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51好读  ›  专栏  ›  唧唧堂


唧唧堂  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-01-04 23:46


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解析作者 | 唧唧堂管理学研究小组: Morgan_Dory
审校 | 唧唧堂管理学研究小组: 明月奴
推送编辑 | 悠悠

1. COVID-19疫情期间工作-家庭边界的变化:使用潜在转换分析(Latent Transition Analysis)检查预测因素和影响

由于COVID-19疫情,世界各地的员工在工作和家庭角色上都经历了突然、重大的变化。然而,应用心理学家对员工的工作-家庭冲突和工作-家庭增益是如何受到这一事件的影响,以及组织如何确保员工在这样的社会危机中更好地发挥作用的理解是有限的。采用以人为中心的方法,我们研究了从COVID-19疫情爆发前后员工工作-家庭边界的转变。首先,在研究1中,我们使用潜在剖面分析(N = 379;疫情前数据),确定了双向冲突和增益的分布,包括有益的(低冲突和高增益)、主动的(中度冲突和增益)和被动的(低冲突和增益)。在研究2中,利用COVID-19疫情前和疫情期间收集的数据,我们重复了研究1的概况(profile),并探究在疫情期间员工是否会在工作-家庭状况(work-family profiles)之间转换。结果表明,尽管许多人仍然处于疫情前状态,但有相当一部分受访者出现了积极(从主动/被动到有益)和消极(从有益到主动/被动)转变。如果人们有较高的(工作-家庭)分割偏好、投入于情感为中心的应对方式、经历较高的技术压力、以及没有那么富有同情心的上司,那么他们更有可能经历负面的转变。反过来,在疫情期间,消极的转变与消极的员工后果相关(例如,较低的工作满意度和工作绩效,以及较高的离职意图)。我们讨论了在当前和未来社会危机中,对未来研究和管理的影响。

Employees around the world have experienced sudden, significant changes in their work and family roles due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, applied psychologists have limited understanding of how employee experiences of work-family conflict and enrichment have been affected by this event and what organizations can do to ensure better employee functioning during such societal crises. Adopting a person-centered approach, we examine transitions in employees' work-family interfaces from before COVID-19 to after its onset. First, in Study 1, using latent profile analysis (N = 379; nonpandemic data), we identify profiles of bidirectional conflict and enrichment, including beneficial (low conflict and high enrichment), active (medium conflict and enrichment), and passive (low conflict and enrichment). In Study 2, with data collected before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, we replicate Study 1 profiles and explore whether employees transition between work-family profiles during the pandemic. Results suggest that although many remain in prepandemic profiles, positive (from active/passive to beneficial) and negative (from beneficial to active/passive) transitions occurred for a meaningful proportion of respondents. People were more likely to go through negative transitions if they had high segmentation preferences, engaged in emotion-focused coping, experienced higher technostress, and had less compassionate supervisors. In turn, negative transitions were associated with negative employee consequences during the pandemic (e.g., lower job satisfaction and job performance, and higher turnover intent). We discuss implications for future research and for managing during societal crises, both present and future.

参考文献:Vaziri, H., Casper, W. J., Wayne, J. H., & Matthews, R. A. (2020). Changes to the Work-Family Interface During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Examining Predictors and Implications Using Latent Transition Analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(10), 1073-1087. doi:10.1037/apl0000819

2. 在员工创造力中人与情境互动的动机透镜模型(Motivational Lens Model)

个人创造力源于个人特质与其所运作的情境的相互作用,这是创造力文献中最突出的主题之一。文献综述强调了在人-情境创造力(person-in-situation creativity)研究中观察到的5种不同的互动模式(特质激活、特质抑制、特质替代、特质通道和曲线交互)。但是,目前还没有一个整合的理论可以预测和解释这5种互动模式。为了发展这种整合理论,我们提出了人-情境创造力的动机透镜模型。动机透镜模型通过一系列简化的考虑因素,为人与情境的互动提供了一个综合的理论解释:(a)兴趣特征是与(有助于)创造力的内在动机还是与外部动机相关联(即:在回应外部线索时,哪一个可以被导向创造力);(b)兴趣的情境变量在多大程度上反映了创造的机会或对创造力的期望;以及(c)情形变量与机会或期望是线性还是曲线相关的。我们讨论了动机透镜模型如何为未来的创造力研究以及潜在的创造力领域之外的人与情境的研究提供信息。

The idea that individual creativity derives from the interaction of personal traits and the situation in which the individual operates, is one of the most prominent themes within the creativity literature. A review of the literature highlights 5 distinct interaction patterns observed in person-in-situation creativity research (trait activation, trait inhibition, trait substitution, trait channeling, and curvilinear interactions). Yet at present there is no integrative theory that can predict and explain all 5 interaction patterns. To develop such integrative theory, we propose the motivational lens model of person-in-situation creativity. The motivational lens model offers an integrative theoretical account of person-in-situation interactions through a parsimonious set of considerations: (a) whether the trait of interest is associated with intrinsic motivation for (activities conducive to) creativity or with extrinsic motivation (i.e., which can be directed toward creativity in response to extrinsic cues), (b) the extent to which the situation variable of interest reflects opportunities for creativity or expectations for creativity, and (c) whether the situation variable is linearly or curvilinearly related to opportunities or expectations. We discuss how the motivational lens model informs future creativity research and potentially person-in-situation research beyond the creativity domain.

参考文献:van Knippenberg, D., & Hirst, G. (2020). A Motivational Lens Model of Person X Situation Interactions in Employee Creativity. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(10), 1129-1144. doi:10.1037/apl0000486

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3. 政治面貌(political affiliation)和就业筛选决定:相似性和识别过程的作用

政治科学和应用心理学理论的最新研究表明,政治面貌可能与情感的实质水平相关,因此可能影响就业决策者。我们设计了2个使用社交媒体筛选任务的实验,以检验政治面貌相似性对可雇用性评级的影响。我们在两项研究中的发现都表明,决策者与求职者政治背景的认同(捕获积极情感)和不认同(捕获消极情感)是影响相似感知的重要变量。与相似-吸引范式一致,感知到的相似性与喜欢有关,而喜欢与申请者任务的预期水平和组织公民行为表现有关。此外,在两项研究中,与政治面貌相关的变量对招聘决策的影响超过与工作相关的个人信息。未来的研究应继续研究政治面貌的相似性,特别是要考虑到它对决策者的频繁的可用性(frequent availability)(例如,通过社交媒体网站)。

Recent research in political science, along with theory in applied psychology, has suggested that political affiliation may be associated with substantial levels of affect and, thus, might influence employment decision-makers. We designed 2 experiments using social media screening tasks to examine the effects of political affiliation similarity on ratings of hireability. Our findings in both studies suggest that the identification (capturing positive affect) and disidentification (capturing negative affect) of a decision-maker with a job applicant’s political affiliation were important variables that influenced perceived similarity. Consistent with the similarity-attraction paradigm, perceived similarity was related to liking and, in turn, liking was related to expected levels of applicant task and organizational citizenship behavior performance. Further, in both studies, political affiliation related variables influenced hireability decisions over and above job-relevant individuating information. Future research should continue to examine political affiliation similarity, particularly in light of its frequent availability to decision-makers (e.g., via social media websites).

参考文献:Roth, P. L., Thatcher, J. B., Bobko, P., Matthews, K. D., Ellingson, J. E., & Goldberg, C. B. (2020). Political Affiliation and Employment Screening Decisions: The Role of Similarity and Identification Processes (vol 105, pg 472, 2020). Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(10), 1087-1087. doi:10.1037/apl0000845

4. 当挑战变成阻碍:挑战压力何时以及如何影响员工成果的调查


Over the past two decades, accumulating evidence has indicated that individuals experience challenge and hindrance stressors in qualitatively different ways, with the former being linked to more positive outcomes than the latter. Indeed, challenge stressors are believed to have net positive effects even though they can also lead to a range of strains, eliciting beliefs that managers can enhance performance outcomes by increasing the frequency of challenge stressors experienced in the workplace. The current article questions this conventional wisdom by developing theory that explains how different patterns of challenge stressor exposure influence employee outcomes. Across 2 field studies, our results supported our theory, indicating that when challenge stressors vary across time periods, they have negative indirect effects on employee performance and well-being outcomes. In contrast, when employees experience a stable pattern of challenge stressors across time periods, they have positive indirect effects on employee performance and well-being outcomes. These results, which suggest that the benefits of challenge stressors may not outweigh their costs when challenge stressors fluctuate, have important implications for theory and practice.

参考文献:Rosen, C. C., Dimotakis, N., Cole, M. S., Taylor, S. G., Simon, L. S., Smith, T. A., & Reina, C. S. (2020). When Challenges Hinder: An Investigation of When and How Challenge Stressors Impact Employee Outcomes. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(10), 1181-1206. doi:10.1037/apl0000483

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5. 挑战“静态”现状:团队流程临近最后期限时的参与轨迹


Although team effectiveness research has advanced our understanding of team processes, much of this research has been based on static methodologies, despite the recognition that team processes change over time. Thus, the purpose of this article is to advance the team dynamics literature by developing and testing a theoretical account of team engagement in processes toward a deadline. We theorize about team process trajectories, which we suggest is the form of process change over time (i.e., pattern of increase/decrease). Further, we identify a key driver of process trajectories and consider the implications of trajectories for team performance. Results from a series of linear multilevel latent growth models suggested that teams' engagement in strategy and planning, monitoring goal progress, and cooperative conflict management (cf. Marks, Mathieu, & Zaccaro, 2001) increased over time toward a deadline, and that steeper increases tended to be positively related to team performance. Finally, achievement-striving was found to be an important within-team factor driving team-specific process trajectories and was indirectly related to performance. This study provides new theoretical insights with respect to how teams engage in processes toward a deadline, along with team achievement-striving as a compositional input, and the performance implications of team process trajectories.

参考文献:Larson, N. L., McLarnon, M. J. W., & O'Neill, T. A. (2020). Challenging the "Static" Quo: Trajectories of Engagement in Team Processes Toward a Deadline. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(10), 1145-1163. doi:10.1037/apl0000479

6. 领导多元化:建立多元化团队中的职能领导理论


The importance of leaders as diversity managers is widely acknowledged. However, a dynamic and comprehensive theory on the interplay between team diversity and team leadership is missing. We provide a review of the extant (scattered) research on the interplay between team diversity and team leadership, which reveals critical shortcomings in the current scholarly understanding. This calls for an integrative theoretical account of functional diversity leadership in teams. Here we outline such an integrative theory. We propose that functional diversity leadership requires (a) knowledge of the favorable and unfavorable processes that can be instigated by diversity, (b) mastery of task- and person-focused leadership behaviors necessary to address associated team needs, and (c) competencies to predict and/or diagnose team needs and to apply corresponding leadership behaviors to address those needs. We integrate findings of existing studies on the interplay between leadership and team diversity with insights from separate literatures on team diversity and (team) leadership. The resulting Leading Diversity model (LeaD) posits that effective leadership of diverse teams requires proactive as well as reactive attention to teams' needs in terms of informational versus intergroup processes and adequate management of these processes through task- versus person-focused leadership. LeaD offers new insights into specific competencies and actions that allow leaders to shape the influence of team diversity on team outcomes and, thereby, harvest the potential value in diversity. Organizations can capitalize on this model to promote optimal processes and performance in diverse teams.

参考文献:Homan, A. C., Gundemir, S., Buengeler, C., & van Kleef, G. A. (2020). Leading Diversity: Towards a Theory of Functional Leadership in Diverse Teams. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(10), 1101-1128. doi:10.1037/apl0000482

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7. 欺骗如何破坏工作场所中感知到的公正价值:羞耻的中介效应

学者们投入了大量的精力来调查人们在组织中何时以及为什么会欺骗。然而,越来越多的人认识到这些行为很难根除,这就表明了理解欺骗后果的重要性。鉴于欺骗违反了管理社会关系的道德规范,理解欺骗如何影响工作场所的社会动态是至关重要的。根据评价理论(appraisal theories),我们认为,欺骗会引发羞愧感,从而对个人及其社会关系产生破坏性后果。反过来,羞耻感会降低个人对接受公正(工作场所社会关系的重要促进因素)的重视程度。我们使用不同的样本和方法在6项研究中测试了我们的预测。在研究1中,我们发现,欺骗与人们对他人维护正义(即整体正义价值观)的重视程度呈负相关。在研究2-6中,我们证明了羞耻在这种关系中起着中介作用,即使是在存在内疚和尴尬的情况下。在研究3-5中,我们发现组织认同是一种调节因素,并表明欺骗对羞耻感的影响对于那些高(相较于低)认同的人更强。理论启示包括在组织环境中识别个体欺骗的结果的重要性,理解羞耻的功能和功能失调的后果,认识离散情绪的不同影响,以及阐明认同在欺骗环境中的作用。最后,我们给出了管理职场欺骗行为及其结果的实用建议。

Scholars have devoted significant attention to investigating when and why people cheat in organizations. However, there is increasing recognition that these behaviors can be difficult to eradicate, which points to the importance of understanding the consequences of cheating. Given that cheating violates moral norms that govern social relationships, it is critical to understand how cheating can influence social dynamics in the workplace. Drawing upon appraisal theories, we argue that cheating can have damaging consequences for individuals and their social relationships by eliciting shame. In turn, shame can reduce the extent to which individuals value receiving justice-a critical facilitator of social relationships in the workplace. We test our predictions across 6 studies using different samples and methodologies. In Study 1, we find that cheating is negatively associated with the importance people place on others upholding justice for them (i.e., overall justice values). In Studies 2-6, we demonstrate that shame plays a mediating role in this relationship, even in the presence of guilt and embarrassment. In Studies 3-5, we identify organizational identification as a moderator and show that the effect of cheating on shame is stronger for those with high (vs. low) identification. Theoretical implications include the importance of identifying the outcomes of cheating for individuals within organizational contexts, understanding the functional and dysfunctional consequences of shame, recognizing the differential effects of discrete emotions, and elucidating the role of identity within the context of cheating. We conclude with practical recommendations for managing cheating behaviors and their outcomes in the workplace.
