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唧唧堂:RES 经济学研究评论2020年11月刊论文摘要14篇

唧唧堂  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-01-13 23:36


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解析作者 | 唧唧堂经济金融学写作小组: 苓语
审校 | 唧唧堂经济金融学写作小组: 绵绵
编辑 | 悠悠


作者对随机分配机制的范围进行了概括,机制首先确定一个可行的 "预期分配",然后通过在附近可行的整数分配上进行随机分配来实现。之前的文献已经表明,这种可能性的情况是急剧限制的。作者表明,如果一些可行性约束可以被视为目标而不是硬约束,那么,在作者确定的弱条件下,任何满足所有约束和目标的预期分配都可以通过在附近的整数分配中随机化来实现,这些整数分配完全满足所有的硬约束和目标。通过将事后效用定义为目标,作者能够改进几个经典分配机制的事后特性,例如随机序列独裁。作者用同样的方法来证明在具有不可分割项目和可行性约束的大市场中存在ϵ-竞争均衡。

摘要原文:We generalize the scope of random allocation mechanisms, in which the mechanism first identifies a feasible “expected allocation” and then implements it by randomizing over nearby feasible integer allocations. The previous literature has shown that the cases in which this is possible are sharply limited. We show that if some of the feasibility constraints can be treated as goals rather than hard constraints, then, subject to weak conditions that we identify, any expected allocation that satisfies all the constraints and goals can be implemented by randomizing among nearby integer allocations that satisfy all the hard constraints exactly and the goals approximately. By defining ex post utilities as goals, we are able to improve the ex post properties of several classic assignment mechanisms, such as the random serial dictatorship. We use the same approach to prove the existence of ϵ-competitive equilibrium in large markets with indivisible items and feasibility constraints.

参考文献:Mohammad Akbarpour, Afshin Nikzad. Approximate Random Allocation Mechanisms. The Review of Economic Studies.


作者根据 "青年生活调查 "估计了印度1-12岁儿童认知和健康的生产函数。印度有7000多万0-5岁的儿童有发育缺陷的风险。生产函数的投入包括父母背景、先前的儿童认知和健康以及儿童投资,这些都是内生的。对该生产函数的估计以一个非线性因素模型为基础,基于对投入和儿童产出两个因素的多重测量。作者的结果显示,早期健康对儿童认知发展有重要影响,认知随后变得固定。父母的投资会影响所有年龄段的认知发展,但对年龄较小的儿童影响更大。投资也只对低龄儿童的健康产生影响。

摘要原文:We estimate production functions for cognition and health for children aged 1–12 in India, based on the Young Lives Survey. India has over 70 million children aged 0–5 who are at risk of developmental deficits. The inputs into the production functions include parental background, prior child cognition and health, and child investments, which are taken as endogenous. Estimation is based on a nonlinear factor model, based on multiple measurements for both inputs and child outcomes. Our results show an important effect of early health on child cognitive development, which then becomes persistent. Parental investments affect cognitive development at all ages, but more so for younger children. Investments also have an impact on health at early ages only.

参考文献:Orazio Attanasio, Costas Meghir, Emily Nix. Human Capital Development and Parental Investment in India. The Review of Economic Studies.



摘要原文:While potentially more productive, more complex tasks generate larger agency rents. Agents therefore prefer to acquire complex skills, to earn large rents. In our overlapping generations model, their ability to do so is kept in check by competition with predecessors. Old agents, however, are imperfect substitutes for young ones, because the latter are easier to incentivize, thanks to longer horizons. This reduces competition between generations, enabling young managers to go for larger complexity than their predecessors. Consequently, equilibrium complexity and rents gradually increase beyond what is optimal for the principal and for society.

参考文献:B Biais, A Landier. Endogenous Agency Problems and the Dynamics of Rents. The Review of Economic Studies.

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摘要原文:This article presents a dynamic political-economic model of total government obligations. Its focus is on the interplay between debt and entitlements. In our model, both are tools by which temporarily powerful groups can extract resources from groups that will be powerful in the future: debt transfers resources across periods; entitlements directly target the future allocation of resources. We prove the following results. First, the presence of endogenous entitlements dampens the incentives of politically powerful groups to accumulate debt, but it leads to an increase in total government obligations. Second, fiscal rules can have perverse effects: if entitlements are unconstrained, and there are capital market frictions, debt limits lead to an increase in total government obligations and to worse outcomes for all groups. Analogous results hold for entitlement limits. Third, our model sheds some lights on the influence of capital market frictions on the incentives of governments to adopt fiscal rules, and implement entitlement programs. Finally, we identify preference polarization as a possible explanation for the joint growth of debt and entitlements.

参考文献:Laurent Bouton, Alessandro Lizzeri, Nicola Persico. The Political Economy of Debt and Entitlements. The Review of Economic Studies.


作者记录了战后美国的选举呈现出强烈的 "在位劣势 "模式:如果一个政党已经担任了一段时间的国家总统或州长职务,那么该政党往往会在随后的选举中失去人气。作者表明,这一事实可以通过政策惯性和选举结果的不可预测性的结合来解释。定量分析表明,观察到的在位劣势的幅度可以出现在几种不同的政策惯性模型中。作者还探索了政策惯性导致在职劣势的规范性和积极影响。

摘要原文:We document that postwar U.S. elections show a strong pattern of “incumbency disadvantage”: if a party has held the presidency of the country or the governorship of a state for some time, that party tends to lose popularity in the subsequent election. We show that this fact can be explained by a combination of policy inertia and unpredictability in election outcomes. A quantitative analysis shows that the observed magnitude of incumbency disadvantage can arise in several different models of policy inertia. Normative and positive implications of policy inertia leading to incumbency disadvantage are explored.

参考文献:Satyajit Chatterjee, Burcu Eyigungor. Policy Inertia, Election Uncertainty, and Incumbency Disadvantage of Political Parties. The Review of Economic Studies.



摘要原文:The large regional variation in minimum wage levels during the period 2002–8 in China implies that Chinese manufacturing firms experienced competitive shocks as a function of firm location and their low-wage employment share. We find that minimum wage hikes accelerate the input substitution from labour to capital, reduce employment growth and accelerate total factor productivity growth—particularly among the less productive firms under private Chinese or foreign ownership, but not among state-owned enterprises. The heterogeneous firm response to labour cost shocks can be explained by differences in management practices and suggests that management quality and competitive pressure are complementary.

参考文献:Harald Hau, Yi Huang, Gewei Wang. Firm Response to Competitive Shocks: Evidence from China’s Minimum Wage Policy. The Review of Economic Studies.

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摘要原文:How far should an industry be allowed to consolidate when competition and innovation are endogenous? We develop a stochastically alternating-move game of dynamic oligopoly and estimate it using data from the hard disk drive industry, in which a dozen global players consolidated into only three in the last 20 years. We find plateau-shaped equilibrium relationships between competition and innovation, with heterogeneity across time and productivity. Our counterfactual simulations suggest the current rule-of-thumb policy, which stops mergers when three or fewer firms exist, strikes approximately the right balance between pro-competitive effects and value-destruction side effects in this dynamic welfare trade-off.

参考文献:Mitsuru Igami, Kosuke Uetake. Mergers, Innovation, and Entry-Exit Dynamics: Consolidation of the Hard Disk Drive Industry, 1996–2016. The Review of Economic Studies.



摘要原文:We surveyed a large sample of Swedish lottery players about their psychological well-being 5–22 years after a major lottery event and analysed the data following pre-registered procedures. Relative to matched controls, large-prize winners experience sustained increases in overall life satisfaction that persist for over a decade and show no evidence of dissipating over time. The estimated treatment effects on happiness and mental health are significantly smaller. Follow-up analyses of domain-specific aspects of life satisfaction implicate financial life satisfaction as an important mediator for the long-run increase in overall life satisfaction.

参考文献:Erik Lindqvist, Robert Östling, David Cesarini. Long-Run Effects of Lottery Wealth on Psychological Well-Being. The Review of Economic Studies.


越来越多的警察局使用信息技术来优化巡逻路线的设置,但警察局对信息技术在预防犯罪方面的有效性却知之甚少。这项研究基于对 "预测性警务 "的准随机访问,研究表明,信息技术的使用通过提高犯罪清除率提高了警务效率。由于掌握了个人犯罪事件的详细信息和对犯罪等级的划分,信息技术的应用使得犯罪分子的行为变得可以预测。此外,在引入预测性警务的同时,犯罪率也有很大的不连续的下降趋势。由此看来,信息技术创新的回报率似乎很高。

摘要原文:An increasing number of police departments use information technology (IT) to optimize patrolling strategies, yet little is known about its effectiveness in preventing crime. Based on quasi-random access to “predictive policing,” this study shows that IT improves police productivity as measured by crime clearance rates. Thanks to detailed information on individual incidents and offender-level identifiers it also shows that criminals strategies are predictable. Moreover, the introduction of predictive policing coincides with a large negative trend-discontinuity in crime rates. The benefit–cost ratio of this IT innovation appears to be large.

参考文献:Giovanni Mastrobuoni. Crime is Terribly Revealing: Information Technology and Police Productivity. The Review of Economic Studies.

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美国的货币政策冲击会引起国际金融变量的变动,而这些变量是 "全球金融周期 "的特征。在美国货币紧缩后,解释全球风险资产价格变化的单一全球因素显著下降。美国的货币紧缩导致全球金融中介机构大幅去杠杆化,全球范围内国内信贷供给下降,国际信贷流动强烈回缩,国外金融条件趋紧。实行浮动汇率制度的国家也会受到类似的金融溢出效应的影响。

摘要原文:U.S. monetary policy shocks induce comovements in the international financial variables that characterize the “Global Financial Cycle.” A single global factor that explains an important share of the variation of risky asset prices around the world decreases significantly after a U.S. monetary tightening. Monetary contractions in the US lead to significant deleveraging of global financial intermediaries, a decline in the provision of domestic credit globally, strong retrenchments of international credit flows, and tightening of foreign financial conditions. Countries with floating exchange rate regimes are subject to similar financial spillovers.

参考文献:Silvia Miranda-Agrippino, Hélène Rey. U.S. Monetary Policy and the Global Financial Cycle. The Review of Economic Studies.



摘要原文:This article establishes a new fact about educational production: ordinal academic rank during primary school has lasting impacts on secondary school achievement that are independent of underlying ability. Using data on the universe of English school students, we exploit naturally occurring differences in achievement distributions across primary school classes to estimate the impact of class rank. We find large effects on test scores, confidence, and subject choice during secondary school, even though these students have a new set of peers and teachers who are unaware of the students’ prior ranking in primary school. The effects are especially pronounced for boys, contributing to an observed gender gap in the number of Maths courses chosen at the end of secondary school. Using a basic model of student effort allocation across subjects, we distinguish between learning and non-cognitive skills mechanisms, finding support for the latter.

参考文献:Richard Murphy, Felix Weinhardt. Top of the Class: The Importance of Ordinal Rank. The Review of Economic Studies.



摘要原文:Insurance benefit design has important implications for consumer welfare. In this article, we model insurer behaviour in the Medicare prescription drug coverage market and show that strategic private insurer incentives impose a fiscal externality on the traditional Medicare program. We document that plans covering medical expenses have more generous drug coverage than plans that are only responsible for prescription drug spending, which translates into higher drug utilization by enrolees. The effect is driven by drugs that reduce medical expenditure and treat chronic conditions. Our equilibrium model of benefit design endogenizes plan characteristics and accounts for asymmetric information; the model estimates confirm that differential incentives to internalize medical care offsets can explain disparities across plans. Counterfactuals show that strategic insurer incentives are as important as asymmetric information in determining benefit design.

参考文献:Amanda Starc, Robert J Town. Externalities and Benefit Design in Health Insurance. The Review of Economic Studies.

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