专栏名称: 瑞达利欧RayDalio
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《每日原则》:  把可能的分歧摆到桌面上

瑞达利欧RayDalio  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-05-08 10:53


如果你和其他人不表明各自的观点,你们就无法解决分歧。你可以 把存在分歧的问题非正式地提出来 ,或者 列出清单逐步解决 。这两种方式我个人都喜欢,尽管我会鼓励别人按优先次序把分歧列在纸上,以便我/我们能够比较容易地指引他们在对的时间找到对的人。

最难办的问题(分歧最大之处)是最需要研究解决的,因为这往往涉及人的价值观或对重要决策的态度。 把这些问题摆到桌面上,彻底地、不带感情色彩地检视问题的前提尤为重要。 否则,问题就会日趋严重而不可收拾。

If you and others don’t raise your perspectives, there’s no way you will resolve your disputes. You can surface the areas of disagreement informally or put them on a list to go over. I personally like to do both, though I encourage people to list their disagreements in order of priority so I/we can more easily direct them to the right party at the right time.

The nubbiest questions (the ones that there is the greatest disagreement about) are the most important ones to thrash out, as they often concern differences in people’s values or their approaches to important decisions. It’s especially important to bring these issues to the sur-face and examine their premises thoroughly and unemotionally. If you don’t, they will fester and cause rot.

