专栏名称: 投资圈女混混
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黄河清说商业  ·  做好这件事,你就能持续赚到钱 ·  6 天前  
黄河清说商业  ·  做好这件事,你就能持续赚到钱 ·  6 天前  
51好读  ›  专栏  ›  投资圈女混混


投资圈女混混  · 公众号  · 投资  · 2017-04-10 19:27


第七章 把注意力集中在长期趋势上(2)

Focus on the Long-Term Trends

I receive quite a few letters and calls from traders about various aspects of speculation. But one from a professional trader in Pittsburgh in August 1984 bears special significance as it relates to the subject under discussion:


We have been hearing quite a bit about the difficulty of trading many current markets. No sooner does the trend “flip” on a great many of the computer systems out there, and the majority of public speculators get aboard the “new trend,” than the market seems to reverse again and goes racing the other way. This sort of thing is happening with increasing regularity.


Why is this happening, and what can the trader do to avoid such frequent traps? Unfortunately, many operators use an excessively short-term focus in their technical analysis. As an example, nearly every minor technical rally to an entrenched downtrend, especially rallies lasting a week or more, are suddenly viewed as newly emerging uptrends. In fat, they are nothing more than minor rallies within an overall bear market. Actually, a much better opportunity to sell than to buy!


A case in point is the copper market, where a recent technical rally to the 76.00 level (basis December future) “flipped” many of the short-term trending systems to UP. Weak speculative buying snowballed the technical advance and was actually the cause of the rally. When this buying abated, the market just collapsed and continued its ongoing long-term downtrend. The same for the May/July rally in D-Mark to the 38.00 level (basis September), which suckered so many commission house traders to rush in on the long side. Again, when their buying stopped supporting the market, the downtrend resumed in earnest (see Figures 7-3 and 7-4).


图7-3 1984年12月黄铜市场

【The early April rally to the 76.00 level was just an intermediate rally in the long-term downtrend. It was largely due to bottom-probing by commission house speculators, with the buying tending to encourage additional speculative buying. The perennially bullish speculators didn’t want to miss the beginning of the next copper bull market. The trade was happy to sell into this rally. When the speculative buying abated, the major downtrend resumed, and prices collapsed down to the 55.00 level over the ensuing six months.


图7-4 1984年9月德国马克

【The May-June rally from 36.60 to 38.20 was interpreted by many speculators as a trend reversal from down to up, and was accompanied by heavy commission house buying. In reality, this was just another intermediate-term rally in the longstanding (five-year) bear market. Knowledgeable technical operators played this as an opportunity to add to shorts, especially as the rally towards 38.00 approximated 50 percent of the previous bear trend down-leg. Their discipline was rewarded; the market collapsed, following the abatement of the speculative buying, and prices tumbled to 33.00 by September.


In both of these markets, as in so many others during recent months, brief instances of strength were actually nothing more than technical (corrective ) rallies within the context of an on-going major bear trend. Undoubtedly, a longer-term focus, including the use of weekly and monthly continuation charts, and less of a reliance on ultra short-term technical studies, could help a speculator avoid the frustrating and costly style of buying high and selling low that is becoming known as the “oops” approach to trade timing.


This letter aptly expresses the problem of trying to put on long-term trend-following positions, utilizing short- or even micro-term input for trade timing and trend identification. You just have to be consistent. For long-term trend-following investing, use long-term tools-weekly and monthly charts, seasonal studies, and possibly a good technical system with a long-term focus.


There is a related consideration, not often mentioned, that is imperative for successful position trading. It is patience! Of all the personal traits necessary, this one stands directly alongside discipline, as being essential in any serious trading campaign. In thing about these personal characteristics, my mind flashes back to a time, many years ago, when a young man barely past 30 borrowed $10,000, bought three exchange memberships (yes, in the late 60s, $10,000 was able to buy three memberships, with change left over), and opened his own clearing firm. Eager to establish his reputation as an analyst and broker, he waited patiently for the one “almost sure” market situation into which he could put his clients and friends.


After several months of just executing orders at his clients’ direction and writing technical market commentaries, the young man finally found it - the almost-sure situation for which he had so patiently waited.


It was sugar! He checked and rechecked his hypotheses, researched the market the best he could, studied all the charts, both historical and current, and talked to people in the sugar trade. Then, after he was satisfied that this was really it, he went to work. That involved writing reports and market letters and distributing them through ads, market seminars, and personal contacts. He worked doggedly, putting in 12- to 14-hours days-and the results came in. He had accumulated a large sugar position for himself and his clients with an average price of around 2.00. Just imagine - 2.00.


At that piddling price, the young man calculated that the jute bag plus the labor to fill it with sugar actually exceeded the value of the sugar contents. How could he lose?


But he hadn’t reckoned with Murphy’s Law. Instead of going north, as it was supposed to, the market continued south…right down to 1.33! He (I) watched it happen-and the margin calls that week further confirmed the reality of the market collapse-but I still found it hard to believe.


I lost some one third of my position on that little shakeout. But being convinced that the market was at historical lows, having seen the open interest vastly deflate on that professional bear raid, and having examined the long-term and seasonal charts for a further clue to likely long-range action, I had even more confidence in an eventual bull deal. We sat with our position as the market continued sideways. We weren’t losing money except for the rollover costs as each future expired. Finally, salvation and big profits arrived in the guise of the massive bull market that started in 1969 and culminated at the 60-plus level in 1974 (see Figure 7-5). What a ride that was! It was also a first-class lesson on the importance of patience, discipline, and a longer-term focus in speculative operations.


图7-5 长期糖期货月线图(最近月份期货)

【Talk about needing patience! I accumulated a big position in 1967-68 around the 2.00 level, right before it plummeted to 1.33. I lost some one third of the position on this drop, and held on to long sugar for two years before the market broke out of its long sideways range and started moving up. Once on the move, however, the bull market lasted five years, culminating at the 60.00-plus level in late 1974.













投资圈女混混 版权声明
