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BBC 6 minutes - Day 2 - veganism

饥饿英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2017-06-11 21:47


Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

1 According to Neil, if people reduce the consumption of animal meat, it can lead to a drop of ….. in emissions.

2 As suggested by Tom Kuehnel, veganism would try to avoid every kind of animal exploitation, such as the use of animals for clothing, and ……..

3 while some people go vegan because they consider it ethically wrong, some people do so for ……reasons.

4 Meat farming, namely, raising farm animals, including cows, can generate damaging …… gas.

5 The Oxford University study indicates that if we become vegetarians, ……… deaths can be avoided in a single year.

6 Eating healthy fruit can have economic consequences. As high as …….. can be saved a year.

7 If animal farming disappears, some people have to give up traditional …… lifestyles.


解决气候变化Fight climate change

少点使用电Use less electricity  

有害的温室气体排放Harmful emissions 

Harmful methane gas  牛羊的屁

吃素Go vegan/choose veganism  

放弃游牧生活Abandon traditional nomadic lifestyles

对动物残忍Cruelty to animals 

Abuse animals  虐待动物

如今In this day and age, in the present time 

之前A previous time

环境原因 Environmental considerations

畜牧 Rear livestock/raise livestock  

经济影响 An economic impact

减少医疗开支 Reduced healthcare costs


1 70%

We're talking about meat here. If people cut out meat and animal products from their diets – harmful emissions could be reduced by 70%. That's according to research from Oxford University.



Veganism is a way of living which excludes, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation and cruelty to animals. So that's for food, clothing or any other purpose.



Others go vegan because of environmental considerations, as we looked at earlier.



Rearing livestock – that means animals like cows and pigs – produces a lot of harmful methane gas.


8 million

In the research from Oxford University we mentioned earlier, scientists found that 8 million deaths per year could be avoided if the world went vegan.


1,000 billion

They suggest that up to $1,000bn a year would be saved due to reduced healthcare costs and increased productivity at work



Without animal farming they would be forced to abandon traditional nomadic lifestyles



