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国防部发布  · 公众号  · 军事  · 2025-02-14 15:15



MND: AMAN 2025 Demonstrates Shared Commitment to Maritime Peace


记者: 近日,中国海军舰艇编队赴巴基斯坦参加“和平-2025”多国海上联合演习。这是今年中国军队首次参加中外联合演习。请进一步介绍有关情况。

Question: The PLA Navy recently sent a task group to Pakistan to attend the multinational maritime exercise AMAN 2025. This is the first international joint exercise the Chinese military has participated in this year. Please further brief us on the exercise.

张晓刚: 应巴基斯坦军队邀请,由导弹驱逐舰包头舰、综合补给舰高邮湖舰组成的中国海军舰艇编队,于2月6日至11日参加“和平-2025”多国海上联合演习。港岸活动期间,中国海军舰艇编队与各参演国海上力量进行了演习磋商、专业交流、舰艇参观等活动;海上联演期间,与各国参演兵力开展了联合反海盗、搜救、防空等科目演练。此次参演,促进了中国海军同各参演国海上力量的交流协作,彰显了共同维护海上安全的决心。中国军队将一如既往积极履行国际责任和义务,以实际行动为维护世界和平稳定贡献力量。

Zhang Xiaogang: At the invitation of the Pakistani military, a PLAN task group comprising of the guided-missile destroyer PLANS Baotou and the comprehensive supply ship PLANS Gaoyouhu participated in the multinational maritime exercise AMAN 2025 from February 6 to 11. During the onshore phase of the exercise, the task group and other participating naval forces held planning conferences, professional exchanges and open ship events. During the maritime phase, drills were conducted on joint counter-piracy operations, search and rescue and air defense. The exercise facilitated exchanges between the PLAN and other participating naval troops, and demonstrated a shared commitment to maritime security. The Chinese military will continue to live up to our international responsibilities and obligations, and contribute to world peace and stability with concrete actions.

