在研发无人驾驶的路上,Uber 先把自己变成了一家无人驾驶的公司——没有COO、CTO、CFO,就连创始人兼CEO的Travis Kalanick也被休假了!Kalanick和Uber最近被丑闻缠身:赚难民的钱、歧视女性、道歉风波、划船事故、和谷歌打官司…… 追根到底,这和Kalanick的“痞子”个性脱不了干系。似乎创业初期的管理模式和文化氛围并不适用于一个成熟巨大的企业。
The ride-hailing giant must fix its reputation. To do so properly, its boss must go.
IT HAS been a wild ride. Seven years ago Uber launched itself as an app connecting well-heeled users with nearby limousines. It has since become the most prominent tech startup in the world, with a valuation of $70bn. The company’s hard-charging culture—embodied in Travis Kalanick, Uber’s co-founder and boss—was celebrated, not questioned.
No longer. The firm is fending off accusations of stealing autonomous-car technology. It is being investigated for allegedly designing software to identify and evade transport regulators. Most toxic are charges of rampant sexism. Mr Kalanick and his band of brothers created a workplace more reminiscent of a bar than a business. For months a law firm has investigated what are believed to be more than 200 claims of misconduct, including sexual harassment, discrimination and bullying.
Uber is belatedly making efforts to fix things. As a result of the inquiry into sexual harassment, more than 20 employees and executives have been dismissed. Uber is going to strengthen its board, which has been under the thumb of Mr Kalanick and two others, who together control a majority of the voting rights; an independent chairman is planned. The firm will do other things differently, too: more performance reviews, less booze and no sex between a manager and an underling.