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HPC药闻药事  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-09-19 18:00



为了让大家慢慢不要再谈FDA Inspection而色变,小编决定跟大家一起从FDA检查官的角度来学习:

1. FDA工作人员为他国现场检查都做了哪些具体工作?

2. 除了cGMP我们还有哪些需要准备的工作和需要学习的内容?

该系列文章由多篇构成,主题与FDA Inspection相关,内容主要是FDA对现场检查官们的指南文件。后期逐步分期发布,欢迎留言交流。



《Inspection Guides: Foreign Pharmaceutical Manufacturers》






1.CDER(Center for Drug Evaluation andResearch)FDA药物评价与研究中心

2.CVM(Center for Veterinary Medicine)兽药中心

3.PAIs(Pre-approval inspections)批准前检查

4.ITOB(International and TechnicalOperations Branch)国际业务与技术运营部

5.PDUFA(Prescription Drug User Fee Act)处方药用户收费法案

6.ORA(Office of Regulatory Affairs) 法规事务办公室




Pre-approval inspections (PAIs) requested by CDER andCVM for approval of specific NDAs/ANDAs/NADAsA constitutea major segment of FDA's foreign pharmaceutical inspection activities. When aPAI inspection is scheduled at a given facility, ITOB may, at its discretion,request the inspection team also cover other product applications needingpriority handling. District NDA program managers should keep track of andadvise ITOB headquarters staff of any significant issues pending at thefacility that must be resolved before an application can be approved even ifCDER or CVM has not completed its review of the application.

CDER和CVM所要求的针对特定NDAs/ANDAs/NADAsA的批准前检查(PAIs)是FDA国外检查活动很重要的一部分。当对某个工厂的检查已经安排好了的时候,ITOB(International and TechnicalOperations Branch)可以根据需要,自行决定去要求检查组在检查的时候覆盖其他需要优先处理的产品申请。区域的NDA管理员应该就任何待检工厂需要在申请批准前解决的待定的重大问题(即使CDER或者CVM还没有完成申请的审评)与ITOB总部检查保持联络并提供建议。


Many of the PAI assignments are generated as a result of the Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA). These assignments are identified as such and bear relativelyshort deadlines. They must be given the highest priority and handled in atimely manner.



At the earliest time after completion of an inspection, the team leader should  notify ITOB headquarters staff of the outcome of the inspection. He or she should transmit to ITOB via FAX the Inspectional Observations, Form FDA 483 (ifone is issued), a brief summary of findings, and proposed recommendations.Subsequently, the EIR (Establishment Inspection Reports) is expected to listall of the applications covered during the inspection and the status of each application. Be guided by appropriate Compliance Programs and Compliance PolicyGuides for making endorsements and recommendations.

在检查结束后最短时间内,检查组组长就应该将检查结果通知ITOB总部并通过传真将检查观察项、FDA 483表(如果有)、检查结果的小结和检查组建议传发给ITOB。接下来需要在EIR报告中列清所有被检查的申请以及这些申请所处的状态,检查组在做推荐和建议的时候需要遵循适用的合规性计划和合规性政策指南。





More and more inspections are being performed at places outside of our own cultural boundaries. Even in places that share common cultural traits, we often observe big disparities in regulatory climates in the industry being inspected. How weconduct ourselves abroad may well determine how much information we bring back from the firms we inspect on which to base our regulatory decisions.



The inspection team is there to make an assessment of each foreign facility on FDA's terms. Foreign firms are under no obligation to comply with the U.S.regulations except for their commitments in applications filed with the agency and/or for their desire to market their products in the U.S.A. In dealing with  a foreign firm, therefore, it is important not to impose our views on it during the inspection. Observe its manufacturing operations and verify them with the filed processes. Review the production records and document any deficiencies and discrepancies.



The mission of the inspection team is, as is true in the domestic inspections, togather as much information as possible to allow the agency to make an informed decision. Avoid a confrontational approach, if at all possible. Yet, beassertive and clear about what information and/or documentation the firm should provide to the team.



Views of the inspection team (or of the agency) and inspectional findings should be discussed with the firm during the exit interview in a constructive manner. Regulatoryprocesses of other countries are usually different from ours, and the inspection team may need to explain to the firm the implication of the findings and ways to remedy the problems, including possible corrective actions.






Prior to the inspection trip, the inspection team may contact the domestic sponsor directly by phone or by visit when deemed necessary and expeditious. However,as a rule, contact ITOB first to see if the information may be obtained throughthe Branch.



The inspection team is encouraged to contact the CDER reviewers at any time todiscuss issues or concerns regarding the specific application. As mentioned inthe previous section, Center reviewers may provide some information valuable for determining the direction of the inspection.

During the trip, the inspection team is expected to keep in touch with ITOB at all times for technical, administrative, or any other matters. ITOB sometimes needs to keep the team apprised of any additional information or changes while intransit. With regards to technical support during travel, ITOB will try to tap available resources within the Agency, including the National Experts and appropriate Center personnel to respond to the request in a timely manner.



When the inspection team finds significant GMP violations or data integrity problems at the foreign facility that may require additional attention, such findings should be immediately communicated to ITOB either by phone or FAX. On rare occasions, the inspection schedule may have to be amended if the finding swarrant extensive evidence documentation. At the conclusion of each inspection,the team leader will notify ITOB with the result of the inspection by FAX including the Inspectional Observations, Form FDA 483 (if one is issued), abrief summary of findings and the team's recommendation.

一旦检查组在国外工厂检查时发现了严重违反GMP的情况或者数据完整性问题就可能需要额外的关注,而且检查组需要立即通过电话或者传真与ITOB(就此类问题)进行沟通。在极少数情况下检查安排会进行调整,如在检查中发现的情况需要大量的证明性文件资料。在检查结束的时候检查组组长需要将检查观察项、FDA 483表(如果有的话)、检查结果的小结和检查组建议包括在内的检查结果通过传真的方式向ITOB通报。





The District (field) offices are responsible for review of all inspection findings and for proposing appropriate endorsements and recommendations consistent with the current policy applicable to domestic facilities. Follow the time-frames specified in the various Compliance Programs.

Current procedure requires that the District office forward the EIR package to ITOB forits evaluation of the District's endorsement and recommendation for consistency and uniformity. Then, ITOB headquarters staff will route the EIR package to the appropriate Center for their concurrence. The District office should be aware of changes in procedures regarding the routing of inspection reports,recommendations, compliance review, and other post-inspectional activities.



For the inspections performed by the staff of ITOB or headquarter's employees (ORA,CDER, or any other Center) shall continue to be forwarded to ITOB for its review and endorsement. ITOB is considered to be the home district for these employees.



For pre-approval inspections, Investigators and Districts should be guided by the current policy, particularly as it relates to District responsibilities regarding approval or withhold recommendations, compliance activities, and correspondence to the appropriate Center offices and applicants.

Written responses to FDA 483 observations and other correspondence received in ITOB will be copied to members of the inspection team for their review and comment.



The inspection team is expected to provide any comment in writing back to ITOB assoon as possible. The inspection team leader is responsible for coordinating the manner in which the comment is provided.

ITOB headquarters staff is responsible for coordinating with the Centers, when applicable, in determining the need for any inspectional follow-up at the foreign facilities. ITOB should always coordinate the follow-up activities with the appropriate Center if the inspection request was initiated by that Center.






All drug manufacturing processes are expected to have been validated prior to shipping. (Refer to HFC-133 memo dated November, 1995) This may mean that amanufacturer is not required to have documentation of a validated manufacturing process at the time of the inspection. However, this should not deter the inspection team from making an assessment of the firm's manufacturing process(es). Especially, for a bulk drug substance that has been manufacturedfor years employing an established process for many years and is not expectedto change, the firm should have had sufficient experience with the respective process to have their critical process parameters under control to attain reliable and consistent product quality.



During the inspection, the inspection team should attempt to evaluate if there are any significant variations in critical process parameters by examining a series ofbatch production records. If the process needs to be constantly fine-tuned frombatch to batch, that is a sign of an invalidated process.



For the majority of bulk drug processes, the single most important quality attribute is the substance purity. Therefore, particular attention must be paid to the evaluation of final purification processes.

Even in the case of finished dosage form drugs, the inspection team should determine if the product has been already manufactured for the local market. For many applications submitted by foreign sponsors, the products have been marketed outside the U.S.A. for years and their processes usually established. The inspection team should first determine if the product and the process being inspected are new at the time of the inspection. If the application process is substantially similar to the existing process, the inspection team should attempt to find out if the firm has validation data and if other available production data support a validated process.



When and if the inspection team notes on the FDA 483 the lack of a validated process, the observation should be supported by a detailed account of how the inspection team came to that conclusion. The concept of validated processes and documenting such evidence is not yet a widely accepted one outside the U.S.A.Being specific about what the observation implies will not only help the foreign firm to understand the issue, but also allow the agency to make an appropriate informed compliance decision.

如果最后有签发FDA 483表格并且在上面注有“工艺缺乏验证”缺陷项的话,那么检查组需要提供详细的解释来说明检查组是如何得出‘工艺缺乏验证’这一结论的。(因为)在美国以外的地方,验证工艺和记录工艺验证证据的概念还没有被广泛接受,因此详细的检查观察项不仅能够帮助被检查的外国公司理解问题所在,而且也可以让FDA做出恰当且明智的合规性决定。





During the inspection of a foreign drug manufacturer, it is not necessary to obtain the same level of documentation expected from a domestic inspection to establish evidence of GMP violations or data integrity problems. The agency has the authority under the FD&C Act to administratively restrict the importation of a product without demonstrating the adulteration of the product.The burden of proof is placed on the importing party.



However,the inspection report should contain sufficient information and documentation to support a conclusion by the reviewing office that significant violations ofthe law exist to warrant restricting importation of the commodity and/ornon-approval of affected application(s). Where data integrity problems are suspected,an attempt should be made to establish a pattern of practice. If the inspection team determines that extensive evidence documentation is required and fears that the evidence might be destroyed, ITOB should be contacted at the earliest possible time so as to develop a prompt logistical support plan.












1. 7356.002Drug Process Inspections

2. 7356.002ASmall Volume Parenterals

3. 7356.002BDrug Repackers and Relabelers

4. 7356.002CRadioactive Drugs

5. 7356.002FBulk Pharmaceutical Chemicals

6. 7346.832Pre-Approval Inspections

7. 7346.843Post-Approval Audits






1.CPG 7132a.06: Finished Dosage Form Drug Products in Bulk Containers -Applications of cGMPRs

2.CPG 7132c.04, CPG 7132.05, & CPG 7132a.01: All related to Compendial/TestRequirements

3.CPG 7132a.17, CPG 7132.a.12, CPG 7132a.15, CPG 7132a.07, & CPG 7132a.08:All related to computers

4.CPG 7132.13: Repacking of Drug Products - Testing/Examination Under cGMPs

5.CPG 7132a.04, CPG 7132b.11, & CPG 7132a.10: All related toStability/Expiration

6.CPG 7132c.08: Process Validation Requirements for Drug Products Subject toPre-Market Approval

7.CPG 7150.16: Status and Responsibilities of Contract Sterilizers Engaged in theSterilization of Drugs and Devices

8.CPG 7151.02: FDA Access to Results of Quality Assurance Program Audits andInspections










1.Bulk Pharmaceutical Chemicals, 9/91

2.Preparation of IND Products, 3/91

3.Sterile Drug Products - Aseptic Processing, 6/87

4.General Principles of Process Validation, 5/87

5.Limulus Amebocyte Lysate Test, 10/89

6.The various 13 guides related to NDA/ANDAs

7.Format and Content for the CMC Section, 9/94

8.Stability Testing of New Drug Products, 9/94

9.Validating Laboratory Automation Systems, 10/94

10.Validation of Chromatographic Methods, 11/94

11.Sterilization Process Validation in Applications, 11/94

12.Validation of Computerized Liquid Chromatographic Systems, 8/92

13.Guideline on Validation of the Limulus Amebocyte Lysate Test as an End-ProductEndotoxin Test, 12/87

14.Sterilization Process Validation: Recommendations for Information to beSubmitted to CDER/CVM Applications, 1/93

15.Guidance to Industry on the Packaging of Test Batches, 2/95

16.Various SUPAC Documents





1.Guide to Inspections of Oral Solid Dosage Forms Pre/Post Approval Issues for Developmentand Validation, 1/94

2.Guide to Inspections of Topical Drug Products, 7/94

3.Guide to Inspections of High Purity Water Systems, 7/93

4.Guide to Inspections of Validation of Cleaning Processes, 7/93

5.Guide to Inspections of Microbiological Pharmaceutical Quality ControlLaboratories, 7/93

6.Guide to Inspections of Lyophilization of Parenterals, 7/93

7.Guide to Inspections of Sterile Drug Substance Manufacturers, 7/94

8.Guide to Inspection of Solid Oral Dosage Form Validation Activities, 3/93

9.Guide to Inspections of Pharmaceutical Quality Control Laboratories, 7/93

10.Guideto Inspections of Oral Solutions and Suspensions, 8/94

11.Guideto Inspection of Computerized Systems in Drug Processing, 2/83

12.Guideto Inspections of Dosage Form Drug Manufacturers - CGMPs, 10/93

13.PreapprovalInspection Guide for Laboratory Analysts, 3/91

14.SoftwareDevelopment Activities Technical Report, 7/87

15.InterimGuide to Inspection of Validation of Filters for Sterilizing Liquids, 1995

16.ORAStability Guidance for Preapproval Inspections, 3/92

17.Inspectionof Bulk Chemical Substances, 3/92











1.Federal Standard 209E

2.ISO 9000 Documents

3.Review of Procedures for the Detection of Residual Penicillins in Drugs

4.Inspection Technical Guide #41: Expiration Dating & Stability Testing forHuman Drugs, 10/85

5.Federal Register on ETO Residues, 6/78

6.Drug Stability Guideline for Veterinary Drug Products, 12/90

7.Various Technical Reports and Monographs from the Parenteral Drug Association

a.Validation of AsepticDrug Powder Filling Processes

b.Validation of SteamSterilization Cycles

c.Validation of AsepticFilling for Solution Products

d.Aspects of Container/ClosureIntegrity

e.Design Concepts forthe Validation of a Water for Injection System

f.Validation of Dry HeatProcesses Used for Sterilization and Depyrogenation

8.Sterility and Pyrogen Requirements for Injectable Drug Products (CVM)

9.Various AAMI Documents

10.Various trade association publications





Thereare a number of textbooks available related to pharmaceutical production whichserve as valuable reference sources. Consult with the FDA Medical Library,National Experts, DEIO/ Investigations Branch, or other places for thesereferences. The following is a partial list that may prove helpful:



1.AsepticPharmaceutical Manufacturing I & II

2.ComputerSystems Validation for the Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Industries

3.Designand Operation of Pharmaceutical Bio-Cleanrooms and Aseptic Areas

4.DrugStability Principles and Practices

5.FailureMode and Effect Analysis

6.GoodManufacturing Practices for Pharmaceuticals

7.Guidelinesfor Laboratory Quality Auditing


9.Introductionto Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms


11.Juran'sQuality Control Handbook


13.ParenteralQuality Control

14.PharmaceuticalDosage Forms: Parenteral Medications Vols 1,2, & 3

15.PharmaceuticalDosage Forms: Tablets Vols 1, 2, & 3

16.PharmaceuticalProcess Validation, Second Edition

17.PharmaceuticalStatistics Practical and Clinical Applications


19.Remington'sPharmaceutical Sciences, 18th edition

20.SterilePharmaceutical Manufacturing Vols 1 & 2

21.Sterilizationof Medical Products

22.TheMerck Index

23.ThePharmaceutical Quality Control Handbook

24.TheTheory and Practice of Industrial Pharmacy

25.Validationof Aseptic Pharmaceutical Processes












