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新东方托福  · 公众号  · 留学  · 2016-12-09 14:39





Nowadays people are more willing to help the people they do not know (for example, giving clothing and food to the people who need them) than people were in the past. 现在,人们对比过去更愿意帮助别人,你在多大程度上支持或反对这个观点?






➊ 为何现代人对比过去更加愿意帮助别人

➀ 客观而言,现在社会,人们帮助有困难的人拥有更多的条件。换言之,过去人们的可以支配收入有限,当朋友升学或者治病需要经济援助的时候,人们常常是心有余而力不足。但是,现在,经济的发展使得个人收入增加,当朋友们遇到一些经济上的困难的时候,人们有条件伸出援助之手。

➁ 舆论的宣传也起到了一定的作用,很多新闻报道中,帮助别人的行为被赞美,这些对于年轻人有潜移默化的影响,他们会效仿媒体中的榜样去在别人遇到困难的时候提供帮助。例如,《感动中国》的节目就很有影响力,里面宣传的多是励志的助人故事,这对于激励现代人的助人行为是有积极影响的。

➂ 现代年轻人接受了更好的教育,父母和教育者都会教他们行为规范、明辨是非、尤其是在别人遇到困难的时候奉献自己的爱心。例如,我的小侄子知道用小手帮助妈妈从早市回来的时候拉箱子,这些和父母的教育是分不开的。



1. Helping others is always considered as a sort of traditional virtue. 助人为乐一直被视为是一种传统美德。

2. Sometimes, people fall into a dilemma when facing the question whether or not giving a helping hand to those who encounter adverse circumstances. 有时候,人们在面对是否对于那些遇到困难的人伸出援助之手的时候,常常陷入两难选择。


An opinion has sprung up that in comparison with the past, modern people are more likely to offer their selfless assistance. I am in support of the above statement. 有人认为,对比过去,现代人更加愿意提供他们无私的帮助,我赞同这个观点。


1. do others a favor 帮助别人

2. become warm-hearted 变得乐于助人

3. devote their loving hearts 奉献他们的爱心

4. help people around him or her 帮助周围的人

5. how to behave well = how to be well-behaved 如何行为规范

6. make a clear distinction between right and wrong明辨是非

7. receive fine parenting = receive good home education 接受良好的家庭教育

8. when others run into unexpected adverse circumstances在别人遇到困难的时候

9. encounter unexpected hardship 遇到意想不到的困难

10. in time of adversity 在困难的时候

11. exert a subtle influence on …对于……有潜移默化的影响

12. have limited amount of disposable income 支配收入有限

13. get enrolled in university 升入大学

14. suffer from the agonies of diseases 遭遇病痛

15. need financial aid 需要经济援助


1. Nowadays, the youths have more superior conditions to express their benevolence. More precisely, younger generation have more disposable income, in this sense, they have the capability to help others when their friends encounter problems related to economy. 现在,年轻人有更好的条件可以表达他们的善意。具体而言,年轻一代的可支配收入增加,因此,他们有能力在朋友遇到与经济相关的困难的时候,提供帮助。

2. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. 心有余而力不足。

3. Numerous youngsters like to donate their hardly earned money to those who suffer from the agonies of illness or partly subsidize the tuition fees of the underprivileged students coming from remote rural areas. 很多年轻人喜欢把他们辛苦赚到钱捐助给患病者或者是部分捐助给那些来自偏远乡村的贫困的学生。

4. The mass media has been praising and publicizing those benevolent behaviors, which exert a subtle influence on the teenagers or young adults. 媒体一直在赞美和宣传那些助人的行为,这对于青少年和年轻人有潜移默化的影响。

5. Young people will duplicate their role models and take it for granted to give a helping hand when seeing others encounter plight. 年轻人会模仿他们的偶像,在看到他人遇到困境的时候,伸出援助之手,并且认为这是理所当然。

6. Touching China could serve as a perfect example. It publicizes millions of inspiring stories of mutual assistance or self -sacrifice. 《感动中国》就是一个很好的例证,其宣传了很多励志的故事,这些故事关于互助和无私奉献。

7. Under no circumstances can we undervalue the impacts of good parenting. 我们不能忽视良好的父母教育的影响。

【解析】under no circumstances决不

8. Young people can receive fine home education and formal education, both parents and educators will teach them how to behave well, make a clear distinction between right and wrong, especially, young people are encouraged to actively express their love and friendship when seeing others fall on hard days. 年轻人可以接受良好的家庭教育和正规的教育,无论父母和教育者都会教会他们行为规范,明辨是非,尤其是鼓励年轻人在看到他人遇到困难的时候,及时地表达他们的爱和友谊。

9. Take my young nephew for example, he always help mother lug the heavy box every time they bought vegetables from the morning fair, which is closely related to parent’s guidance and education. 以我的小侄子为例,他总是在妈妈从早市买菜回来的时候,帮助妈妈拖箱子,这和父母的指导和教育是紧密相联的。

10. Modern youngsters, in comparison with the past, are more warm-hearted, selfless and responsible considering the improved standard of life, the wide publicity of the mass media and even the desirable parenting. 考虑到生活水平的提高,媒体的宣传,父母的教育,对比过去,现在的年轻人更加热心,无私和有责任感。



吉林大学英语硕士,前新东方功勋教师,长春作家协会会员,新东方网雅思频道、托福频道专栏作家。著有 《小鹏哥雅思写作高分语料库》(清华大学出版社),现独创小鹏哥英语工作室。
