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首发 . Ome Dezin 回归宁静,静谧别墅

始室  · 公众号  · 家居 设计  · 2024-10-04 16:07






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Benmore by Ome Dezin

由著名建筑师 A. Quincy Jones 设计的一座中世纪洛杉矶住宅已被室内设计工作室 Ome Dezin 美轮美奂地修复。总部位于洛杉矶的 Ome Dezin 由 Joelle Kutner 和 Jesse Rudolph 创办,致力于保护住宅的丰富特色和历史,同时为其注入现代设计感。Benmore 也不例外,库特纳和鲁道夫对这座中世纪住宅进行了周到的修复,这座住宅最初是由多产的加利福尼亚建筑师 A. Quincy Jones 于 20 世纪 60 年代设计的。昆西-琼斯(A. Quincy Jones)在 20 世纪 60 年代设计的。琼斯的作品侧重于通过开放式的中庭空间来模糊室内外空间的界限。这启发了库特纳和鲁道夫,他们采用了暖色调的天然材料,让郁郁葱葱的加州风景成为焦点。高高的天花板和宽大的玻璃窗将花园的美景尽收眼底,尤其是坐落在绿树环抱中的 40 英尺高的瀑布,库特纳和鲁道夫的设计方案将 Benmore 从各个角度都定位为一个光线充足的中庭。

A mid-century Los Angeles home originally designed by renowned architect A. Quincy Jones has been beautifully restored by interior design studio Ome Dezin.Los Angeles-based Ome Dezin, founded by Joelle Kutner and Jesse Rudolph, is driven by a commitment to preserving a home’s rich character and history while imbuing it with contemporary design sensibilities. Benmore is no exception, with Kutner and Rudolph undertaking a thoughtful restoration of this mid-century home originally designed by the prolific, California-based architect A. Quincy Jones in the 1960s.Jones’s work centred on blurring the lines between indoor and outdoor spaces through open, atrium-like spaces. This inspired Kutner and Rudolph to introduce natural materials in a warm, tonal palette to allow the lush Californian landscape to take the spotlight. With high ceilings and large, glazed windows that create panoramic garden views—particularly of the 40-foot waterfall nestled within its leafy surroundings—Kutner and Rudolph’s design approach positions Benmore as a light-filled atrium from every angle. 

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库特纳说:"这座住宅是围绕建筑风格的中央浮动楼梯建造的,它的‘强烈形状’非常有趣,当你在住宅内走动时,你的视线就会看到它。楼梯由柔软的白橡木制成,它也为住宅的材料调色板提供了灵感,以轻质木材、天然石材、石膏和金属为主,为更大胆的纹理装饰营造背景。“鲁道夫说:"我们总是倾向于天然材料,没有什么比大自然更永恒的了,所以我们不喜欢离源头太远。我们与昆西-琼斯(A. Quincy Jones)有相同之处,他的住宅也注重室内外的感觉,“鲁道夫补充道,”厨房和吧台的银色和米色石灰华从景观中汲取灵感,与海洋和沙滩相呼应。在主浴室中,Cipollino 大理石的细节与青翠的山坡融为一体,客厅壁炉周围触感极佳的鹅卵石瓷砖也是如此。

The home was built around the architectural central floating staircase, which has a “Strong shape that is very interesting to have in your sight line as you move around the home,” Kutner says. Crafted from a soft white oak, the staircase also informed the home’s material palette, prioritising light timber, natural stone, plaster and metals to create a backdrop for bolder, textural accents. “We always gravitate to natural materials—there is nothing more timeless than nature, so we don’t like to stray too far from the source,” Rudolph says. “We have that in common with A. Quincy Jones, who also focused on the indoor-outdoor feeling of his homes,” Rudolph adds.

Drawing from the landscape, silver and beige travertine in the kitchen and bar echo the ocean and sand. In the primary bathroom, Cipollino marble details blend into the verdant hillside—as do the tactile cobblestone tiles around the living area fireplace. 

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设计 : Ome Dezin
摄影 : Nills Tim


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