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【经济学人】习真的想成为世界的领头羊吗? | 2017.01.21 | 总第791期

考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-02-13 06:10




The new Davos man


Xi Jinping portrays China as a rock of stability


But does he really want to be a global leader?


Jan 21st 2017 | BEIJING AND DAVOS

2017年1月21日|北京 达沃斯

DELEGATES at the World Economic Forum in the Swiss resort of Davos often treat politicians as rock stars. But the fawning reception given to China’s leader, Xi Jinping, on January 17th was extraordinary. He was the first Chinese president to attend the annual gathering of the world’s business and political elite. Even an overflow room was packed when he delivered, in his usual dour manner, a speech laced with literary references—rendered through bulky headsets into equally monotone translations. Mr Xi said little that was new, but the audience lapped it up anyway. Here, at a time of global uncertainty and anxiety for capitalists, was the world’s most powerful communist presenting himself as a champion of globalisation and open markets.


  • Elite: n.精英        

  • Dour: adj.冷酷的,严厉的,深沉的

Mr Xi (pictured, next to a panda ice-sculpture) did not mention Donald Trump by name, nor even America, but his message was clear. “No one will emerge as a winner in a trade war,” he said, in a swipe at Mr Trump who has threatened, among other mercantilist acts, to slap heavy tariffs on Chinese goods. Mr Xi likened protectionism to “locking oneself in a dark room”, a phrase that delegates repeated with delight. His words seemed comforting to many of them after a year of political surprises, not least in America and Britain. Mr Xi quoted from Dickens to describe a “world of contradictions”, as he put it. “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,” he said. Many foreign businesses complain about what they regard as a rise of protectionism in China, too—but no one could accuse Mr Xi of being out of tune with the Davos mood. China, Mr Xi assured delegates, “will keep its door wide open and not close it”.


The Chinese president also portrayed his country as a staunch defender of the environment. He said that sticking to the Paris agreement on climate change, which came into effect last year, was “a responsibility we must assume for future generations”. These, too, were welcome words to many listening: Mr Trump’s threat to reject the pact will make China’s commitment to it all the more crucial.


  • staunch : adj.忠实的,坚定的

The week of whose inauguration?


The timing of Mr Xi’s trip was fortuitous—according to the Financial Times his aides were working on it before Britain voted to leave the European Union and well before Mr Trump’s election victory. But he must have relished the points that those events enabled him to score at Davos. Mr Xi faces political battles of his own as he prepares for a five-yearly Communist Party congress in the autumn and a reshuffle right after it. He wants to install more of his allies in key positions. Standing tall on the world stage could help (and attending Davos will have reinforced the point to his colleagues that he is in charge of China’s economy, as he clearly is of every other main portfolio).

根据金融时报的说法,习主席达沃斯之旅的时机很巧合---在此次访问之前,就是英国脱欧和川普赢得竞选时期。 但是习主席应该知道,这些事件都会让他在论坛期间加分。习近平主席要面临的是秋天举行的五年一次的中国共产党全国人民代表大会以及简政改组的问题。习主席希望让更多自己的盟友担任要职。而中国目前处于世界领先国家地位这个优势将能促成这种情况的发生(参加达沃斯论坛也将向他的同僚们证明,自己是中国经济发展也是其他方面发展的核心人物)。

  • Fortuitous: adj. 偶然的,巧合的

  • Reinforce: v.加固,使充实

  • Portfolio: n.职务,文件夹

Mr Xi would have relished the occasion even had the predictions of many in the global elite a year ago proved accurate—that Britain would vote to stay in the EU and that Mr Trump would not win. The forum is one where embarrassing questions about China’s politics are seldom raised openly. Mr Xi could talk airily of China’s openness, with little fear of being asked why he is clamping down on dissent and tightening controls on the internet (last year this newspaper’s website joined the many foreign ones that are blocked). On January 14th China’s most senior judge condemned judicial independence as a “false Western ideal”.


Previously, the highest-ranking Chinese attendees had been prime ministers. In 2016 the vice-president, Li Yuanchao, who ranks lower than the prime minister in the party hierarchy, led the team. So why has Mr Xi waited until his fifth year as president to turn up? He may well have winced at the thought of doing so last year, when discussions were dominated by questions about China’s management of its slowing economy in the wake of a stockmarket crash and a sudden devaluation of the yuan. Many analysts still worry about China’s economy (not least its growing debt), but the West’s problems have loomed larger over the Swiss Alps this week.



And for all his uplifting talk, Mr Xi shows no signs of wanting to take over as the world’s chief troubleshooter, even if Mr Trump shuns that role. Mr Xi is preoccupied with managing affairs at home and asserting control in seas nearby (see article). “Nothing is perfect in the world,” the new Davos man sagely informed the delegates. But he is unlikely to take the lead in making the world a better place.


  • uplifting : adj.振奋人心的,鼓舞人心的

  •  sagely : adv.贤能地,贤明地

This article appeared in the China section of the print edition under the headline “The new Davos man”


翻译 ▍政治一组 

审核 ▍Arias

编辑 ▍澜意

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But he is unlikely to take the lead in making the world a better place.

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