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一筑一事  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-08-20 12:17


台州地阔海冥冥,云水长和岛屿青。三江口区域是灵江、椒江、永宁江的交汇处, 它不仅代表了台州文化的流传和汇聚,也承载着整合城市格局、聚合产业资源的使命。

The land of Taizhou is wide and the sea is boundless. The clouds and water are extended, and the islands are evergreen. The Sanjiangkou area is the confluence of Lingjiang River, Jiaojiang River, and Yongningjiang River, which not only represents the flow and convergence of Taizhou but also carries the mission of integrating the urban pattern and aggregating industrial resources.



The「HE | SANJIANG FUTURE CITY」 Taizhou Sanjiangkou Region Conceptual Planning and Core Area Urban Design International Competition was organized by the Tazhou Natural Resources and Planning Bureau, Jiaojing District People’s Government, Huangyan District People’s Government, and Linhai City People’s Government, oraganized by Sanjiang New Town Development and Construction Co., Ltd, and co-organized by Shanghai One-tenth Art Company, which aims to collect planning and design proposals that can demonstrate the new image of Taizhou’s industry, culture, ecology and coexistence, organicity, and co-prosperity. The competition is established in the Sanjiangkou area, worldwide excellent applicants are qualified to submit the design. From the official announcement on April 2nd, 2024, more than 70 registrations were received on the organizing committee's website from China, Germany, the Netherlands,the United States, Australia, Japan, Singapore, France, the United Kingdom, Sweden and other countries. A total of 32 applicant units submitted concept proposals and registration documents, of which 31 applicant units are valid. There are 29 applicant units from consortiums and 2 from independent legal entities.



On August 13th, 2024, the final review of the 「HE | SANJIANG FUTURE CITY」 Taizhou Sanjiangkou Region Conceptual Planning and Core Area Urban Design International Competition was held at the Conference Center of Taizhou Kaitou Wyndham Hotel. The competition results were finally awarded after 8 hours of careful review, discussion, and deliberate selection by the judging panel.


The final review panel of the competition consisted of nine experts in the field of urban planning, architecture design, and government representatives:

王建国 Wang Jianguo

吴志强 Wu Zhiqiang


陈桂秋 Chen Guiqiu

浙江省城乡规划设计研究院原院长; 中国城市规划学会常务理事、浙江省政府咨询委特邀委员

曹跃进 Cao Yuejin


董丹申 Dong Danshen

浙江省工程勘察设计大师; 浙江大学平衡建筑设计研究中心主任、博士生导师;设计院首席总建筑师

黄亚平 Huang Yaping

华中科技大学建筑与城市规划学院,二级教授、院长; 国务院政府特殊津贴专家、湖北省规划设计大师

吉国华 Ji Guohua


俞斯佳 Yu Sijia


朱祥明 Zhu Xiangming


评审会及 踏勘现场 照片

