专栏名称: 投资圈女混混
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启四说  ·  行情分化,这几只转债基本没有向下空间 ·  2 天前  
股友独钟  ·  现在股市的好机会非常非常非常多 ·  4 天前  
股友独钟  ·  现在股市的好机会非常非常非常多 ·  4 天前  
51好读  ›  专栏  ›  投资圈女混混


投资圈女混混  · 公众号  · 投资  · 2017-04-04 21:38


第四章 赢家和输家

Winners and Losers

In his memoirs written in 1829, Bourriene recounts an incident in which Napoleon was asked which troops he considered the best. “Those which are victorious, Madame,” replied the emperor.


I was reminded of this incident while perusing some notes on the subject of winners and losers in the commodity arena. The Wall Street Journal of January 10, 1983, printed a survey of 20 senior commodity specialists and their best investment bets for the first half of that year. Three points were given to first choice, two points to second choice, and one to third choice. The results were:














Some interesting observations here bear further reflection. First and most obvious, all recommendations were on the buy side. This proved a mistake since, of the top six selections, only two - stock indexes and copper - advanced during the six-month period. Of the remaining four selections, gold and foreign currencies were down, and cattle and silver just managed a sideways move. And, while all selections were biased to the long side, the few serious bull markets during the period-corn, beans, cocoa, cotton, and sugar-were totally overlooked.


Isn’t it noteworthy that copper appears so consistently on the list? It was also second selection in the previous (second-half 1982) survey and was first selection in the first-half 1982 survey. The actual price action of the red metal, as well as the composite decision of the successful players, was apparently not affected by its recurring top selection during this year-and-a-half period. The market barely managed a broad sideways move (down during most of 1982 and up during first-half 1983).


The point of this exercise is to show how difficult it is to predict the course of futures prices - even a mere six months ahead. The dismal record of these experts should encourage serious commodity players to note two things:


1. The experts are frequently wrong, and

1. 专家常常是错的,而且

2. A technical approach to commodity investment and timing, coupled with sound money management and a focus on trend following rather than trend predicting, are really the best ways to operate for maximum results.

2. 交易商品求取最高利润的方法,是掌握好的时机,运用技术方法,同时必须有优秀的资金管理,并把注意力重点放在趋势的跟踪上,而不是放在趋势的预测上。

But a thoughtful student of these markets must ask the question, Why are the experts so often wrong; why do so many traders lose money? The answers may be circuitous and often are difficult to pin down. However, it may be constructive to reflect on what I call “the speculators'laments.”


With the exception of my 1975 -1980 sabbatical, I have spent most of the past 30-odd years in a quiet, secluded office, either on Wall Street or aboard a large boat, with trading screen, phones, technical studies, and other necessary accoutrements at hand. Invariably, my principal focus toward markets has been to try to make lots of money on my favorable positions and avoid getting wiped out or taking big losses on my adverse ones.


I have invariably played a lone hand - and very much by choice, having learned to do this early on starting with my first years as a Merrill Lynch commodity broker. During one particular period, some of the cocoa crowd initiated me into their daily after-the-close sessions at the venerable Coachman tavern in lower Manhattan. Here, the cocoa fraternity used to huddle on late afternoons, with the commercials and large locals trying, by way of liberal quantities of free drinks and even free market tips, to sucker the commission house brokers and their clients into untenable and unprofitable positions. The lesson from these sessions emerged loud and clear: Not much good comes from sharing trading ideas and market opinions with others regardless of their presumed experience or expertise. The universal truth on the Street is “Those who know, don't tell; those who tell, don't know.”


Over the ensuing years, I've occasionally had the opportunity lecture or teach a course on futures trading. My presentations generally focused on market strategy, tactics, and money management, rather than on a series of market tips on what to buy or sell. I nearly always came away feeling that I had profited by each such experience, that I had expanded my knowledge or understanding of my chosen profession.


Perhaps the most memorable of these events was a series of trading seminars I conducted in Miami, Chicago, New York, Dallas, and Los Angeles on successive weekends. Attendees ranged in age from 19 to 86, with several parent-offspring and, of course, husband-wife teams among the participants. The level of experience ranged from total neophyte all the way to professional floor and upstairs trader. And, although I spoke more than I listened, I did manage to ask a lot of questions. The replies were particularly enlightening.


I discovered a surprising commonality of experiences among the several hundred participants. And the speculators'laments really weren't all that different for the novices, although many of he experienced and professional operators were understandably reluctant to admit to them. Perhaps the frustration most common to speculators, both amateur and professional, is this: “I watch the market moves in the direction of my analysis; finally, when I take the position, prices abruptly reverse and careen in the opposite direction” Will it console you to know that all traders feel the same frustration at one time or another? It is primarily a consequence of inept tactics and timing, rather than a plot by “them” to get you (and me) out of the market with big losses. But how could “they” possibly know that you (and I) just bought or sold and are now vulnerable for a reversal? I was once so struck by succession of these whipsaws, that I imagined even if I put on the perfect hedge of buying and selling the very same future, “they” could still find a way to smoke me out with a loss on both legs of the position. Illogical perhaps, but it sure feels this way after a discouraging succession of whipsaw losses.


A corollary to this lament is this: “I invariably buy on strength near the top of every rally and sell on weakness near every bottom.” In fact, the accumulation of ineptly timed buy or sell orders by undermargined speculators, who tend to buy when everyone else is buying and to sell when everyone else is selling, are what makes tops and bottoms - at least on a short to intermediate-term basis. The result of such careless and poorly timed trading is predictable-big losses and small profits, with an overall tendency to red ink.


Do these quotations sound familiar?


“I told my broker to buy sugar, but he talked me out of it.” (Translation: The speaker may have been thinking about getting into some long-sugar but didn’t-and, of course, the market went up).


“My broker called and told me to buy some sugar. I wasn't keen on the idea, but he talked me into it.” (Translation: The speaker bought some sugar, and it went down shortly after the trade).


If these quotations don't sound familiar, either you have just started trading or you have a very short memory! These nearly universal quotations express a nearly universal phenomenon - that is, we invariably find a convenient way to rationalize our errors, mistakes, and miscalculations. May I suggest a sure-fire antidote to this losers mentality?


Analyze your markets and lay out your strategy and tactical moves in privacy. Don't ask anyone’s advice - that includes brokerage advisories, market tips, and even well-intentioned floor gossip. And don't offer your advice to anyone else. You don’t care if Cargill is buying corn, Gill and Duffus is selling cocoa, or Salomon is buying bonds. You stick to your objective analysis and market projection based on whichever method or technique has proven itself viable to you, and you revise that strategy only on the basis of pragmatic and objective technical evidence. Such evidence could be a signal from your charts, from your computer system, or from your friend the margin clerk, who reminds you that your position has moved adversely and that your account has become undermargined. In short, if you do make money in your trading, stand up and take the accolades. If you lose money, you alone take the rap. Obviously, you will need the confidence and the courage of your convictions to trade into or out of a market. If you don’t have that confidence, you probably shouldn’t be making the trade (except to close an adverse position to limit your lose exposure).


The list of speculators' laments goes on, but they all seem generally related to carelessness or poor trade timing, ignorance of the basic tenets of sound strategy, and lack of confidence and discipline in adhering to a good technical system or trading approach. Serious introspection, then, suggests this thesis: A sound strategy and viable tactics are just as important to overall success as a good technical or charting technique.


Finally, no treatise on winners and losers can be complete without some discussion of the desire to win versus the fear of losing. I have never seen this mentioned in any book, article, or even discussion of trading strategy, but the understanding of this point is absolutely essential for successful operations.


A letter that I received recently from a gentleman in Australia focused on the elusive pursuit of trading profits:


My paper trading has always been far superior to my real trading, and I have been analyzing why this has been so. I am convinced that the answer lies in the simple truth of which is stronger - the desire to win or the fear of losing. In paper trading, there is only the desire to win. In real trading, there is often only, or principally, the fear of losing.


Isn't this the universal experience? Every one of us has been impressed at how much better our paper portfolios have performed vis-a-vis our real money portfolios. The same might be said about the paper and “model portfolios” touted by newsletter and brokerage firms. One of the reasons underlying this excessive preoccupation with the fear of losing is that the speculator usually overtrades, both in terms of the size of his position as well as the turnover activity in the account. It is important - no, essential - that the trader control these urges to overposition or overtrade. My general rule here is that some $2,000 to $4,000  in equity should underlie each futures position. Also, day-trading and short-swing scalping should be left to the professional or floor operator, who is generally well-capitalized and experienced at this type of trading and who pays negligible transaction fees. Patience and discipline are the necessary attributes here, since profits will accrue to the operator who understands and utilizes accurate timing, albeit on a smaller scale, rather than to the large trader whose tactics or trade timing are careless or inaccurate.


I have letters from dozens of speculators, many of them novice traders, who have reported two and three years of consistently profitable results from using long-term computer trading systems. The recurring theme in these communications is the necessity of following the system precisely, in an objective and disciplined manner. These experiences can be a source of inspiration to those traders who find the pursuit of consistent profits within a risk-controlled environment an elusive objective. Chapter Twelve is devoted to this subject.








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