[1]弗拉芒(Flemish)是一个民族和地域概念,指包括荷兰南部和比利时北部以荷兰语为主要语言的民族及地区。弗拉芒“黄金一代”还包括扬·法布雷(Jan Fabre)、扬·罗威斯 (Jan Lauwers)等著名剧场艺术家。
[2]其中通过英国国家剧院现场(NT Live)而被大部分观众熟知的作品包括国家剧院出品的易卜生名作《海达·高布乐》、伦敦小维克剧院(Young Vic)出品的阿瑟·米勒名作《桥头风景》等。
[3]Jan Versweyveld, “Toneelgroep Amsterdam,” last modified unknown, https://tga.nl/en/employees/jan-versweyveld.“
[4]Johan Thielemans, “Ivo van Hove’s Passionate Quest for a Necessary Theatre: An Interview,” Contemporary Theatre Review 20, no.4 (2010):455-460.
[6]David Willinger, “Preface,” in Ivo van Hove Onstage, ed. David Willinger (London and New York:Routledge, 2018), xv.
[7]David Willinger, “van Hove, virtuoso,” in Ivo van Hove Onstage, ed. David Willinger (London and New York:Routledge, 2018), 40.
[8]David Willinger, “van Hove, virtuoso,” in Ivo van Hove Onstage, ed. David Willinger (London and New York:Routledge,2018), 46.
[9]Ibid., 11.
[10]Sonia Massai, “Jan Versweyveld in Conversation,” in Ivo van Hove:From Shakespeare to David Bowie, ed. Sonia Massai and Susan Bennett (London:Methuen Drama,2018), 11.
[11]“时代风格”是指特定时代背景下,人们的观念、习俗、着装,以及建筑风格等文化要素特征的统称。斯坦福大学戏剧系教授罗素·道格拉斯(Russel Douglass)曾致力于舞台美术时代风格的研究和教学。See Douglas A. Russell, Period Style for the Theatre (Boston:Allyn and Bacon, 1980), xiii-xvii.
[12]有意识的“现代服装戏”创作始现于1920年代,英国的巴里·杰克逊(Barry Jackson)带领伯明翰固定剧目剧团(Birmingham Repertory Theatre)排演了一系列“时装莎剧”——从1923年的《辛白林》到1929年的《奥赛罗》,这些作品因为挑战了传统观念而在当时引发了极大争议。
[13]Sonia Massai, “Jan Versweyveld in Conversation,” in Ivo van Hove:From Shakespeare to David Bowie, ed. Sonia Massai and Susan Bennett (London:Methuen Drama,2018), 16.
[14]Dorita Hannah, “Scenographic Screen Space:Bearing Witness and Performing Resistance,”in Scenography Expandeded,ed. Joslin Mckinney and Scott Palmer:Scenography Expanded(London:Methuen Drama,2017), 45.
[15]Katherine Rowe, “From the Editor:Gentle numbers,” Shakespeare Quarterly 61, no.3 (2010):iii-viii.
[16]Ivo van Hove, “Roman Tragedies:‘The Times they are A-changin’(Bob Dylan) (Director’s Notes),” in Ivo van Hove:From Shakespeare to David Bowie, ed. Sonia Massai and Susan Bennett(London:Methuen Drama,2018), 59.
[17]Natalie Corbett and Keren Zaiontz, “The Politics of Distraction:Spectatorial Freedom and (Dis)enfranchisement in Toneelgroep’s Roman Tragedies,” in Ivo van Hove Onstage, ed. David Willinger (London and New York:Routledge,2018),302.
[18]Sarah K. Scott, “Roman Tragedies, and:Coriolanus, and:Julius Caesar, and:Antony and Cleopatra,” Shakespeare Bulletin 28, no.3 (2010):347-356.
[19]Jacques Rancière, The Emancipated Spectator, trans.Gregory Elliot(London:Verso Books, 2021),4.
[20][德] 汉斯-蒂斯·雷曼:《后戏剧剧场》,李亦男译,北京:北京大学出版社,2010年,第238页。
[21][德] 汉斯-蒂斯·雷曼:《后戏剧剧场》,李亦男译,第239页。
[22]Mee-Lai Stone and David Jays, “Voyeurs of Tragedy:The Intimate Designs of Jan Versweyveld”, last modified August 18,2015, https://www.theguardian.com/stage/ng-interactive/2015/aug/18/designs-jan-versweyveld-antigone-view-from-the-bridge.
[23]George Rodosthenous, “Ivo van Hove’s Antigone:A Contemporary Update,”in Ivo van Hove:From Shakespeare to David Bowie, ed. Sonia Massai and Susan Bennett(London:Methuen Drama, 2018), 75.
[24]David Willinger, “van Hove, virtuoso,” in Ivo van Hove Onstage,ed.David Willinger(London and New York:Routledge,2018), 55-56.
[25]Johan Thielemans, “Ivo van Hove’s Passionate Quest for a Necessary Theatre. An Interview,” Contemporary Theatre Review 20, no.4 (2010):455-460.
[26]这所学校全称为皇家戏剧电影和声音研究学院(Royal Institute for Theatre, Cinema and Sound,简称“RITCS”),凡·霍夫曾在此学校攻读硕士学位。
[27]Antonin Artaud, Artaud on Theatre, ed. Claude Schumacher and Brian Singleton (London:Methuen Drama,1989), 42.
[28]David Willinger, “van Hove, virtuoso,” in Ivo van Hove Onstage, ed. David Willinger (London and New York:Routledge,2018), 17.
[29]Johan Thielemans, “Ivo van Hove’s Passionate Quest for a Necessary Theatre:An Interview,” Contemporary Theatre Review 20, no.4 (2010):455-460.
[31]在20世纪下半叶确实曾有过一些艺术团体将超写实主义运用到戏剧演出当中。比如由特里·库蒂斯·福克斯(Terry Curtis Fox)编剧,于1978年在美国格林威治村上演的《条子们》(Cops),其舞台设计展现了一个细节极端丰富而逼真生动的芝加哥廉价餐馆。剧作家和评论家罗伯特·帕特里克(Robert Patrick)曾抱怨该剧“超写实”的成分过高,因为连舞台上烤架上的油都溅到了他的脚上。
[32]Emile Zola, “Naturalism on the Stage,” in Playwrights on Playwriting:From Ibsen to Ionesco, trans.Samuel Draper, ed. Toby Cole (New York:Cooper Square Press, 2001), 7.
[33]Sonia Massai, “Canonical Iconoclasm,”in Ivo van Hove:From Shakespeare to David Bowie, ed. Sonia Massai and Susan Bennett(London:Methuen Drama,2018), 19.
[34]Wouter Hillaert, “Interview with Jan Versweyveld,”De Morgen Brussels, March. 25, 2006.
[35]David Willinger, “Van Hove, virtuoso”, in Ivo van Hove Onstage, ed. David Willinger (London and New York:Routledge,2018),41.
[36][法] 尼古拉·布里奥:《后制品(文化如剧本:艺术以何种方式重组当代世界)》,熊雯曦译,北京:金城出版社,2014年,第6页。
[37] 详见2017年香港演艺学院香港赛马会演艺剧院的公开讲座《什么是舞台:空间会说话》(由刘祺丰和林奕华主持)上维斯维尔德本人的发言。
[38]Johan Thielemans, “Ivo van Hove’s Passionate Quest for a Necessary Theatre:An Interview,” Contemporary Theatre Review 20, no.4 (2010):455-460.
[39]Arnold Aronson,“Postmodern Design,” in Looking into the Abyss:Essays on Scenography, ed. Arnold Aronson (Ann Arbo:University of Michigan Press, 2005), 20-21.
[41]Simon Hageman, “L’expérience sensorielle de la société médiatique,” in Ivo van Hove:la fureur de créer,ed. Frédéric Maurin (Besanςon:Les Solitaires Intempestifs, 2016), 87.
[42]Sonia Massai, “Jan Versweyveld in Conversation,” in Ivo van Hove:From Shakespeare to David Bowie, ed. Sonia Massai and Susan Bennett (London:Methuen Drama,2018), 9.
[43]Sonia Massai, “Canonical Iconoclasm,” in Ivo van Hove:From Shakespeare to David Bowie, ed. Sonia Massai and Susan Bennett (London:Methuen Drama,2018), 21.
[44]David Willinger, “van Hove, virtuoso,” in Ivo van Hove Onstage, ed. David Willinger (London and New York:Routledge,2018), 72.
[45]Ibid., 192.
[47]Sonia Massai, “Canonical Iconoclasm,”in Ivo van Hove:From Shakespeare to David Bowie, ed. Sonia Massai and Susan Bennett (London:Methuen Drama,2018), 22.
[48]Geraldine Brodie, “Intercultural Theatrical Encounter and the Dramaturgy of Surtitles,” Language and Intercultural Communication 20, no.5 (2020):450-463.
[49]Patrice Pavis, Contemporary mise en scène:Staging theatre today (London and New York:Routledge, 2013), 143.
[50]Geraldine Brodie, “Intercultural Theatrical Encounter and the Dramaturgy of Surtitles,” Language and Intercultural Communication 20, no.5 (2020):450-463.
[54]Sonia Massai, “Ivo Van Hove in conversation,” in Ivo van Hove:From Shakespeare to David Bowie, ed. Sonia Massai and Susan Bennett (London:Methuen Drama, 2018), 5.
[55]Peter M. Boenisch, “Creating X-Rays of the Text to Dissect the Present:Ivo van Hove of Toneelgroep Amsterdam in Conversation,” in Theatre and Adaptation:Return, Rewrite, Repeat, ed. Margherita Laera (London:Bloomsbury Methuen Drama, 2014), 58.
[56]维斯维尔德极少会和除凡·霍夫之外的其他编导合作,比利时著名现代舞编舞家安娜·特蕾莎·德·凯尔什马克(Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker)是少有的例外。而凡·霍夫执导的所有作品皆由维斯维尔德担任设计。
[57]David Willinger, “Preface,” in Ivo van Hove Onstage, ed. David Willinger (London and New York:Routledge, 2018), xv.
[58]Sonia Massai, “Canonical Iconoclasm,” in Ivo van Hove:From Shakespeare to David Bowie, ed. Sonia Massai and Susan Bennett (London:Methuen Drama, 2018), 19-20.
[59]Randy Gener, “In New York:A Director in Blue Jeans,” American Theatre 26, no.9 (2009):3-11.
[60]David Willinger, “van Hove, virtuoso,” in Ivo van Hove Onstage, ed. David Willinger (London and New York:Routledge, 2018), 11.