-- Is life always this hard, or is it just when you are a kid?
-- Always like this.
Ralph Jones
译者:刘 蕊
校对:刘 璠
Why is life so hard? You asked Google – here’s the answer
The Guardian
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Nestle up. Sit on my knees, pull a blanket over the both of us, and proffer that little ear of yours. I’ll let you in on a secret.
Life … is hard.
How much less painful might your futile quest for meaning have been if, in your formative years (ideally between six months and a year), someone had pulled you aside and whispered those three words? But they didn’t. They did no such thing. They
swaddled you in cotton wool
, fed you Calippos and asked you to pin down the whereabouts of a wandering man known only as Wally. As the Rembrandts sang: “So no one told you life was gonna be this way – clap, clap, clap, clap.” You were not prepared, not in the slightest, for the burns inflicted by the carpet we call life.
,给你吃点可丽波(Calippos),然后叫你找一名叫做威利的流浪汉的下落(译者注:威利是英国插画家Martin Handford创作的儿童书籍《威利在哪里?》主人公。阅读这本书的目标就是在一张人山人海的图片中找出一个特定的人物——沃利。)正如伦勃朗乐队(the Rembrandts)的歌中所唱道的那样:“没有人告诉你生活会是这样的(拍手、拍手、拍手、拍手)”,对于生活这件“长满虱子的华丽袍子”,你毫无准备。
'swɒdl/to wrap a baby tightly to keep it warm and protect it 用襁褓包裹〔婴孩〕
And the fact that no one warned you – the fact that, as you farted and giggled your way through babyhood and then childhood, you were blind to life’s clenched fist – is both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, yes, you must have led a charmed, strawberry existence; but in adulthood it all comes as a bit of a shock when the cotton wool begins to tear, the Calippos make your teeth hurt, and you realise Wally sold his soul to go and work in PR.
Perhaps someone did tell you. But how could you have listened? At such a tender age the human mind may be simply incapable of handling existential information of that magnitude. As you grow up, however, you get it: life is hard – for an overflowing bucketful of reasons. It’s hard to find something you’re good at, and enjoy – and get paid to do; it’s hard to keep in constant harmony the precarious desires and mood swings of two autonomous human beings; it’s hard to feel as though you are making a difference in a world that is indifferent and incomprehensibly vast. This is a question whose answers are beyond the scope of one article, however esteemed the publication.
But let me, for the purposes of concision, lay the blame squarely at the colossal feet of one particular giant: the entertainment industry.
I am no less immune to the charms of the entertainment industry than you, but I believe it has a lot to answer for. Without it, your life would be a great deal less painful. The claws of the industry (and here we can include films, TV shows, porn, magazines, advertising billboards, and social media) are embedded deeper in your back than you may realise. Your romantic expectations are moulded by
only to be demolished by reality; the fragile lilo of your self-esteem is punctured by 50-foot ads making you feel two feet tall; and the internet does its level best every day to trick you into believing that you will one day live off the riches of your viral stardom. (Viral stardom is that most holy of holy grails: a simple solution to an unimaginably complex problem.)
/ˈrɒmˌkɒm/a film or television comedy based around the romantic relationships of the characters 浪漫戏剧影片; 浪漫电视戏剧
As the narrator of Fight Club, the Chuck Palahniuk novel, says: “We’ve all been raised by television to believe that one day we’d all be millionaires and movie gods and rock stars. But we won’t. And we’re slowly learning that fact. And we’re very, very pissed off.” The irony inherent in watching Fight Club, of course, is that we all wish we could be Brad Pitt but we slowly learn that we won’t. And we’re very, very pissed off.
正如恰克·帕拉尼克(Chuck Palahniuk)在小说《搏击俱乐部》(Fight Club)中说道:“我们从小看电视长大,相信自己有一天会成为富翁、明星或摇滚巨星,但事实并非如此。我们逐渐意识到这个现实,并对此感到非常愤怒。”观看《搏击俱乐部》的可笑之处在于,我们都希望自己是布拉德·皮特(Brad Pit),但我们逐渐意识到我们不会是,所以我们对此非常愤怒。
Now look, sure, the entertainment industry cannot be held accountable for all life’s woes (although would Donald Trump really be president if not for The Apprentice?). And it is true that life sucked and people suffered long before TV was a glint in civilisation’s eye – Hamlet’s cry of “How weary, stale, flat and unprofitable / Seem to me all the uses of this world!” is not a complaint about the
pernicious effect
of Photoshop in modelling. But Hamlet only had to grapple with the demons in his head; if he’d also had to deal with an inferiority complex brought on by Instagram envy, “To be or not to be?” would have been the last we heard of him.
very harmful or evil, often in a way that you do not notice easily 很有害的〔通常不容易察觉〕
While it has in a sense brought people together, the entertainment industry has also made it possible for us to reflect on the many ways in which our lives are not as interesting as we would like. In the shadow of the industry’s glittering facade, our careers are uninspiring, our conversations dull, and our partners unattractive. The starker these facts become, the likelier we are to run crying into the warm arms of that very same industry for a shot of escapism. God dam it, they’ve got us right where they want us.