专栏名称: momo
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momo  · 知乎专栏  ·  · 2024-01-17 09:59



Cancer Mortality Rate (CMR). As the yearly data of cancer incidence and mortality were not released before 2012, we use the data of two national sample surveys of malignant cancer deaths in China (Li et al., 1997) from the National Clinical Research Center for Cancer (NCRCC) to evaluate the local CMR in CEO’s residence place. We first observe the distribution of CEOs' time of the ages between 5 and 15, and the results are basically consistent with the coverage time of the two sample surveys. Next, we match the survey data to the CEO's early-life residence based on temporal overlap. Finally, we calculate the CMR for the CEO's residence using a dummy variable, giving the indicator a value of 1 if it is connected to a higher cancer death rate than the national average for the year and 0 otherwise.
  1. Li, L., et al. (1997). Analysis of 20-year trends and recent projections of malignant cancer mortality in China. Chinese Journal of Oncology.
  2. Tang, L., et al. (2024). Acquiescence or Redemption: CEO’s early-life experience of environmental pollution and corporate green innovation. Journal of Business Research.


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