专栏名称: IPRdaily
IPR Daily(iprdaily.com)是全球影响力的知识产权产业媒体+产业运营服务平台。提供全球知识产权产业资讯、科技情报、政府政策;连接全球知识产权人,并为投资人、权利人提供产业服务。我们客观敏锐的记录分享知识产权产业每一天。
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IPRdaily  · 公众号  · 知识产权  · 2017-08-25 07:06





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  • C301 立陶宛美谛达律师事务所Zaboliene Partners

  • C302-303 IPRdaily;

  • C304 中国国际贸易促进委员会知识产权服务中心;

  • C305缅甸U Nyunt Tin Associates International Limited;

  • C306 香港 IPConnect Limited;

  • C307 俄罗斯米克•索特律师事务所;

  • C308 美国质高专利商标律师事务所;

  • C309 欧洲 理利仁知识产权事务所;

  • C310 日本贸易振兴机构广州代表处;

  • C311 台湾博拓国际智权集团;

  • C312 美国 韦恩国际专利商标事务所;

  • C313 韩国唯溥思有限公司;

  • C314 日本虎威国际知财服务株式会社;

  • C315 台灣及人商務諮詢股份有限公司;

  • C316 香港 卓遠知識產權有限公司;

  • C317 日本 正林国际特许商标事务所;

  • C318 澳门凯旋知识产权代理有限公司

  • A608 中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会香港仲裁中心

* 本文服务机构介绍按照参展机构的实际展位号排序.

* 点击阅读原文免费报名参会.

C301 立陶宛美 谛达律师事务所




METIDA Law Firm Zaboliene and Partners provides services in the areas of intellectual property law, contract law, company law, competition law, real estate and construction law, tax law, labor law, representation of natural and legal persons in civil cases.

A particular focus is placed on intellectual property law – patents, trademarks and design, domains, copyright, fight against counterfeiting of goods and piracy. The firm represents the clients’ interests in such worldwide organizations as European Patent Office, European Union Intellectual Property Office, Eurasian Patent Organization and the national patent offices of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Belarus, and Russia.

Employees speak different languages including Chinese, English, German, Russian, Polish, Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonian, and Belarusian, which helps to promote cooperation between different commercial structures in the East and the West and avoid misunderstandings in communication.

C302-C303 IPR Daily

IPR Daily是具有全球影响力的知识产权产业媒体,致力于全球知识产权新闻热点报道,案件追踪,科技情报挖掘、专利运营,以及知识产权投融资服务等,目前在全球拥有26万订阅用户,30多家资本投行作为资本助力,已经成为知识产权投融资第一入口,团队拥有成熟的运营团队以及完善的知识产权服务体系。旗下的中国知识产权创新创业大赛、全球知识产权生态大会、G40知识产权领袖闭门峰会、426.cn知识产权产业服务平台,已在业内拥有较高的品牌号召力,连接着全球知识产权人。

IPR Daily is an IP industry media organization with global influence focusing on worldwide IP news reporting, case tracing, technology intelligence, patent operating and IP investment and financing.  We have 260,000 users and more than 30 investment banks as capital power. This, along with our mature operations team and thorough IP services system, makes us the first port of call for IP investment and financing.  Our products, such as IPRC (the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition of Intellectual Property in China), GIPC (the Global Intellectual Property Ecology Congress), the G40 IP Leaders Closed-Door Summit and http://www.426.cn/ (an online IP service platform) utilize their strong brand power in the IP industry to connect global IP practitioners

C304 中国国际贸易促进委员会知识产权服务中心

中国国际贸易促进委员会知识产权服务中心(IP Service Center, CCPIT),是中国国际贸易促进委员会直属企业,致力于向公共管理部门、行业组织和权利人提供涵盖知识产权创造、运用、保护和管理全链条的一站式知识产权服务。


C305 U Nyunt Tin Associates International Limited

U Nyunt Tin Associates is a leading intellectual property law firm in Myanmar established since 1959 by Yale University graduate U Nyunt Tin. Firm provides legal services to wide rage of clients including multinational corporations and local enterprises with the offices of Myanmar and Thailand.

C306 香港IPConnect Limited

香港IPConnect 是一个为国际知识产权从业人员而建的社交平台.我们希望创建一个互动的环境,让业界人员共同成长。


IPConnect 结集了国际间大型的知识产权业界的活动.用家可以在APP 上表示他将会出席的活动,并且可以在APP上找到其他同时参加的用户.在活动前和之后可以继续和对方保持联络。


用户可以设置他能处理的国家和案件类型,以及他将可以发出案件的国家和案件类型. IPConnect 的系统会自动把用户的设置和其他用户配对,并发出加好友提示给双方去进行交流。


用户可以发出案件协助要求.用户可以在APP上发出他需要协助的案件类型,国家,和一个简单描述. IPConnect 系统将会把这个要求发予该国家的所有用户.他们可以直接和需求方联络,协助解决问题。


用户可以在IPConnect上发布新闻.同时其他用户是可以按自己需求设定接收新闻提示.当用户所选定的国家及类型的新闻发布时, IPConnect 会发出提示让用户查看。

IPConnect is a unique communication platform for IPers. We aim to create an interactive environment for IPers around the world to flourish together.

1. Event calendar:

IPConnect record all major IP events in the world. Users may show their presence on the App, and they may find other attendees of the same event and start chating with each other before and after the events.

2. Reciprocity setting

Users may record the type of cases and the countries they may handle, and also enter the outgoing countries and type of works. Then the system of IPConnect will automatically match these users, and prompt them they may work together on a reciprocal basis.

3. Job request

Users may ask for assistance. You may send a job request on IPConnect indicating the type of work, the country, and a brief job description. IPConnect will send out this job request to the users of that country. They will contact you directly and see if they can solve your problem.

4. News feed

IP news around the world will be published on IPConnect. Users may set their own preference on certain topics and countries. When there is a such news matching the user’s preference, IPConnect will automatically send out a prompt.

C307 米克•索特律师事务所 俄罗斯专利商标代理机构



C308 美国质高专利商标律师事务所

BAYRAMOGLU LAW OFFICES LLC (美国质高),是一家美国专利商标律师事务所, 总部在美国拉斯维加斯,于2013年在厦门设立办事处,专门代理国内外专利商标代理所/事务所及厦门&美国企业在美国的专利、商标申请,侵权检索/分析及处理诉讼等事宜。总负责人Dr Gokalp Bayramoglu (高山博士) 是美国专利律师,美国电气工程博士和美国法学博士,在知识产权领域已经有二十多年的经验,于2008年中国高科技人才引进时来到中国,为厦门的一些大型企业创建知识产权部门,提供专利布局等。目前主要专业涉及电子、计算机、机械 、生物医药,化学等多个技术领域。所有流程管理人员、美国专利工程师、部分美国专利代理人均可用中英文同时工作,为客户提供高效高质的服务。

C309 欧洲理利仁知识产权事务所


Founded in Paris in 2000, LLR is one of the very first European IP firms which span in China. The firm now has offices in Munich (Germany), Brussels (Belgium), Beijing, Shanghai and six cities in France. Our professional team has more than 70 staff, consisted of experienced European, French, German, Benelux and Chinese patent and trademark attorneys and counselors. We provide full-service in IP related issues including acquisition of IP rights, FTO analysis, contract and litigation. With nearly 10 years of Sino-European IP practice, LLR is especially skilled in helping Chinese companies to define and implement their intellectual property strategies in Europe and around the world.

C310 日本贸易振兴机构广州代表处



