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波司登: 關注股息屬性,高分紅垂直賽道穩成長

天风国际  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-08 20:34


Bosideng International

(3998 HK)


Attractive dividend adds cachet as FY24 financials deliver historical highs

BUY (maintain)

投資要點/Investment Thesis

投资要点/Investment Thesis







FY24 revenue sets a new record and profit growth trumps the past 9 years

Key metrics: Bosideng released financial results for FY24 (fiscal year ended March 2024) with revenue crossing the RMB20bn mark for the first time to reach RMB23.21bn, up 38.4%, while net profit growth outperformed the previous 9 fiscal years at RMB3.07bn, up 43.7%. Record revenue and profit levels once again affirm the brand’s global leadership as a down jacket producer.

Stable high DPR: the company set a final dividend of HKD0.20 per share, which brought its full-year dividend to HKD0.25 per share, an increase of 38.9% yoy.

Quality revenue growth: all business units generated stable and high-quality revenue growth in FY24:

•Bosideng, the main brand, generated RMB16.78bn, up 42.7% yoy;

•Snow Flying posted RMB2.02bn, a growth spike of 65.3% yoy;

•OEM revenue increased 16.4% yoy;

•Women’s apparel revenue grew 16.6% yoy; and

•Diversified apparel revenue rose 0.3% yoy.


產品創新方面, 主品牌堅持品類創新、拓展增量業務,強化功能性服飾定位,持續贏得消費者心智; 品牌建設方面, 持續夯實“全球領先的羽絨服專家”品牌形象:通過品牌戰役打造,實現品牌引領感知和品銷最大化目標。


渠道建設方面: 通過打造Top店體系、坐實單店運營,將有限的優質的資源聚焦在明確的目標市場。如北京王府井銀泰in88店:23 年全球首家登峯主題概念店,打造大戶外場景,聯動 KOL等資源,助力品牌及門店流量推廣,優質拓客近7萬人。

Bosideng brand: product innovations, brand consolidation and channel buildout

Product innovations: the Bosideng core brand focuses on product category innovations to expand incremental business and consolidate its functional apparel advantage to expand consumer mindshare.

Raising brand profile: the company reinforced its positioning as the world’s leading down jacket expert through brand marketing campaigns that raised awareness of its global brand leadership and maximized product sales. One was the La Vigna di Leonardo fashion show in Milan in September last year, which debuted Bosideng’s “weightless” down apparel that redefined the classics. Another utilized livestreaming on location at China’s snow capital Altay in collaboration with TikTok, which showcased the launch of the China’s Best Down IP and Bosideng’s first pop-up store at Wild Snow Park.

Channel buildout: the company prioritized top-performing stores and enhanced single-store operations to focus limited premium resources on target markets. Its first mountaineering concept store for the global market, which opened last year at the Yintai in88 mall in Beijing’s Wangfujing St, features a large outdoor setting. Ties with influencers and other resources helped promote the brand and drive store footfall to expand its premium customer base to nearly 70,000.



Snow Flying: investing into online; OEM quick responses; foreign capacities

Online: the Snow Flying brand continued to grow its online business, working on brand upgrades and creating best-selling products. It integrated the industry’s top suppliers, core platform resources and premium channel resources to drive rapid growth.

OEM: its OEM business sustained stable growth by improving operational capability as well as quality, maintained current volumes and added incremental volumes to enable quick responses in OEM orders, and also deployed foreign production capacities.



Refined women’s apparel management; Sameite school uniforms add diversity

Women’s: the women’s clothing business was stable and tracked a healthy growth recovery in FY24. It strengthened the brand profile by improving product operational efficiency, expanding and upgrading its channel business, and making customer management refinements.

School uniforms: the diversification into school uniforms, a business branded as Sameite, has firmed the company’s reputation as a strong niche player.

Bogner JV: for the joint venture with Bogner, which targets the high-end market, the company expanded online and offline channels to enable a full spectrum of interactive consumer experiences that aim to gradually penetrate China’s high-end target market.

投資建議/Investment Ideas


未來,公司錨定“聚焦羽絨服主航道、聚焦時尚功能科技服飾主賽道”發展方向,升級“戰略佈局、研發創新、協同供應、管理體系”四項核心能力,強化“品牌引領、品類經營、渠道運營、客戶體驗”四項核心舉措。參考公司FY24表現,我們上調盈利預測,預計公司FY25-27收入分別爲265、301、341億人民幣(FY25-26前值爲256、294億人民幣);歸母淨利分別36、41、46億人民幣(FY25-26前值爲34、40億人民幣);EPS分別爲0.33、0.37、0.42元人民幣/股(FY25-26前值爲0.31、0.36元人民幣/股); PE分別爲13、11、10X。

Valuation and risks

Bosideng has set its development road map with down jackets as the main channel, and fashionable and functional tech apparel as the main products. To this end, it refined four core capabilities: a strategic buildout; R&D and innovations; collaborative supply; and the management system. It also firmed four core initiatives: brand leadership; category management; channel operations; and customer experience. In light of FY24 results, we raise our earnings forecasts and now expect FY25/26/27E revenues will arrive at RMB26.5bn/30.1bn/34.1bn (previously RMB25.6bn/29.4bn for FY25/26E); with net profit at RMB3.6bn/4.1bn/4.6bn (previously RMB3.4bn/4bn values for FY25/26E); bringing EPS to RMB0.33/0.37/0.42 (previously RMB0.31/0.36 for FY25/26E) and PE to 13x/11x/10x. We maintain our BUY rating.

風險提示: 行業競爭加劇風險,原材料價格波動風險,品牌經營風險等。

Risks include: intensifying competition; raw material price fluctuations; and brand management risks.

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