Hello! This week on Ask a Teacher we answer a question from Yoo Yoo in Somalia.
What are the differences between "any longer," "anymore" and "no longer?"
Yoo Yoo, Somalia.
Dear Yoo Yoo,
Thank you for writing to us. These three expressions are similar. So, they may cause some misunderstandings among learners. Although the three expressions have the same meaning, you should be careful how you use them. They must be used in different kinds of statements or questions. Let us look at them more closely.
Any longer
“Any longer” is an adverb, that is, it gives us more information about the action in a statement or question. It means that something that was once true or possible is not now true or possible. Here is an example:
Because of the coronavirus, we can’t sit close together in the movies any longer.
Note that the sentence has a
(can’t). You will only find this expression in questions or statements with a negative. Here is a question using “any longer.” “Don’t” is the negative.
Don’t you go to that store any longer?