passed a Pet Spa and a compound called Château de la Vie, and turned into a lush gated community that evoked New Jersey more than Hunan. Her house was beige stucco, and her daughter, who is two, met her at the front door in pajamas; Gong’s husband ushered us to the dining-room table, where her parents and her grandmother, who live with them, were seated. I was struck by the presence of four generations of women in the house. Gong’s grandmother, who is ninety-four, was born not long after China put an end to foot binding.

太阳落山时,我们下了高速公路,驶进了龚海燕居住的郊区。婚恋网站的经营让她坐拥巨富;公司上市时,她的股份价值超过7700万美元。我们途经一家宠物美容店和一座名为Château de la Vie的庄园,然后拐进了一个门前郁郁葱葱的院落,这给人一种来到了新泽西的感觉,而不像是湖南。她家的房子粉刷着褐色灰泥,龚海燕的两岁女儿穿着睡衣在前门迎接了妈妈;龚海燕的丈夫把我们迎到餐桌,和她一起生活的父母和祖母已经落座。我对这女性四世同堂的景象感到震惊。龚海燕的祖母现年94岁,就出生于中国废除缠足后不久。


For years, the family bounced between rented apartments, six people in two bedrooms, until Gong bought the house. They had yet to adapt to wealth. Nine months after they moved in, the walls were still bare and an electric moped filled the front hall. It felt as if the family had packed up its belongings from a farmhouse in Hunan and unloaded them at a C.E.O.’s villa in Beijing.



After the company went public, Gong’s husband left his job to take care of the household. Gong’s business is animated by an image of love and fulfillment that privileges beauty and income above all, and promotes the fear of becoming a leftover woman. But Gong believes that her mission is simply to give women like her the options that never existed before. “Women used to say, ‘If you want clothes on your back and food to eat, get married,’ ” she said, as we ate dinner. “As long as you had the most basic requirements, I’d marry you. But not anymore. Now I can live a good life, an independent life. I can be picky. If there’s anything I don’t like about you, well, you’re out of luck.”



Once or twice a week, Gong’s company holds singles mixers, and on a weekday in early January I filed into a ballroom in Beijing with three hundred immaculately groomed men and women. They had been issued battery-powered blinking lights, in the shape of puckered lips, to be pinned to their clothing. An m.c. bounded onstage and summoned the crowd’s attention. “Please put your hand over your heart and repeat after me: ‘I swear that I am here today to find my other half with a true and honest heart,’ ” he said, and paused for emphasis. “ ‘I swear that I do not come here with any deceptive or ill intent.’ ”



Twelve women assembled onstage in a game-show setup, each holding a red wand with a heart-shaped light on top: on, interested; off, not interested. It was an accomplished lineup of engineers, graduate students, and bank employees, in their late twenties and early thirties. One by one, men took the stage to be questioned and to find a mate, but in the exchanges I frequently sensed a gulf of expectation. A barrel-chested bank employee in a cotton sweater attracted considerable interest until he said that he would be stuck in the office six and a half days a week. Next up was a physics professor in tweeds, who described his life’s ambition as “no marvellous accomplishment, just nothing I’ll regret.” A match did not present herself. Last came a terse criminal lawyer with a fondness for hiking, who was doing well until he informed the panelists that he would place a heavy emphasis on “obedience.” Lights blinked off. He left the stage alone.



The New Year holiday, days away, loomed like a deadline. Wang Jingbing, a thirty-year-old with a friendly national-character face, was bracing for the encounter with his family. “They will give me pressure—that’s the reason I came here tonight,” he said, as we sat along the wall. After college, Wang became a paper salesman, exporting napkins. The work had left an imprint on his English vocabulary; when he described a bad date, he would say he’d been “returned”: “To tell you the truth, yesterday I was returned by a girl because she said I’m not as tall as she hoped.” The singles events baffled his relatives in the countryside. “My sister doesn’t agree with my coming here,” he told me. “She said, ‘You’ll never find a girl here.’ ” What does he think? “I have to follow my heart. My sister had a different educational background and life experience, so we have different ideas.” His sister, who never studied beyond junior high school, still lives in their home village, where she sells soda wholesale and dried noodles out of a storefront. When she was twenty, she married a man she’d been introduced to by relatives; he was from a neighboring village. Wang, who is her younger brother, studied English at Shandong University and migrated to Beijing for work. By the time we met, he had been in the capital for five years, and he was on the verge of moving up from the working class. He couldn’t yet afford an iPhone, but he could afford a copy of the Steve Jobs biography, which he quoted like Scripture.



to appear important or threatening and likely to happen soon

e.g.There was a crisis looming.


(~ sb / yourself (for sth))to prepare sb / yourself for sth difficult or unpleasant that is going to happen

e.g. They are bracing themselves for a long legal battle.


to confuse sb completely; to be too difficult or strange for sb to understand or explain

e.g. I'm baffled as to why she hasn't called.


Wang had assigned himself a mission: he would attend at least one mixer a weekend until he found someone. I asked him if he agreed with the expectation that he should have a house and a car before he marries. “Yes, because a house and a car are the signs of civility,” he said. “A woman marrying a man is partly marrying his house and his car. I’m a renter, so I feel a lot of pressure.” He was quiet for a moment, and said, “But I have potential, you know? In my opinion, to buy a house and a car will take me about five more years. Five more years.”



A few months passed before I saw Wang again. Then we met for coffee on a Sunday, and he was with his friend Zeng Qingfei, a fish salesman. Zeng was new to the capital and hyper-alert; crossing the street, he darted like a minnow. Wang was showing him around the singles circuit. When I asked Wang how it had gone with his parents over New Year, he replied, “I couldn’t do it.” In ten years, he had never missed a homecoming, but this time he phoned his parents with a lie about pressing work. “I was too ashamed that I still didn’t have a girlfriend to bring home,” he said.



But now Wang had some fragile news to share. He had recently met someone. He held up four fingers. “Four dates already,” he said. Her name was Meng Xing, she was an accountant, and nobody was returning anyone yet. After three years and more than a hundred Jiayuan mixers, he had encountered her at just such an event and hustled after her to the subway. They lived, it turned out, only a few blocks from each other. In a city of twenty million people, that felt like fate. ♦



 知 识 扩 展  

The Love Business

Age of Ambition: Chasing Fortune, Truth, and Faith in the New China

《纽约客》(The New Yorker)记者欧逸文(Evan Osnos)凭《野心时代:在新中国追求财富、真相和信念》(Age of Ambition:Chasing Fortune,Truth and Faith in the New China)一书获得非虚构类作品奖,该书由法勒、斯特劳斯与吉鲁科斯(Farrar,Straus and Giroux)出版社出版。这本书探究了中国不断向经济超级大国转变的过程,以及经济发展与专制政府压制社会自由之间的冲突。欧逸文的文笔漂亮、用词考究,其在《纽约客》上的文章向来被视为解读中国的经典美文。在获奖致辞最后,欧逸文感谢他笔下的中国主人公们冒着风险接受采访。“在他们所生活的地方,要做一个诚实或脆弱的人是非常危险的。”



