专栏名称: X-MOL资讯
“X-MOL资讯”关注化学、材料和生命科学领域的科研进展,坚持“原创、专业、深度、生动”,发文频率和质量广受好评。公众号菜单提供“期刊浏览、职位查询、物性数据”等丰富内容和强大功能,深得用户喜爱,入选“2016 年度学术公众号TOP10”。
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新加坡南洋理工大学(NTU)Zhi-Heng Loh教授团队招聘启事

X-MOL资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-11-01 08:09


Ph.D. scholarships in ultrafast spectroscopy at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Fully funded, four-year Ph.D. scholarships in ultrafast spectroscopy, starting August 2025, are available in Prof. Zhi-Heng Loh’s group at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore.

The first project seeks to investigate the ultrafast electronic and vibrational dynamics of ionized liquid water and biomolecules in aqueous solution. Specifically, we will explore the ultrafast nonadiabatic electron and hole relaxation dynamics of ionized species, identify vibrational modes and timescales involved in structural rearrangement upon ionization, and study the ultrafast proton transfer dynamics of ionized species. The experiments employ a combination of tabletop few-cycle laser pulses and X-ray free-electron laser pulses for transient absorption spectroscopy.

The second project involves the use of a new tabletop experimental apparatus to investigate the ultrafast photochemical dynamics of liquid water. Specifically, we aim to observe the ultrafast dissociation dynamics of the state of liquid water and track the ensuing dynamics of the H atom and OH radical photoproducts, including hydrated electron formation and solvation dynamics. The work entails generating femtosecond vacuum-ultraviolet pulses and performing VUV pump-optical probe experiments on a liquid water microjet.

Selected relevant references include:

1. “Observation of a Transient Intermediate in the Ultrafast Relaxation Dynamics of the Excess Electron in Strong-Field-Ionized Liquid Water,” Nat. Commun. 13 , 7300 (2022).

2. “Observation of the Fastest Chemical Processes in the Radiolysis of Water,” Science 367 , 179–182 (2020).

3. “Ultrafast Proton Transfer of the Aqueous Phenol Radical Cation,” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys . 24 , 12236–12248 (2022).

4. “Observation of Intra- and Intermolecular Vibrational Coherences of the Aqueous Tryptophan Radical Induced by Photodetachment,” J. Chem. Phys. 155 , 134306 (2021).

The research laboratories are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and offer a conducive research environment. The scholarship covers tuition fees and includes a generous monthly stipend (SGD 2,700 before and SGD 3,200 after Qualifying Exam). On-campus accommodation is available. Ph.D. students will have opportunities to work closely with international collaborators, perform measurements at overseas experimental research facilities, and present their results at international conferences.

Candidates must have (or soon have) a B.Sc. or M.Sc. degree in physics, chemistry, or a related field. They must be highly motivated, possess a strong academic record, and have good oral and written communication skills in English. Previous experience with laser spectroscopy and programming would be advantageous.

Please send any inquiries via e-mail to Prof. Zhi-Heng Loh ( [email protected] ). Applications should include a cover letter, a CV, an academic transcript, and the names and contact information of two referees. Evaluation of applications will commence immediately and will continue until the positions are filled.

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