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“我不说你也该知道。”“这么长时间了有话就该直接说。” | 男女关键对话

译言  · 公众号  · 国际  · 2017-06-07 11:06


在这篇文章中,Deborah Tannen讨论了维持两性关系的沟通的重要性。我们经常会遇到这种情况,尝试沟通,却惊讶的从失败的对话中发现摇摇欲坠的关系。作者探讨交流失败的根源,将男性女性之间的差异归为文化差异,以及在亲密关系中两性对于交流的不同需求。


Deborah Tannen是美国乔治城大学语言学专家。


Talk in the Intimate Relationship: His and Hers (Excerpt)

译者:MaZhuzu 原文作者:Deborah Tannen 

Male-female conversation is cross-cultural communication. Culture is simply a network of habits and patterns gleaned from past experience, and women and men have different past experiences. These cultural differences include different expectations about the role of talk in relationships and how it fulfills that role.


Everyone knows that as a relationship becomes long-term, its terms change. But women and men often differ in how they expect them to change. Many women feel, “After all this time, you should know what I want without my telling you.” Many men feel, “After all this time, we should be able to tell each other what we want.”


These incongruent expectations capture one of the key differences between men and women. Communication is always a matter of balancing conflicting needs for involvement and independence. Being understood without saying what you mean gives a payoff in involvement, and that is why women value it so highly.


If you want to be understood without saying what you mean explicitly in words, you must convey meaning somewhere else—in how words are spoken, or by metamessages. Thus it stands to reason that women are often more attuned than men to the metamessages of talk. When women surmise meaning in this way, it seems mysterious to men, who call it “women’s intuition” (if they think it’s right) or “reading things in” (if they think it’s wrong). Indeed, it could be wrong, since metamessages are not on record. And even if it is right, there is still the question of scale: How significance are the metamessages that are there?


Metamessages are a form of indirectness. Women are more likely to be indirectly, and to try to reach agreement by negotiation. Another way to understand this preference is that negotiation allows a display of solidarity, which women prefer to the display of power (even though the aim may be the same­­­­­­­­­­­—getting what you want). Unfortunately, power and solidarity are bought with the same currency: Ways of talking intended to creat solidarity have the simultaneous effect of framing power differences. When they think they’re being nice, women often end up appearing deferential and unsure of themselves or of what they want.


When styles differ, misunderstandings are always rife. As their different styles create misunderstandings, women and men try to clear them up by talking things out. These pitfalls are compounded in talks between men and women because they have different ways of going about talking things out, and different assumptions about the signifcance of going about it.


Why are women more attuned to metamessages? Because they are more focused on involvement, that is, on relationships among people, and it is through metamessages that relationships among people are established and maintained. If you want to take the temperature and check the vital signs of a relationship, the barometers to check are its metamessages: what is said and how.


Everyone can see these signals, but whether or not we pay attention to them is another matter—a matter of being sensitized. Once you are sensitized, you can’t roll your antennae back in; they’re stuck in the extended position.



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