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收藏:PA/PH/CEP (09) 108, 5R CEP电子申报指南

蒲公英Ouryao  · 公众号  · 医学  · 2018-02-06 00:06


 翻译:julia  来源: Julia法规翻译

1.   Introduction概述

This document provides guidance forelectronic submissions for Certificate of Suitability (CEPs) applicationssubmitted to the EDQM. Information and requirements described in this documentare intended to facilitate the handling and assessment of submissions for CEPsand to maintain their lifecycle even if the submission is not an eCTD.


2.  Scopeand general requirements范围和一般要求

Thisguidance should be applied for all electronic submissions sent to EDQM in thecontext of applications for CEPs.


EDQM does not accept any paperapplications. All submissions should be in electronic format.


The following electronic submissionformats are accepted: PDF, NeeS, VNeeS and eCTD, but the acceptability of theformat depends on the type of submission as described in section 3.

以下电子申报格式可以接受:PDFNeeSVNeeS  eCTD,但不同申报类型的格式是否可接受以第3部分所述为准。

Changingthe electronic format for a CEP application is possible at the start of aprocedure (e.g. when applying for a revision or renewal). This means movingfrom PDF to NeeS or eCTD, or from NeeS to eCTD. Coming back to a previoussubmission format is not allowed (e.g. sending a NeeS submission whenpreviously an eCTD submission was sent.)


3.  Electronicsubmission formats电子申报资料的格式

For new CEP applications,eCTD format is required (except for applications for the TSE risk and for substancesfor veterinary use only, see below).


For revisions, renewals andnotifications, the following possible submission formats are accepted: eCTD orNeeS. Submissions in eCTD format are recommended by the EDQM.


The identification of the submissionformat type in the CEP application form is important.


Electronic files should be inaccordance with specific Guidance for Industry on Providing RegulatoryInformation in Electronic Format (see the links in the sectionsbelow for each submissionformat).


Allfiles should be in PDF and the folder and file-naming convention of ICH M2 eCTDSpecification and EU Module 1 Specification should be applied. Other types of files arenot accepted (Word, JPEG, Excel,...), with the exception of the files requiredfor publishing an eCTD submission.

所有文件均应为PDF格式,文件夹和文件命名应遵守ICH M2 eCTD标准和EU模块1标准。不接受其它类型的文件(WordJPEGExcel……),eCTD申报资料所需的发布文件除外。

The use of attached files in a pdffile is not allowed nor are pdf files with active javascripts (form fields,…)or containing watermarks.


CEP applications for theTSE risk TSE风险CEP申报

The eCTD or NeeS submission format isnot appropriate for CEP applications for the TSE risk, consequently, applicantsare invited to submit a single PDF for Module 3, and adapt the directorystructure/file naming as proposed in annex 1.


CEP applications forsubstances for veterinary use only仅供兽用物质的CEP申报

eCTD, NeeS (forrevisions/renewals) or VNeeS format may be used for such products (see guidanceavailable by the following linkhttp://esubmission.ema.europa.eu/tiges/vetesub.htm).


3.1.       eCTD submission format电子申报资料格式

The eCTD structure should be inaccordance with the current versions of the related documents (specifications,guidance, etc.) available on the following websites:


-     http://esubmission.ema.europa.eu

-     http://estri.ich.org/eCTD/index.htm

It should be clarified that the eCTDCEP dossier remains, from a technical perspective, a  s t andalo n e dossier and is distinctfrom any marketing authorisation dossier and lifecycle.


Whensubmitting the first eCTD submission, an initial sequence 0000 should beprovided. When switching from another submission format to eCTD, it is stronglyrecommended to include any information already assessed and approved previouslyin a “baseline” sequence 0000 (refer to section 5). If files or sections of theeCTD contain a lot of information, additional bookmarks or “levels of granularity”are recommended for facilitating the review (refer to annex 2). The use of bookmarks isallowed, especially when responding to an EDQM deficiency letter (responses toquestions and supportive data).


Beforesubmitting an eCTD to EDQM, it should be technically validated using anappropriate checker/validation tool. If pass/fail errors are detected duringEDQM validation at receipt, the submission will be blocked or rejected.


Theoperation attributes chosen should be appropriate to allow the lifecycle of thesubmission (refer to section 5).


Building the envelope andmodule 1:在模块1中设定信封信息:

Accordingto the current EU Module 1 specification (3.0.1 and 3.0.2 in January 2018) theenvelope for a CEP application should be filled in as follows:













A UUID as specified by ISO/IEC 11578:1996  and ITU-T Rec X.667 | ISO/IEC 9834-8:2005. The same UUID will be used for all  sequences of an eCTD application. Refer to EU Module 1 Specification.

ISO/IEC 11578:1996   ITU-T Rec X.667 | ISO/IEC 9834-8:2005指定的UUID号。相同的UUID号将用于同一eCTD申报的所有序列。参见EU模块1标准。










CEP application  number or blank if not known (in the case of a new CEP application)



Submission unit type describes the content at a lower level (a  “sub-activity”) which is submitted in relation to a defined regulatory  activity. Refer to EU Module 1 Specification.



Holder/Intended  Holder name for the CEP









Substance name物质名称


International  Non-proprietary Name, used to identify pharmaceutical substances or active  pharmaceutical ingredients. Each INN is a unique name that is globally  recognized and is public property.



This is the sequence number of the submission  – this should start at 0000 for the initial submission, and then increase  incrementally with each subsequent submission related to the same product  e.g. 0000, 0001, 0002, 0003 etc.



This is the sequence number of previous submission(s) to which this  submission relates e.g. the responses to questions to a particular variation.  In the case of submission unit types ‘initial’ and ‘reformat’ related  sequence is identical to the sequence number.

这是与本次申报资料有关的前序申报序列号,例如,对某个变更问题的回复。如果申报单元类型为初始 “重排格式,则相关序列与当前序列号相同。


This element is used to provide a free text  description of the submission.



For existing sequences based on oldDTD versions, the DTD version should ideally be changed at the start of a new regulatoryactivity.


Thecountry code “edqm” should be selected for the application form and otherdocuments in module 1, according to the current EU M1 Specification, availableon the following website: http://esubmission.ema.europa.eu/eumodule1/index.htm

根据当前的EU M1标准,在申报表和模块1的其它文件中应选择国家代码“edqm”。该标准在上述网址中可以下载。

3.2.       NeeS submission formatNeeS申报格式

The NeeS structure and specificationas well as the validation criteria should be in accordance with the guidanceand documents available on the following website:http://esubmission.ema.europa.eu/tiges/cmbdocumentation.html


The CTD file/directory structure andnaming shall be implemented with the addition of a Table of Content(s) asappropriate.


If files or sections of theNeeS contain a lot of information, additional levels of granularity are recommended forfacilitating the review (refer to annex 2).


4.  Contentand structure of an application申报资料的内容和结构

Annexes and describe howto structure a CEP application in eCTD or NeeSsubmission formats.


Annex 1 describesthe recommended file/directory structure for the pdf submission format, for TSEapplications only.


An application shouldcontain 3 modules as described below:


In Module 1:在模块1中:

-        Coverletter

-        封面函

-         EDQMApplication Form including signed declarations (as relevant)

-         EDQM申报表,包括签字声明(如相关)

-         Informationabout the Expert, CV as relevant (for a new application)

-         专家资料、CV(如相关)(新申报)

-        Responses: when responding to anEDQM deficiency letter, applicants should include a document/file listing thequestions with the corresponding responses and supportive data.

-        回复:如果是回复给EDQM缺陷函,申报人应包括一份文件列出问题及相应回复和支持性数据。

-            Additionaldata: asection/folder which may contain if relevant a toxicological report, a signedcopy of a CEP, etc.

-        其它数据:某个部分/文件夹,其中可以包括相关毒性报告、一份签字的CEP副本等

-        Revisions: a completed comparativetable (annex 7 to the application form) outlining the approved and proposedupdated text of module 3.

-        修订:一份完整的对比表(申报表附录7),列出模块3中已批准的和拟更新的内容。

In Module 2 (new CEP applications):在模块2中(新的CEP申报):

-         QualityOverall Summary, prepared preferably using the EDQM template (the “Word” filetemplate should be converted into a pdf file).

-         质量综述,最好使用EDQM的模块起草(要将WORD文件模板转成PDF文件)。

In Module 3:在模块3

-         For a new CEP application: technical documentationstructured in accordance with the CTD as defined by ICH guidance documents.

-         CEP申报:技术文件按ICH指南文件中指定的CTD结构制作

-         Splittingthe data between an Applicant’s and a Restricted part is not encouraged for CEPapplications, but if these are submitted, the EMA “Practical guidelines on theuse of the eCTD format for ASMFs for Active Substance Master File Holders andMarketing Authorisation Holders” should be used as a basis; the CTD sectionsshould be clearly identified with the part they belong to.

-         不鼓励将CEP申报资料拆分为保密部分和公开部分,但如果拆分提交,则应采用EMA“ASMF持有人和上市许可持有人的ASMF使用eCTD格式实操指南作为基础。应清楚定义每个CTD部分的归属。

-         Theuse of annexes/attachments is not allowed in Module 3.

-         在模块3中不允许使用附录/附件。

-         For a response to an EDQMdeficiency letter,or for a notification/revision/renewalapplication, the module 3 should be updated as described under section 5.Updated sections should be in line with the granularitychosen in the initial submission.

-         EDQM缺陷信的回复或通知/修订/更新申报:模块3应按第5部分所述进行更新。更新后的部分应与初始申报中所选的分层保持一致。

-         Anychanges to a previous sequence should be highlighted and shall allow printing.

-         应着重显示对之前序列的所有修改,并应允许打印。  

5.  Lifecyclemanagement of applications申报资料的生命周期管理

Forthe lifecycle of a CEP application, it is necessary to have at any time acurrent view of the approved dossier, and to maintain an appropriate granularity.Applicants are requested to implement the following requirements, which will bechecked at receipt at EDQM.

CEP申报的生命周期中,有必要在任何时候都有一份已批准文档的当前视图,并保持适当的分层。申报人应执行以下要求, EDQM在接收时会执行相关检查。

5 .1 Granularity层级

Large sections should be subdividedinto smaller parts. For example, the CTD sections 3.2.S.2,and 3.2.S.4 should besubdivided into subsections according to annex 2. It is important that the dossier can beeasily navigated. The addition of too many subsections to Module 3 can resultin the dossier being difficult to navigate and may result in blocking atreceipt, thus delaying its treatment.


5.2     Updatedsections更新后的部分

Anyupdate of a CEP application (eg. response to EDQM deficiency letters orrequests for revision) should include the related updated sections and thelevel of granularity of the data submitted should be in line with the levelchosen in the last procedure (see annex 2). Updated pagesonly are not accepted (except if the complete CTD section is on one page).


For each update of the dossier andwhatever the submission format, the following instructions should beimplemented:


-  Responsesto an EDQM deficiency letter: Module 1 and 3 should be updated. Module 1 shouldcontain the responses to the questions and supportive data; in Module 3 thecomplete updated sections affected by the Questions & Answer process shouldbe included (with the changes highlighted if applicable).

- EDQM缺陷信的回复:模块1和模块3均应更新。模块1应包括对问题的回复和支持性数据;模块3中应包括受问答影响的完整更新后的部分(适用时应着重显示修改内容)。

-  Notificationsor requests for revision/renewal: Module 1 and 3 should be updated. All sections fromModule 3 affected by the proposed change(s) at the relevant granularity levelshould be updated and the changes highlighted. A comparative table of theapproved & proposed data should be given in Module 1.

- 修订/更新通知或申请:模块1和模块3均应更新。模块3中所有受拟定变更影响的部分均应按相关层级更新,并着重显示修改内容。在模块1中提交一份已批准VS拟定数据对照表。

Specific instructions applyalso, depending on the submission format chosen:


-        Foran eCTD: foreach update a new sequence 000(X+1) should be provided containing Modules 1, 3as appropriate, with updated files in the relevant sections, using the samestructure and granularityas the original submission. The files should have the appropriateoperation attributes: “New”, “Replace”, “Delete”. The use of  the “Append” attribute should be avoidedsince it leads frequently to lifecycle difficulties.

-        对于eCTD:每个更新中,所提交的新序列000X+1)均应包括模块13(适当时),并在相关部分包括更新的文件,同时保持与原始申报中的相同结构和分层。文件应有适当的操作属性:新增替代删除。应避免使用附录属性,因为它常常会导致生命周期维护困难。

-        For a NeeS: the Modules 1, 3 shouldbe provided as appropriate, with updated files in the relevant sections, usingthe same structure and granularityas the original submission, and with a table of content.

-        对于NeeS:应提交模块13,适当时,还要提交相关部分中更新后的文件,需使用原始申报中的相同结构和层级,同时提交一份目录表。

-        For a PDF: in Module 3, the updatedsections should be supplied in one single pdf file, and the bookmarks should bein line with the original granularity of the dossier.

-        对于PDF:在模块3中,更新后的部分应以单个PDF文件提交,书签应与文档的原始分层一致。

Onlythe necessary updated information should be sent, and no other changes to thecontent of the dossier should be introduced. Failure to submit a completedocumentationset in the appropriate modules and sections will block the assessment processand may ultimately lead to blocking or rejecting the application at receipt.


5.3     Whento submit a baseline Module 3? 何时提交基准模块3

Anelectronic “baseline” Module 3 is a consolidated picture of all the CTDsections corresponding to the regulatory information that has already beensubmitted and approved. If no baseline has been submitted so far, applicantsare strongly encouraged to submit a baseline application to EDQM to facilitatethe management of its lifecycle for both the applicants and the EDQM.


It is strongly recommended to submit abaseline Module 3 in the following circumstances:


-        Switchfrom a paper to an e-submission

-        从纸质转为电子申报

-        Switchfrom a pdf/NeeS to an eCTD

-        PDF/NeeS转为eCTD

Itis strongly recommended to submit a baseline Module 3 at the time of a renewal,a revision or a notification.


Onthe other hand a baseline Module 3will not be accepted duringthe course of a procedure (e.g. when responding to a deficiency letter or anyother information requested), nor when it is not linked to a regulatoryactivity (revision/renewal/notification).


6.  Validationby the EDQM  EDQM执行的验证

Atreceipt of a submission by EDQM, a validation step is performed. Validationincludes verification of the submission format, compliance with therequirements described in this guidance document and in EU validation rules forNeeS and eCTD. The most frequent issues which may lead to block a dossier atreceipt and consequently delay the start of assessment are summarised in Annex 5.


7.  Routes(or pathways) of submission申报提交途径(通道)

Electronic submissions should be submittedthrough the “Common European Submission Portal” (CESP). Users shouldfirst register with the CESP (https://cespportal.hma.eu) before sendingsubmissions to the EDQM.


8.   Security安全

The files submitted should not haveany password protection, encryption or other security settings; such files willnot be accepted at the validation phase at EDQM. The applicant should check anyelectronic submission for absence of virus before sending it to EDQM.


TheEDQM guarantees the security and confidentiality of data from receipt.


9.  Annexes:附录

英文原文官网链接 https://www.edqm.eu/sites/default/files/guidance_for_esubmissions_for_cep_applications-january2018.pdf



申报表2链接 https://www.edqm.eu/sites/default/files/application-form-revision-renewal-cep-form056.doc

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