专栏名称: TinyMonster
Cool Kids Can't Die
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51好读  ›  专栏  ›  TinyMonster


TinyMonster  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-08-02 09:48


Breaking Grounds 正式进入 倒数计时了- 剩下1天的时间!TinyMonster还在紧张地筹备小怪兽夏日秘密花园,以及周六下午的迷你分享会。 明早将会在推文中为小怪兽们全部揭晓

先来认识这 70+ 独立原创生活方式品牌,以避免周末48小时错过你喜欢的有趣。本周六和周日( 8/3-8/4)一起跟以下所有品牌Break the Grounds吧。

Counting down to 1 more days till Breaking Grounds opens at Modern Art Museum! We will be collaborating with all the indie lifestyle brands mentioned below. Get your tickets if you haven't already :) See you this Saturday and Sunday!

/  EVENOlab  /

EVENOlab 的成立概念是将平面设计为基础更好将插画艺术与生活结合,创造出更具有美感和实用功能性结合的产品,将个性化和有趣的插画更好的融合在日常生活使用中。并会一直致力于研究生活和艺术设计间的关系

A niche fragrance brand created by two passionate fragrance lovers in Shanghai.


Ink'chacha成立於2013年,是香港第一间Risograph印刷工作室,是英國People Of Print成員之一。曾被「Obscura Magazine」、「Risomania」、「BranD」、「號外」访问。多年来,Ink'chacha致力于拉近印刷和设计的距离,探索不同的物料, 感受印刷带来的惊喜。目前他们提供18种Riso油墨,常与艺术家、设计师合作印制独特精美的个人作品。

Founded in 2013, Ink'chacha is the first Risograph printing studio in Hong Kong and one of the members of the British Organization “People Of Print”. Over the years, Ink'chacha has been working to get closer between printing and design, exploring different materials and feeling the pleasantly surprised of printing.

/  FEVER DOG 发烧狗  /

FEVER DOG (发烧狗) 于2017年在上海成立,是一个以输出原创插画、漫画、图形、图像为主的独立艺术品牌,同时也是一个独立出版平台。FEVER DOG 专注于独立出版物、丝网版画、独立漫画等艺术领域的创作和实验。☻ FEVER DOG 献给怪异的你。

Fever Dog is an independent art brand specializing in illustration, comics, graphics and images. Fever Dog online art shop presents and sells Dog Tee, independent comics, silkscreen prints, posters and other related products. ☻ Fever Dog - dedicated to all the weirdos.



moonyfarm, founded in 2016 in Copenhagen, is an indie lifestyle brand of fabric/paper products featuring own pattern design and illustration. It tries to apply appropriate craft and material to show the best of the pattern/illustration.



LOST is a magazine about self-discovery through travel. It is a magazine that features real stories, personal reflections and epiphanies from people around the world. It believes that travel isn’t about fancy hotels or tourist destinations, but about immersing oneself in someplace entirely foreign to feel extremely uncomfortable so that one can learn from it. It believes that travel is a state of mind.


MORECREW®️创立于2014年上海,以毛裤符号涂鸦为主,活跃于街头,继衍生出一系列相关涂鸦语言的原创作品与产品,以当下的都市生存哲学为思考,逆境而生,为寻找梦想的少数人发声,‘glow in the darkness’。

MORECREW with bold lines, no body or face, appears in the corners of city streets or any other places.It could be running, jumping,trembling...it might be running off or just waiting for something. Most of the time it seems to be pursuing multiple possibilities...


Viv1Girl 插画师设计师。现居上海。热爱音乐摄影。先后与品牌Starbucks 星巴克、Daniel Wellington、NEIWAI等进行过商业合作;曾受无印良品Open MUJI 邀请参与合作活动。多次与出版社合作书籍封面,独立出版画册《BELLISSIMA》、《via ever sight》、《Rmantique》。个人创作时,偏爱研究女性&生活题材。个人品牌Viv1Girl Studio 成立于2019春天,专注于女性服饰类系列产品开发。希望每一次邂逅能带给你“小小的心动”。


顾丹第(Dandi Gu) 独立策展人,艺术家。2018年毕业于萨凡纳艺术与设计学院,并获得艺术管理硕士学位。目前生活工作于纽约,多次与各领域艺术家进行不同形式的跨界合作,其策展项目专注于多维感官沉浸式体验,闲暇时,她热衷于在手机App应用上涂写绘画,真实地记录日常作为生活日记。她创作的手指画已有5年之久,作品多达300余幅,主题涉猎广泛,内容丰富多样。

Dandi Gu- An independent curator and artist. Her curatorial projects focus on multi-dimensional sensory immersion experience. Gu dedicated to producing digital art on the iPhone to truly record her friends, her daily life, and her surroundings as a diary. Through 5 years painting on iPhone, she decided to develop an unique painting style and put her personal style in all her artworks.

/  面包仔CARRIE  /


/  一只CARO  /


/  GOMAWO  /

Gomawo 在韩语里是谢谢的意思。这是一个由在荷兰的设计师Lee Sun A 和韩国摄影师Lee Sang Hyeon 建立的品牌。我们探索城市并观察人们的日常生活,其中即使是微妙的巧合,或是微小的欢乐也会成为使我们愉悦的动力。因此我们希望通过对袜子的设计来表达那些珍贵的时刻。我们相信对细小事物的关注能给您带来一份特别的快乐。

Gomawo means ‘thank you’ in Korean. It is a brand created by Sun Lee, a designer based in Netherlands and Sang Hyeon Lee, a photographer based in South Korea. We explore cities and observe daily life. In our everyday life, minor coincidences and small joys are the forces that enchant us. So we design those precious moments through our socks. We believe that small attentions can bring you a special pleasure.


强调如实反映,破坏时下对配件的概念,将焦点从形式的艺术,移转到它存在的目的性,思考配件“初始化”— 消除所有主题性的想像,人的生活配件仅是“装置在身体的元件”。 发想自工业器械的结构,忠于型随机能。Drilling Lab 屏除装饰性的设计,采传统加工制作程序,保留机械特有质地,追求物件朴实的初衷,以呈现随性裸露、务实直白的力度。 配件,个人对生活态度的坚持及象征。

Drilling Lab is committed to discovering the down-to-earth nature of objects. Significantly influenced by machining aesthetics, Drilling Lab reflects on its origin and presents the jewelries from a different perspective. With “form follows function” principle at the core of its design, Drilling Lab prunes every element from materials, construction to machining techniques, retaining only the reasonable and essential elements that fulfill the functions.

/  CIAOGAO 草稿  /

草稿CIAOGAO,原创设计品牌。以图案创作来分享生活、设计还有美。 设计师将生活中的情趣与触动,通过各种玩味的方式设计成图案,将四季与情绪的颜色融入其中;迸发出一种热情的生命力,植根于生活本身的简单,多元和自我。

CIAOGAO is an original designer brand. We share aesthetics of life by patterning. We create patterns in creative and interesting ways, using the color of seasons and sentiments to express our vitality. Be simple, be diverse, and be ourselves.

/  EU NOIA /

EU NOIA为您带来“大自然的礼物”——源自以“无污染”见称的新西兰,一系列纯净天然、具有治疗功效的芳香精油,来帮助您舒缓城市生活所带来的压力和症状。


EU NOIA brings you ‘gifts from nature’ - a range of pure, therapeutic, eco-conscious aromatherapy blends, sourced from the beautiful, unspoilt lands of New Zealand to soothe the symptoms of busy city life. We strive to take care of the whole you, from your skin to your sleep, from your energy to your immunity, from your home to your heart.


LAZY EAZY,结合科技功能性为一体,并根据宠物特性及需求设计适合Ta的专属科技潮流产品。前沿科技3D打印技术及科技面料的运用,保持时尚美观的同时为宠物注入个性化设计及功能性。致力于在美观的同时为Ta提供最安全,舒适的穿着体验。

LAZY EAZY is a pets-fashion brand which founded with the idea of sharing joyful and splendid life along with our little family members. We are dedicating on provide safety, functionality, style, while enhancing outdoor and even lifetime experience at the same time.

/  ECO&MORE  /


Eco&more is an essential oil infused alternative to conventional cleaners formulated with harsh chemicals, offering ideal natural support for a healthy body, home and mind. We provide natural living solutions from home essentials, bodycare products and essential oils.

/  theECHO  /

ECHO,取自四个英文单词Elegant (优雅的)、Contemporary(现代的)、Historical(有故事的)、Oriental (东方的)的首字母, 设计师、创始人Cynthia以此作为THE ECHO品牌设计的核心,将再设计的中国纹样结合来自东方的材料制作成精美现代的时尚饰品。

E-‘Elegant' C-‘Contemporary' H-‘Historical' O-‘Oriental , these four key-words represent the core of THEECHO’s design . THE ECHO jewellery founded by Cynthia Zhong, defined by Chinese elements re-imagined into sophisticated contemporary pieces.

/  SAY  /

SAY-陶瓷的发声练习 家居餐具品牌‘SAY‘出对陶瓷材料理解的声音,发出对生活和餐桌文化的态度。2015年创立品牌,每一个作品都是作者用手指丈量/触摸而成。它们温暖而清新,耐用且耐看。这是我们的初衷,希望能带给你和家人更加有趣味的就餐感受。

SAY, the sound of ceramics. Commodities accompany with us every day,which makes them have their own emotion.


创始人 Freda ,将“ Less , but better , ' 这句出自德国的工业设计之父 Dieter Rams 的话,作为设计理念。她将极简的概念与生活作为连接,运用在每一款产品的设计中。“少而精”的工业设计与美木馆极简艺术完美融合,独立原创定制轻奢生活好物。

Founder Freda takes me words less, but better from Dieter Rams, the father of industrial design in Germany, as his design concept She connects me concept of minimalism with life and applies it to the design of every product The less but better industrial design perfectly integrates with me minimalist art of the museum, and independently creates and customizes light luxury life products.

/  LUPEE  /


At lupee we aim to create high quality handcrafted products, by using the best materials we can find.Each one of our products is carefully designed and produced with great care and attention to detail. Our designs are inspired by a love for nature, texture, natural materials and ancient crafting techniques. We like to combine all of these to create modern and functional design.

/  22STUDIO  /


At 22 Studio, we have worked with concrete for more than a decade, immersed in its forms, textures, weights and even smells. That’s because we believe authentic design is grounded in material. For us, excitement lies in exploring the physical nature of materials and their relationship to the city — maintaining a lively curiosity as to where that exploration might lead. Our name is “22” because it’s an age that captures that wonderment; one unafraid to follow instinct to natural (yet urban) conclusions.

/  BOBORE  /




More than jewelry, we believe that each of our pieces is a precious amulet that holds the power to ground, uplift or inspire. We are inspired by nature, ancestral blueprints, stories from the past, people and music.

Made stones, crystals and other foraged natural and organic materials, OKRA pieces are worn as meaningful objet d’art for the independent woman — whether it is to calm the mind, body and spirit, or to bring out the audacious goddess in you.



Play like a designer, think like an artist, create like a life stylist.

A curated design shop catering to those with a mature understanding of design underscored by a constant sense of fun and playfulness.

/  大脑布  /

“大脑布”表达繁复隐秘的东方审美在现代人生活中的自然存在。隐藏、残缺、温暖、复古、先锋… 首选天然材料,棉,麻,真丝,羊毛等,经过设计师再处理以便达到制作布包最好的质感和效果。摒弃传统金属辅件与复杂细节,从简出发采用半手工制作,保证包包功能性又有自然的亲切感。“方式是个问题与方式不是问题”的设计理念,不刻意追求原生态,不刻意追求潮流元素,更多关注在包包本身与现代人生活的自然协调。

Brain dedicates to choose the most texture material with stable color tone and comfort feel. Natural fabric with special treatment and new environment-friendly textures. The style emphasizes on its outline and structure wholly and expresses the "wearing" conception fully.

/  LUÜNA  /

“我找不到在经期时可以真正赋予亚洲女性力量的品牌。所以我创造了一个。”- Olivia, 裸月创始人。 从一个少女到更年期女性,似乎对于我们身体的恐惧、困惑将一直萦绕牵绊着我们。 对我而言,这种现代女性的现况是无法接受的,所以我创造了裸月。一个由女性引领的公司,致力于教育亚洲女性经期护理,以及她们的身体和健康。

I couldn't find a brand that truly empowered women and girls in Asia during their period. So I created one." Olivia, LUÜNA founder. From young girls to women navigating menopause, the fear and confusion around our bodies was something we seemed destined never to graduate from. For me, it was unacceptable that this is the status-quo for women today, so I created LUÜNA. A female-led company driven by educating women in Asia about their period care, their health and their bodies.

/ BRINK 屿昼边缘 /


/ Crème /


Crème are committed to providing exquisite embroidery and the finest fabrics for the underwear of the modern woman, whatever her style. Unbinding the aesthetic constraints on what a woman should wear, and allowing her to feel sensual in her own body. Our goal at Crème is to allow you to express your inner voice, to feel the comfort and happiness of self-love, and to bring a class and a ceremony to the clothing closest to your skin.

/  不成方圆  /


Not a square or a circle was found in Shanghai by Meggi and Song. HAWA is a creative studio that designs and handmade accessories with a passion for color. We care about love and different experiments of our lives. Each piece was carefully finished in-house at the Shanghai workshop.

/  A-DAM  /

这个在2017年被FACEBOOK欧洲评为最具创新力的TOP 10的品牌,可以被形容为世界上最酷的内裤文化团队。团队成员拥有多年欧洲高端定制服饰及奢侈品运营管理经验,从品牌之初就坚持采用100%进口全球顶级环保有机棉,独立研发的精致绵柔腰带,加上清新雅致又带着俏皮的七片缝制版型及印花设计,清爽透气的体感让他们走红荷兰、法国、意大利、德国、瑞典、加拿大等10多个国家,更荣获多个奖项。

A-dam Underwear was founded in Amsterdam in 2014 and are available in more than 19 countries, 250 stores. Start your day right! The right boxer makes your day. That’s why we combine supreme comfort with fresh and funky looks.. We believe the power of organic cotton. Because it's what's on the inside that counts.

/  ZOAJE  /


Zoaje is a French brand of dainty handmade jewelry, created by a French couple living in Shanghai: Camille and Clément. After carefully choosing unique raw materials, they design and create every piece by themselves. The brand is inspired by travels, and each set of jewelry has a name of a country. The materials, such as 14k Gold filled and 14k Solid gold, as well as natural gemstones, come from different places around the world, which makes every piece unique.

/  HAOLI 毫厘   /


We wish our products could show people some detials that we usually ignored,because people say they find no time to experience that many wonderful detials in their lives.'HAOLI' represents all these detials,we wish everyone who use our products feel more pleasant.We discover design from life,and describe life by designing. 2015 we founded the design brand ‘HAOLI’,focus on homeware products,illustration and jewelry design.

/  +10  /

2012年末创立于台湾的袜子品牌+10。 “不管你拥有的是什么样的宇宙观,对生活上的小细节用心,就能把以自己为中心的世界活的更宽阔。” 因此开始把美好的想像和优良的品质带进生活用品当中。 常以大自然的现象和风景作为创作主题,品牌发展的主要特色为材质丰富的变化度,从新锐设计师与传统织袜产业不斷進行的實驗當中,打開隱藏在海島冒險精神當中的玩心,而航至世界。

Established in Taiwan at the end of 2012. +10 bring imagination and superb quality into our everyday goods. Nature and sceneries are our creative inspiration. Combined with cutting-edge design and constant experiments in the traditional socks industry, +10 uses a rich variety of materials to open up your adventurous spirits and playful hearts to the world.


浸润了阳光、沙石、还有这天地间万物所散发的灵感,便有了我们的手工珠宝、首饰和相片。怀着对文化的好奇,我们始终在路上,心甘情愿地被它所驱使着。就在这星球上,我们蜿蜒前行,我们相聚相识。带着旅途中的所见所想,回到位于宁波的工作室,我们得以在这方寸天地畅想细作。 也随之,诞生了一份交织着回忆、乡俗与亲历神秘的怀旧选藏,细致精心为你打造。

Jewellery and accessories inspired by the sun, the sand and everything in-between. As a band of travellers driven by cultural curiosity we wind our way around the globe gathering treasure. Once we have returned to our Ningbo studio we apply these findings to our craft, resluting in a nostalgic collection of memories thoughtfully curated for you.


CulCreat = Cultural & Creative(文创) 是 一个致力于发展中国文创和坚持做环保小众品牌。 注重原创设计,利用潮流文化推广环保+文创。 推广可持续性绿色消费, 支持生活艺术品平民化。 “打破传统思维,创造全新价值”。

CulCreat’s design team aims to disrupt traditional concepts regarding paper, exposing the masses to innovation through integration of modern stylistic elements with environmental awareness in an affordable fashion. The modern-day consumer can then be habituated towards green consumption whilst quality of life is upheld. After all, true environmental awareness is a collective effort; introduction of the notion of green consumption to the public is critical.

/  荒核 NU WILDS  /

荒核是一家热衷于通过气味、视觉,以及文本来探索生活方式的独立品牌。 荒是自由,肆意生长,无拘无束; 核是生命力,涌动着能量,孕育无限可能。

The Nu Wilds is an independent brand who is passionate about exploring lifestyles through smell, vision, and text.

The Nu is short of Nuclear, which means energy and power, enriches of endless possibilities; The Wilds means free, grow without limitations.

/  泉释  /


There is no longer a second thing, only sincerely for your company for a long time, and actively infected with your breath. Quanshi hand made leather insists on doing every bag carefully, to provide you with both aesthetic and quality handbags.


BY BIBIANA 是主理人Bibiana的同名品牌(前品牌名为To Budapest:致布达佩斯)。主营原创字母绕线首饰和其他一切插画类文创以及其他等。 我与艺术的接触过程中,一直处于学习的状态,我希望能够将不同时期接触的不同艺术想法与大家分享。 所以,产品不是单一的,想法不是唯一的,这是一个漫长而有趣的过程。 学有所成,热爱依旧。以上。

BY BIBIANA is the epouymous brand of Bibiana Huang (Siying Huang). The main products are about the original winding accessories and other stationary products of illustration etc.

During the process learning with art, I am willing to share the different ideas created by art from different period. Therefore, the products are not the fixed ones, while the thoughts are always chaning. Here it is a long but interesting process.

/  SELECT 18  /

SELECT-18 从香港中环来到上海  一家售卖世界各地独立设计配饰服饰  也有来自日本vintage服饰  二手服饰的小店。

Select 18 is a new concept store combining fashion, vintage, music, lifestyle and grooming. A meeting hub for the creative minded.


Lorna Jane 是一个标志性的澳大利亚品牌,高端女性专业运动品牌的领导者,每天售出逾千件 运动内衣。鲜为人知的是,Lorna Jane 商标中的三个图形代表‘Move Nourish Believe’(运动身体,滋养身 体,坚持信念),他们出现在每一件单品上,时刻提醒着自己的主人“跃动生活”不仅仅是一句 口号,而是个人所选择的一种生活方式。这同时,也是 Lorna Jane 的品牌使命,鼓励所有女性 通过“跃动生活”的理念来发现自身的价值。

/  ALU  /


As an independent design brand, ALU features Artsy, Lovable and Unique, which integrates creativity, concept and life experience in the design of eyewears,gifts and art derivatives

/  IB丝网印刷俱乐部  /

IB丝网印刷俱乐部 — 上海著名艺术双人组爱豆笔此创建的社区艺术空间和线下活动分支,致力于丝网版画的教学和普及以及现场互动艺术活动的开发。经过十余年丝网创作和制作的经验积累,IB Print Club现提供一系列优质且个性化的课程及现场活动项目:入门工作坊、公司团建、学校课程、会员制工作室租赁、丝网版画订制服务;而现场活动则包括开放丝印秀、互动工作坊,八爪鱼丝网游戏站等。

IB Print Club is a community screen printing space and pop-up art event hosting branch founded by Shanghai's renowned artist duo IdleBeats. It's specifically equipped for a wide range of applications of the silk screen printing method. Such as monotype, multiple layer printing on paper and textile. IBPC host workshops for newbies also provide professional setup and guidance for those who want to execute their own printing projects.

/  共禾京品 JING REPUBLIC  /




From architecture, a fresh vision is employed to explore forms of jewelry. Apart from all that traditional jewelry making concern, I put extra focus on space, structure, proportion, detail, etc. Not only geometric vocabulary is abstracted from architecture, but also 3 dimensional functionality is merged to jewelry. The logic in the tectonic object is weaved by hand through cutting, welding, and sanding. Mainly using silver, and with a few other potential material on the radar, I aim to craft a different genre of jewelry.

/  JUERAN  /


/  ZCBC by Z-CLOVER  /

时尚、混搭的串珠饰品。提倡“配饰≧衣服”的搭配理念,一身普通的装束可以通过配饰的组配瞬间改变! 以系列推出新品,产品以腕饰为主,并有与之搭配的项饰、耳饰等。设计师偏爱混搭与色彩,款式多变却有着统一的灵性风格。以天然半宝石类珠子为主材,搭配银饰、金饰,将传统串珠工艺,赋予时尚色彩

ZCBC by Z-clover is an original handcraft jewellery brand which uses semi-precious stones to create their designs. Their belief is that accessories are key to accentuate a simple outfit, into a most sophisticated one. Their accessaries are a mix & match of various designs, styles, colours, but above all, spirituality.

/  I'M YOURS 安佑定制  /

I’m Yours安佑定制是由一对台湾姐妹创立的定制品牌,每一件产品皆可做私人专属压印。安佑不愿跌入商品的洪流,只做能承载故事的专属品,记录你走过的每一条辛苦或快乐的路---Make Your Story Last。我能想到最浪漫的事,就是所有美好的事物上都刻上你的名字,让安佑产品来承载你的精神你的美好。

I’m Yours is a customized product brand created by a Taiwanese sisters. “Make Your Story Last” Each of our products is unique with different customized debossed logo, which is designed to carry your spirit, love and passion. You are the owner of the product.

/  纸赞 PAPERSAN  /
