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Call4Papers  · 公众号  · 科研  · 2017-05-05 09:16


1. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics



期刊:IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics

专刊:Informatics for Personalized, Precision and Preventive Healthcare (3P Healthcare)







Advancing health informatics is a grand challenge for engineering in the 21st century as identified by the National Academy of Engineering. Managing and improving human health and curing complex diseases will require novel and creative informatics methods and solutions to accelerate scientific discovery, translate discoveries into successful treatments, re-engineer care practices and infrastructure for personalized, precision and preventive medicine. The advent of omics and biomolecular technologies has improved our understanding of biological processes leading to solutions for personalized and precise medicine. Technological developments associated with the Internet of Things (IoT) provide capabilities in empowering people with their own health across the continuum of life. This fantastic technology progress is creating unprecedented amount of data. Innovation in health informatics is therefore critical to harvest this big data to improve care, save lives and lower costs. It is expected that publications in this special issue will describe novel informatics solutions in applications to improve human health, and will demonstrate how the deployment of bioinformatics, digital imaging, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT), m-Health, e-Health, and telemedicine can enable precision and preventive medicine in the era of digital health.

This special issue will focus on enabling technologies of computing, databases, devices, imaging, sensors, and systems that optimize the acquisition, transmission, processing, monitoring, storage, retrieval, modeling, simulation, analysis, visualization and interaction of vast volumes and different modalities of biomedical data and related social, behavior, environmental, and geographical information.

Topics for this special issue include, but are not limited to:

- Bioinformatics

- Imaging Informatics

- Sensor Informatics

- Medical Informatics and Public Health Informatics

2. IEEE Pervasive Computing



期刊:IEEE Pervasive Computing

专刊:Augmenting Humans






Technology has long been used to augment our physical and cognitive abilities. Heavy machinery enables us lift weights well beyond our own capabilities, reading glasses correct and enhance our vision, and cameras enable us to capture memories for future recall.

Wearable computing pioneered the integration of such systems into our clothing or even our bodies, but ambient computing systems are also increasingly capable of improving our cognitive abilities: a projected user interface might improve our sense of direction or our ability to assemble a complex machine.

Current and next-generation systems promise to augment our senses, voices, motor activities, and even our minds in unprecedented ways. To truly "augment" humans in a seamless way, however, still remains a challenge. How do we control on-body and in-body technology? How can augmented humans better tackle the challenges of smart, IoT-enabled environments? What are the benefits and risks of such systems? And what is the next-generation technology (both in hardware and software) that will enable the seamless integration of these devices with our everyday activities?

The aim of this special issue is to explore new technologies, methodologies, and applications that relate to all aspects of augmenting humans. Contributions may come from diverse fields, including: human-computer interaction; distributed systems; artificial intelligence; dependable computing; psychology and sociology; the Internet of Things; cyber-physical systems; mobile, wearable, and ubiquitous computing; ambient intelligence; architecture and urban planning; and arts and entertainment.

We welcome a wide range of research papers including descriptions of completed systems, experience reports, new insights into specific technologies, novel algorithms, surveys, and vision papers that articulate new challenges for the field.

Relevant topics for this special issue include, but are not limited to, the following:

- Wearable, mobile, pervasive, and networked systems to support human augmentation

- Experience reports on building and using systems for human augmentation

- Surveys relating to pervasive computing support for augmented humans

- Memory augmentation and decision support

- Interactions between augmented humans and the pervasive computing environment, including intelligent assistants and the IoT (for example, smart cities, homes, and cars)

- Human augmentation and artificial intelligence

- Novel human-computer interfaces, such as brain-computer interfaces, muscle interfaces, implanted interfaces, and augmented reality/mixed reality interfaces

- Super-human technologies, involving bionics, biomechanics, or exoskeletons

- Applications to healthcare and wellbeing, safety and security, arts and entertainment, productivity and production, travel and tourism

- Novel hardware (such as sensors, textiles, or devices) for augmenting humans.

- Security and privacy issues when augmenting humans

- Social and policy aspects of augmenting humans

3. IEEE Micro



期刊:IEEE Micro

专刊:Automotive Computing






Recent growth in computing capability has led to a surge of advanced driver assistance system (ADAS) features in modern automobiles that improve both safety and driving experience. Machine learning continues to fuel advancements in recognition and computer-vision technology that will eventually lead to autonomous vehicles. These autonomous vehicles will greatly decrease the number of collisions but will require even more computing and communication devices to be deployed in each vehicle.

This special issue of IEEE Micro will explore novel design and emerging computing technologies for automotive applications to improve the performance, usability, and real-time data processing capability for future vehicles. This issue will also explore technologies that aim to guarantee reliable and secure operations of future vehicles to enable autonomous driving. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Computer vision and image processing architecture

- Recognition and learning accelerator-based architecture

- Architectural support for ISO26262 compliance

- Architectural support for design for operational and thermal reliability

- Fault-hardened microarchitecture and system architecture

- Security-proof architecture and intrusion detection systems for automotive

- Architectures for real-time heterogeneous systems

- Architectures for real-time path planning

- Systems and architectures for vehicle communication systems

- Autonomous driving and data service platform architectures

4.IEEE Internet Computing



期刊:IEEE Internet Computing

专刊:Connected and Autonomous Vehicles






With the recent advances in wireless communication technologies, connected and autonomous vehicles are becoming a cornerstone of the increasingly connected world. Although Internet technologies brought intelligent vehicles innovative services and applications that change the way how people live, work, and entertain, supporting the real-time, safety, stability, reliability, and security requirements of connected vehicular applications is difficult because of the nature of vehicle mobility. As connected and autonomous vehicles become one of the largest mobile cyber-physical systems, extraordinary research challenges are emerging in many areas, including environment perception, edge data analytics, computing platforms, architecture design, cybersecurity, and privacy protection.

The connected and autonomous vehicle research field has been a highly active area of research, development, standardization, and field trials. Throughout the world, many national and international projects in government, industry, and academia are devoted to connected vehicles or autonomous driving vehicles. Multiple relevant industry standards and consortia are being created to prepare for the maturity of these emerging technologies.

This special issue intends to disseminate the latest research results in this exciting research area of connected and autonomous vehicles, providing a snapshot of the current state of the art in such advanced systems. Submitted papers should focus on the general theme of Internet computing. Areas of interest include (but are not limited to) the following:

- (semi-)automated vehicles;

- autonomous/intelligent robotic vehicles;

- vehicle environment perception;

- cooperative driving and cooperative vehicle-infrastructure systems;

- vehicle-to-infrastructure and vehicle-to-vehicle (V2I/V2V) communication;

- wireless in-car networks;

- vehicle system architecture and design;

- vehicular Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure;

- intelligent vehicle software and computing infrastructure;

- edge data analytics for vehicular systems;

- cloud computing applications for vehicular systems;

- geographic information systems (GIS) or intelligent transportation systems (ITS) applications for intelligent vehicles;

- security and privacy issues and protection mechanisms;

- cyber-physical system modeling; and early experience and field trials of connected and autonomous vehicles.

5.IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics



期刊:IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics

专刊:Special Issue on Skin Lesion Image Analysis for Melanoma Detection







The goals of this special issue are to summarize the state-of-the-art in both the computerized analysis of skin lesion images, as well as image acquisition technologies, providing future directions for this exciting subfield of medical image analysis. The intended audience includes researchers and practicing clinicians, who are increasingly using digital analytic tools.

Invasive and in-situ malignant melanoma together comprise one of the most rapidly increasing cancers in the world. Invasive melanoma alone has an estimated incidence of 87,110 and of 9,730 deaths in the United States in 2017. Early diagnosis is critical, as melanoma can be effectively treated with simple excision if detected early.

In the past, the primary form of diagnosis for melanoma has been unaided clinical examination, which has limited and variable accuracy, leading to significant challenges both in the early detection of disease and the minimization of unnecessary biospies. In recent years, dermoscopy has improved the diagnostic capability of trained specialists. However, dermoscopy remains difficult to learn, and several studies have demonstrated limits of dermoscopy when proper training is not administered. In addition, even with sufficient training, analyses remain highly subjective.

Newer imaging technologies such as infrared imaging, multispectral imaging, and confocal microscopy, have recently come to the forefront in providing the potential for greater diagnostic accuracy. In addition, various research studies have been focused on developing algorithms for the automated analysis of skin lesion images. Combinations of such technologies have the potential to serve as adjuncts to physicians, improving clinical management, especially for patients with a high degree of lesion burden.

This special issue aims to cover all aspects of skin lesion image analysis. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Novel and emerging imaging technologies

- Image enhancement

- Image registration

- Image segmentation

- Feature extraction

- Image classification

- Hardware systems


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