专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-02-26 09:54


Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)获悉,波兰中央统计局 (GUS) 的数据显示, 2019 11 月,波兰热轧板材出口量同比下降 44% 52,322 吨。这是继 9 月之后的去年单月出口量第二低位。

Polish hot rolled flat products exportsfell -44% on-year in November 2019 to 52,322 tonnes, according to data fromPoland’s Central Statistical Office (GUS) monitored by Kallanish .This was their second-lowest monthly tonnage last year after September.

出口最多的产品是 4.75-10mm 厚的热轧未酸洗宽带钢,出口量下降 36% 11,341 吨。平均价格为 1,936 兹罗提 / (489 美元 ) 2018 11 月为 2,355 兹罗提 / 吨。对奥地利出口量增加了一倍多,达到 5,840 吨,但对意大利出口量不到 1,000 吨,而一年前为 9,000 多吨。

Shipments of the most-exported product, HRunpickled wide strip of 4.75-10mm thickness, fell -36% to 11,341t. Theiraverage value was PLN 1,936/tonne ($489) versus PLN 2,355/t in November 2018.Intake by Austria more than doubled to 5,840t, but Italy took in less than1,000t versus over 9,000t a year earlier.

4.75-10mm 厚的热轧中厚板出口量下降 26% 8,341 吨。其中海关编码 72085299 项下产品占 7,662 吨,其中对捷克出口量下降 28% 2,836 吨,对德国出口量减少一半以上至 1,402 吨。

Exports of HR plate of 4.75-10mm thick fell-26% to 8,341t. Within this, HS code 72085299 accounted for 7,662t, of whichCzech Republic took in 2,836t, down -28%. German intake more than halved to1,402t.

因此, 1-11 月波兰热轧板材出口量同比下降 21% 824,112 吨。

Polish HR flats exports in January-Novemberthus declined -21% on-year to 824,112t.

不过,去年 11 月波兰涂层板材出口量同比增长 16% 42,701 吨。热镀锌卷出口量占 21,300 吨,增长 33% 。捷克是热镀锌的主要买家,增长 27% 11,466 吨。热镀锌平均出口价格为 2,625 兹罗提 / 吨,而一年前为 2,999 兹罗提 / 吨。

Polish coated flats exports, however, rose16% on-year in November to 42,701t. Hot-dip galvanized coil shipments accountedfor 21,300t, up 33%. Czech Republic was the main HDG buyer, increasing intake27% to 11,466t. The average HDG export price was PLN 2,625/t versus PLN 2,999/ta year earlier.

因此, 1-11 月波兰涂层板材出口量增长 13% 448,880 吨。

Polish coated flats exports in January-Novemberthus rose 13% to 448,880t.



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