喜欢雅思考试的同学,请关注下列公众号,有福利课程哦
Finnish
bakery
has
launched
what
it
claims
to
be
the
world's
first
insect
-
based
bread
to
be
offered
to
consumers
in
stores
.
近日,芬兰一家烘焙食品公司推出号称是世界上首款以昆虫为材料、在店铺面向消费者销售的面包。
The
bread
,
made
using
flour
ground
from
dried
crickets
as
well
as
wheat
flour
and
seeds
,
has
more
protein
than
normal
wheat
bread
.
这款面包由干蟋蟀磨成的粉末、小麦粉和种子制成,比一般小麦面包含有更多蛋白质。
Each
loaf
contains
about
crickets
and
costs
3.99
euros
,
compared
with
2-3
euros
for
a
regular
wheat
loaf
.
每条面包约含70只蟋蟀,售价3.99欧元。相较之下,一般小麦面包的售价为每条2-3欧元。
Juhani
Sibakov
,
the
head
of
innovation
at
the
bakery
firm
Fazer
,
said
that
Fazer
developed
the
bread
last
summer
but
had
to
wait
for
legislation
to
be
passed
in
Finland
for
the
launch
.
烘焙食品公司法泽的创意部主管尤哈尼·西巴科夫称,公司去年夏天就研发出了这款面包,但必须等芬兰通过相关法律后才能推出。
"
It
offers
consumers
a
good
protein
source
and
also
gives
them
an
easy
way
to
familiarise
themselves
with
insect
-
based
food
,"
he
said
.
他说道:“这款面包为消费者提供了一种很好的蛋白质来源,同时也为他们提供了一种亲身熟悉以昆虫为材料的食物的简单方法。”
Finland
,
in
November
,
joined
five
other
European
countries
-
Britain
,
the
Netherlands
,
Belgium
,
Austria
and
Denmark
-
in
allowing
insects
to
be
raised
and
marketed
for
food
use
.
芬兰于十一月加入了英国、荷兰、比利时、奥地利和丹麦这五个欧洲国家的行列,允许饲养和销售可食用昆虫。
The
estimated
last
year
that
at
least
billion
people
eat
insects
,
and
more
than
1,900
species
have
been
used
for
food
.
联合国去年估计至少有20亿人食用昆虫,超过1900种昆虫被用作食物。
想雅思写作团纳新了
想考雅思
,
自己复习还是找组织
?
当然找组织
.
哪里有问必答
?
杨老师
,
有
的地方就有希望
.
哪里有写作口语陪练
?
漫漫屠鸭路
,
梦想学习团全体助教愿意陪您走过
;
我是学生
------
没钱
;
我是上班族
---
没时间
不要紧,有
的地方就有练习
,
有
的地方就有问必答
你永远不会知道
,
明天和意外哪个会先来
;
努力在当下
,
“梦想学习团”你值得拥有
;
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,