专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-10-19 09:45


Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)报道,中国热轧卷出口价格上涨,推动越南进口市场上升。由于供应商的乐观情绪改善,自上月以来,价格已经上涨 5-10 美元 / 吨。

Higher Chinese hot rolled coil export prices are driving up Vietnam's importmarket, Kallanish notes. Prices have gone up $5-10/tonne since last month due to improved optimism among suppliers.

一位中国贸易商在周五表示,越南 SS400 热轧卷报价已升至最低 525 美元 / cfr 越南, SAE 1006 热轧卷报价为 530 美元 / cfr 。这些报价为 1 月初船期。这些报价的供应合同表明材料将来自中国、印度或韩国,但“……如果市场变化不大,”材料将来自中国,他解释说。

Offers forHRC have risen to a minimum of $525/t cfr Vietnam for SS400 grade HRC andat $530/t cfr for SAE 1006 HRC, a Chinese trader said on Friday. These are for shipments by early January. Supply contracts for these offers wouldindicate material originating from China, India or South Korea, but thematerial will be sourced from China “…if the market does not change somuch," he explains.

在截至 10 16 日的一周内,一家中国一线钢厂的 1 万吨 2mm 厚度 SAE 1006 热轧卷订单以 525-530 美元 / cfr 越南成交。另外, 3 万吨俄罗斯原产 SAE 1006 热轧卷以 510 美元 / cfr 成交。前一周,这家俄罗斯钢厂的热轧卷成交价为 505 美元 / cfr 越南。

During theweek ending 16 October, an order for 10,000 tonnes of 2mm thickness SAE 1006HRC from a Tier 1 Chinese mill closed at $525-530/t cfr Vietnam. Also completed was the 30,000t purchase of Russian-origin SAE 1006 HRC at $510/t cfr. The weekbefore, the buying price for the Russian mill's HRC was $505/t cfr Vietnam.

一些越南贸易人士称,来自一家中国主流钢厂的 2-2.5mm 厚度 SAE 1006 热轧卷报价仍为 525 美元 / cfr 。一位越南贸易商说,虽然中国一线钢厂的报价升至 530 美元 / cfr ,但周五仍在以 525 美元 / cfr 收集还盘。

Some Vietnamese trading sources say that 2-2.5mm thickness SAE 1006 HRC from apopular Chinese mill was still available at $525/t cfr. While the offer from the Tier 1 Chinese mill was raised to $530/t cfr, bids were still being invitedat $525/t cfr on Friday, a Vietnamese trader says.

中国热轧卷价格在 9 月底达到近期低点,当时卖空的贸易商以 510-515 美元 / cfr 越南收集对中国 SAE 1006 热轧卷的还盘。上周越南本地带钢生产商——台塑河静钢铁公司对大客户的 SAE 1006 热轧卷每月价格降至 535 美元 / cif

Chinese HRC prices reached recent lows at end-September when short-selling traders were inviting bids for SAE 1006 HRC from China at $510-515/t cfrVietnam. Last week domestic strip producer Formosa Ha Tinh reduced its monthly prices for SAE 1006 HRC to $535/t cif for large customers.

上周五, Kallanish 2-2.7mm SAE1006 热轧卷的估价升至 515-525 美元 / cfr 越南,周环比上涨 5 美元 / 吨。

On Friday,Kallanish raised its 2-2.7mm SAE1006 HRC assessment to $515-525/t cfrVietnam, up $5/t on-week.
