专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-03-05 09:51


Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)获悉,土耳其国家统计局 (TUIK) 的数据显示, 1 月土耳其螺纹钢出口量同比增长 1.7% 556,344 吨,也高于 12 月的 486,426 吨。平均售价为 427 美元 / 吨,而 2019 1 月为 474 美元 / 吨。

Turkish rebar exports increased 1.7%on-year in January to 556,344 tonnes. They were also up from 486,426t inDecember, according to Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK) data monitored by Kallanish .The average sales price was $427/tonne versus $474/t in January 2019.

也门是 2019 年土耳其螺纹钢最大的出口市场, 1 月再次成为最大的出口目的地,占 142,061 吨。这低于去年同期的 150,307 吨,环比下降 8.7% 。以色列再次成为第二大出口目的地,占 87,369 吨,同比增长 74% ,但较 12 月下降 17%

Yemen, Turkish rebar’s largest exportmarket in 2019, was again the biggest destination with 142,061t in January.This was down from 150,307t a year earlier and down -8.7% on-month. Israel wasagain the second-largest export destination with 87,369t, up 74% on-year, butdown -17% compared to December.

令人意外的是, 1 月美国成为第三大市场,占 58,033 吨,而一年前为零。这是相当长一段时间以来土耳其螺纹钢对美国出口的单月最高值。紧随其后的是埃塞俄比亚,增加近两倍,达到 49,671 吨;新加坡占 41,325 吨,去年为零。

The USA, surprisingly, was third-largestmarket with 58,033t in January, versus zero a year ago. This was the largestmonthly tonnage of rebar supplied by Turkey to the US for quite some time. Thiswas followed by Ethiopia which almost trebled intake to 49,671t and Singaporewith 41,325t versus zero last year.

1 月吉布提和牙买加从土耳其进口的螺纹钢分别增加一倍多,达到 38,253 吨和 15,271 吨。 1 月巴拿马占 13,271 吨,去年同期为 16,348 吨。 1 月伊拉克占 10,559 吨,而一年前只有 389 吨。

Djibouti and Jamaica each more than doubledtheir shipments from Turkey to 38,253t and 15,271t respectively in January.Panama sourced 13,271t in January versus 16,348t. Iraq’s intake in January was10,559t versus only 389t a year prior.

由于 9 月土耳其钢厂的欧盟配额告罄,对英国和爱尔兰出口量为零,去年同期分别为 59,757 吨和 32,714 吨。荷兰、罗马尼亚和德国是去年最大的买家,分别占 23,604 吨、 20,890 吨和 14,810 吨,但今年 1 月总共只有 5,490 吨。

As a result of EU quotas being filled byTurkish mills in September, there were no export sales to the UK and Ireland,which sourced 59,757t and 32,714t respectively a year ago. The Netherlands,Romania and Germany, which were the largest buyers with 23,604t, 20,890t and14,810t respectively last year, sourced only a combined 5,490t in January.

螺纹钢的表现好于盘条, 2020 年第一个月盘条出口量同比下降 35% 。土耳其钢厂预计将继续在美国市场销售,但不可能达到 232 关税实施之前的水平。

Rebar performed better than wire rodexports which declined -35% on-year in the first month of 2020. Turkish millsexpect to continue selling in the US market, but the tonnages seen beforeSection 232 tariffs will be impossible to reach.



Asia Steel Markets 2020 (已延期)

22 Apr 2020, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
