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四大新鲜事儿  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-12-15 15:26




2024年12月9日德勤美国宣布,Jason Salzetti被任命为德勤咨询董事长兼首席执行官,自2025年1月27日起生效。 Salzetti接替了自2019年以来一直担任该职位的Dan Helfrich。
Jason Salzetti 拥有加州大学洛杉矶分校数学/应用科学(金融)学士学位,主修计算机。 Salzetti 的职业生涯始于德勤,在德勤任职近30年,拥有丰富的跨职能和跨行业客户服务领导经验。
目前,Salzetti担任政府和公共服务业务负责人,为美国各级政府、高等教育机构和非营利机构提供服务。Salzetti与整个组织中各个行业的客户合作,专注于以任务为 中心的数字化转型项目。他还担任过许多领导职务,曾在Deloitte US董事会任职。 在担任政府和公共服务领导职务之前Salzetti 领导了州、地方和高等教育的综合实践。Salzetti目前还担任非营利组织Children Now的董事会主席。



Salzetti接替自2019年以来一直担任该职位的Dan Helfrich。 Dan Helfrich自2006年8月加入德勤,距今已超18年。2019年6月起,他担任德勤美国咨询公司董事会主席兼CEO。在此之前他担任 德勤美国咨询公司政府和公共服务主管合伙人。

Dan Helfrich有一大爱好,那就是转播 乔治城大学大学的 足球比赛。

据乔治城大学2024年12月6日发布的一篇题为《The CEO of Deloitte Consulting’s Side Hustle: Broadcasting Georgetown Soccer》的文章,2024年12月6日周五下午三点,校友 Dan Helfrich 站在乔治城足球场上方的记者席上, 戴上广播耳机,一边扫描数据表,一边密切关注着比赛,并转播赛况。

每年秋天,无论他的日程安排如何,他都会挤出时间 转播乔治城男子足球比赛。

Dan Helfrich表示: “转播比赛在过去的20年里给我带来了巨大的快乐,这已经成为我身份的重要组成部分。没有它,我的生活感觉不完整。”

他在乔治城大学就读时,就是乔治城大学足球队成员。他 花了三年时间获得 外交学院 本科学位,并于1999年获得 麦克多诺商学院 硕士学位。 早在2004年, Helfrich就开始转播乔治城男子足球赛。
1995年, Helfrich 在一场霍亚斯队的足球比赛中奔跑。
刚到德勤的时候, Helfrich 问经理们,他是否可以在秋天的某些日子提前下班去转播比赛。他们同意了,从那以后他只错过了两场主场比赛。
Helfrich 来说, 解说足球比赛让他在德勤成为了一名更好的领导者 Helfrich认为, “在很多方面,这两份工作是相辅相成的”。
在记者席上,他磨练了如何在快节奏的足球比赛中表现得敏捷、口齿清晰、令人难忘——这些技能在董事会、市政厅和与客户的会议上都很有用。 他还说,他对场上动态的 分析能力也助力自己领导职业团队
Helfrich 和他的妻子以及他们的四个孩子在乔治城的一场比赛中
Helfrich (右)和他的妻子Kristie以及效力于乔治敦男子足球队的儿子 Matthew
Helfrich 和Tom Greaser(98届毕业生)(左)一起广播,Tom Greaser是他的校友和前男子足球队队友

It’s 3 p.m. on a Friday, and Dan Helfrich (SFS’98, MBA’99) is in the press box above Georgetown’s soccer field.

Broadcast headset on, Helfrich scans a stat sheet while keeping a close eye on the game.

“Providence just isn’t able to find a way through the impenetrable Georgetown defense,” he says with 17 minutes left as the Hoyas maintain their 3-0 lead.

Helfrich is the U.S. chair and CEO of Deloitte Consulting. He leads 85,000+ employees to provide consulting services for clients across the United States.

But every fall, no matter his schedule, he carves out time for his “side hustle”: broadcasting Georgetown men’s soccer games.

“The last 20 years have brought me an immense amount of joy that have become a huge part of my identity,” he said. “My life doesn’t feel complete without it.”

Helfrich started broadcasting back in 2004. He played soccer for Georgetown while earning his undergraduate degree in three years from the School of Foreign Service and master’s from the McDonough School of Business in 1999.

Helfrich runs down the field during a Hoyas’ soccer game in 1995.

After graduating, Helfrich remembers seeing two career tracks ahead of him: sports broadcasting or consulting. He chose consulting — but he wasn’t willing to let the other go.

In his early days at Deloitte, Helfrich asked his managers if he could leave work early on certain fall days to broadcast. They said yes, and he’s only missed two home games since.

“For me, it was a no-brainer to say, if I can have a few extra hours of joy in my life through broadcasting, then wouldn’t that be great for my employer to have one of their team members feel more joyful, more fulfilled, happier?” he said. “I had the confidence to ask, and it’s played out in all the right ways.”

For Helfrich, calling soccer games has made him a better leader at Deloitte. In the press box, he’s honed how to be agile, articulate and memorable in the fast-paced rhythm of a soccer game — skills that have served him well in the boardroom, town halls and meetings with clients.

He also said that the time he spends analyzing field dynamics — from coaching to how teammates interact and play together — translates to the teams he leads professionally.

“In many ways the two jobs are mutually reinforcing,” he said, who is also an inaugural member of the McCourt School Advisory Board. “I’m a better CEO because I broadcast and I’m a better broadcaster because of my work at Deloitte.”

Broadcasting His Son

Helfrich plays soccer with his kids at Georgetown when they were growing up.

Helfrich with his wife and their four children at a Georgetown game.

Helfrich’s love for Georgetown soccer runs deep.

He got his own start playing soccer when he was five years old.

“There’s a lot of awkward pictures of me as a five or 6-year-old in my parents’ house wearing awkward sweatpants and with unruly hair, but with a huge smile on my face,” he said. “Soccer’s still putting joy on my face, and my experience playing at Georgetown was unquestionably the most formative experience of my life.”

On the Hilltop, Helfrich was part of the first men’s soccer team in Georgetown’s history to go to the NCAA tournament in 1994.

Almost 30 years later, Helfrich watched his own son play in the NCAA tournament for the Hoyas. On Nov. 17, Georgetown won its sixth Big East championship in program history, this time against Providence.

Helfrich (right) with his wife Kristie and son Matthew (B’27), who plays for Georgetown men’s soccer.

Helfrich said he finds watching his son play from the stands more stressful than calling his son’s moves from the press box. In the press box, he’s in broadcaster mode. After the game, he’s dad again.

“This place has deep meaning to me,” he said. “It has deep meaning to my family. It’s a borderline spiritual experience for me. Every time I’m here, it connects me to my past, it connects my generation to my son’s generation. So much of who I am is formed by my five years as a student at Georgetown.”

Dan doesn’t see his broadcasting gig letting up any time soon. The broadcasting booth at Georgetown feels like home, he says.

Helfrich broadcasts with Tom Greaser (B’98) (left), a fellow alumnus and former men’s soccer teammate.

“Being a storyteller and building a relationship with that audience over time is such a privilege. It’s such a gift. Twenty years down and 40 more to go and we’ll keep doing it,” he says.



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