专栏名称: 爱可可-爱生活
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几篇论文实现代码:《BEVNeXt: Reviving Dens-20240909214128

爱可可-爱生活  · 微博  · AI  · 2024-09-09 21:41


2024-09-09 21:41

《BEVNeXt: Reviving Dense BEV Frameworks for 3D Object Detection》(CVPR 2024) GitHub: github.com/woxihuanjiangguo/BEVNeXt
《Binarized Low-light Raw Video Enhancement》(CVPR 2024) GitHub: github.com/ying-fu/BRVE [fig7]
《DC-Solver: Improving Predictor-Corrector Diffusion Sampler via Dynamic Compensation》(ECCV 2024) GitHub: github.com/wl-zhao/DC-Solver [fig1]
《One-DM:One-Shot Diffusion Mimicker for Handwritten Text Generation》(ECCV 2024) GitHub: github.com/dailenson/One-DM [fig2]
《EraseDraw: Learning to Insert Objects by Erasing Them from Images》(ECCV 2024) GitHub: github.com/alpercanberk/erasedraw-data [fig3]
《Unveiling Deep Shadows: A Survey on Image and Video Shadow Detection, Removal, and Generation in the Era of Deep Learning》(2024) GitHub: github.com/xw-hu/Unveiling-Deep-Shadows
《PianoMime: Learning a Generalist, Dexterous Piano Player from Internet Demonstrations》(2024) GitHub: github.com/sNiper-Qian/pianomime
《RealisHuman: A Two-Stage Approach for Refining Malformed Human Parts in Generated Images》(2024) GitHub: github.com/Wangbenzhi/RealisHuman
《VCR: Visual Caption Restoration》(2024) GitHub: github.com/tianyu-z/VCR
《Unleashing the Temporal-Spatial Reasoning Capacity of GPT for Training-Free Audio and Language Referenced Video Object Segmentation》(2024) GitHub: github.com/appletea233/AL-Ref-SAM2 [fig4]
《Portrait Video Editing Empowered by Multimodal Generative Priors》(2024) GitHub: github.com/USTC3DV/PortraitGen-code [fig5]
《Leveraging Locality to Boost Sample Efficiency in Robotic Manipulation》(2024) GitHub: github.com/TongZhangTHU/sgr [fig6]