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Call4Papers  · 公众号  · 科研  · 2017-05-17 12:46



IEEE Communications Magazine

Advanced Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks and Intelligent IoT

全文截稿: 2017-07-01
影响因子: 5.125
期刊难度: ★★★★
CCF分类: 无
网址: http://www.comsoc.org/commag/

Over the past decade, the fast expansion of the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm and wireless communication technologies have created many scientific and engineering challenges that call for ingenious research efforts from both academia and industry. The IoT paradigm now covers several technologies beyond RFID and WSNs (Wireless Sensor Networks) and the application field expansion has exceeded expectations. According to Cisco IBSG (Internet Business Solution Group), more than 50 billion devices are expected to be connected to the internet by 2020 and 20 % of which are from the industry sector. Therefore, integrating the IoT concept and Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks (IWSNs) is an attractive choice for industrial process and is mainly needed to reap the full benefits of the IoT.

Indeed, IWSNs are an emerging class of WSNs that face specific constraints linked to the particularities of the industrial production. IWSNs bring several advantages and have become inseparable from the manufacturing process due to their low-cost, reliability and robustness in harsh environments, energy efficiency and mobility. IWSNs involve large amount of wireless devices such as sensors for failure monitoring and detection and RFID tags for machine identification. Combining IWSN with IoT may optimize the operational efficiency, automation, maintenance and rationalization. Moreover, it ensures large scale interconnection between machines, computers and people enabling intelligent industrial operations. However, IWSN and IoT integration will need to solve a more complex challenge of combining reliable communications and low- cost computing together.

The aim of this Feature Topic (FT) is to address together innovative developments resorting to the state-of-the-art technologies and ideas in areas related to advanced industrial wireless sensor networks and intelligent IoT. The FT is seeking latest findings from research and ongoing projects relevant to industrial networks' smart integration with IoT. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Intelligent Middleware for IWSN Integration
- Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
- Energy Efficient Technologies for Industrial Networks interconnection
- Cloud Computing for IoT over Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks
- Big Data Analysis and Mining for IIoT


IEEE Communications Magazine

Advances in Next-Generation Networking Technologies for Smart Healthcare

全文截稿: 2017-08-01
影响因子: 5.125
期刊难度: ★★★★
CCF分类: 无
网址: http://www.comsoc.org/commag/

With the advancement of next-generation mobile and wireless networking technologies, "Smart healthcare" and/or "Connected Healthcare" is getting tremendous attention from the academia, the governments, the industry, and the healthcare community. The next generation mobile and wireless networking technologies such as 5G wireless networks, mobile-edge computing (MEC), software-defined networking (SDN), and cloud radio access networks (Cloud RAN), can play a significant role in the smart healthcare by offering better insight of heterogeneous healthcare media content to support affordable and quality patient care. While researchers have been making advances to the study of next-generation networking and healthcare services individually, a very little attention has been given to make cost-effective and affordable smart healthcare solutions. Connected or smart healthcare has the potential to revolutionize many aspects of our society; however, many technical challenges need to be addressed before this potential can be realized. Some of these challenges include how to develop rich and real-time services or applications for smart healthcare solutions by adopting next generation mobile and wireless networking technologies? How can the next-generation networking technologies assist with right patient care at the right time and in the right place? How can networking technologies facilitate healthcare data representation, storage, analysis and integration for effective smart healthcare solutions? The next-generation wireless technology that makes highly connected healthcare environments has the potential to address each of those challenges and can revolutionize the future of connected healthcare services. It is envisioned that the next-generation networking technologies will be the success factor for realizing the true vision of smart healthcare since they will contribute to facilitate resource constrained devices to communicate efficiently, faster data generation and processing as well as for quality data transmission to stakeholders.

This Feature Topic is intended to report high-quality research on recent advances in various aspects of the next-generation networking technologies in healthcare services, more specifically to the state-of-the-art approaches, methodologies, and systems in the design, development, deployment and innovative use of those networking technologies for providing insights into smart healthcare service demands. Authors are solicited to submit complete unpublished papers on the following topics. Topic includes but not restricted to:
- Cloud RAN for smart healthcare
- Software-defined wireless networks for smart healthcare
- Mobile Edge Computing for smart healthcare
- IoT-Cloud for smart healthcare
- Wireless technologies for connected medicine
- Cyber-physical and socially-aware network for smart healthcare
- Context-aware 5G-supported services for smart healthcare
- Data security, and privacy for connected healthcare
- Wearable Internet of Things (WIoT) and 5G access technologies for smart healthcare
- Innovative communication protocols, algorithms and test beds for 5G-enable connected healthcare


IEEE Communications Magazine

Key Technologies for 5G New Radio

全文截稿: 2017-08-01
影响因子: 5.125
期刊难度: ★★★★
CCF分类: 无
网址: http://www.comsoc.org/commag/

With expected 2020 initial commercialization, 5G mobile communications is gathering increased interest and momentum around the world. Following discussions on the 5G vision and key requirements (such as high data-rate, low latency, and massive connectivity), various candidate technologies have been proposed and investigated. The candidate enablers for 5G mobile communications include massive antenna technologies (from legacy cellular frequency bands up to high frequencies) to provide beamforming gain and support increased capacity, new waveform (or a new radio access technology (RAT)) to flexibly accommodate various services/applications with different requirements, new multiple access schemes to support massive connections, and so on.

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has categorized the usage scenarios for International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) for 2020 and beyond into three main groups: Enhanced Mobile Broadband, Massive Machine-Type Communications, and Ultra-reliable and Low Latency communications. In addition, they have specified target requirements such as peak data rates of 20 Gb/s, user experienced data rates of 100 Mb/s, a spectrum efficiency improvement of 3X, support for up to 500 km/h mobility, 1 ms latency, a connection density of 106 devices/km2, a network energy efficiency improvement of 100X and an area traffic capacity of 10 Mb/s/m2. While all the requirements need not be met simultaneously, the design of 5G networks and radio access should provide flexibility to more efficiently support various applications meeting part of the above requirements on a use case basis.

There is also increased interest in the use of spectrum above 6 GHz for 5G mobile communications. Several researchers in academia and industry have explored the feasibility of using mmWave frequencies for 5G mobile communications, considering frequencies up to 100 GHz. This has also been supported by regulatory bodies with ITU-R  investigating the spectrum between 6 - 100 GHz for possible global harmonization and usage by 2020 and regulatory bodies such as FCC in the US and OFCOM in UK, starting a notice-of-inquiry (NOI) for using mmWave spectrum for mobile communications.

3GPP has officially started the standardization of 5G and the new 5G spec is codenamed NR (New Radio) in 3GPP discussions. The study on 5G use cases, requirements and key technology components are expected to be completed by March 2017, with the first official release of core radio spec slated for the first half of 2018.  We think it is a very timely Feature Topic if we can bring a first look of the key technologies of 5G New Radio to the IEEE Communication Magazine readers in early 2018. With this Feature Topic, our hope is that researchers worldwide can understand the state-of-art of these 5G technologies, both in terms of their design considerations and, equally importantly, their limitations, so that they can use these references to guide their research for future releases of 5G.

Original contributions are invited on the latest advancements on key component technologies of 5G New Radio, especially in the following areas of 5G NR system design:
- NR-MIMO, especially new feedback and reference signal methods
- NR control mechanism for reducing signaling overhead and improving battery life
- Support of new 5G bands, including both mmWave bands and below 6GHz bands
- Beam-centric or UE centric cellular design in support of seamless mobility and UE experience enhancement
- New channel coding in NR: LDPC and Polar codes
- Technologies for low latency transmission


IEEE Communications Magazine

Multi-Channel Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks

全文截稿: 2017-08-01
影响因子: 5.125
期刊难度: ★★★★
CCF分类: 无
网址: http://www.comsoc.org/commag/

Cognitive radio (CR) is an emerging network technology that has been around for more than 15 years towards solving the problem of wireless network spectrum inefficiency. Cognitive radio ad hoc networks (CRAHNs), equipped with the intrinsic capabilities of cognition and self-organization, provides an ultimate spectrum-aware communication paradigm in wireless networks. By nature, CRAHNs mostly operate on multiple channels based on the fact that the available spectrum usually appears as discontinuous spectrum. Concurrent communication over multi-channel CRAHNs can alleviate interference and improve the spectrum utilization with greater flexibility for channel access.

However, multi-channel CRAHNs impose unique challenges as a result of high fluctuation in the available spectrum, distributed dynamic network topology, and the time and location varying spectrum availability. To overcome these challenges, some fundamental problems in multi-channel CRAHNs have to be carefully resolved, both in theory and in practice. Specifically, the following key questions need to be addressed:
- How can the fragmented available spectrum be recognized?
- How can multiple channels with the available spectrum be constructed in an efficient way?
- How can the multiple channels be allocated among the users and coordinate their concurrent communications in a distributed manner?
- How to evaluate the abilities of CRAHNs to support the quality of end-to-end services?

This Feature Topic (FT) solicits technical papers describing original, previously unpublished, not currently under review by another conference or journal pertaining to trends and issues and challenges of multi-channel CRAHNs. The scope of this Feature Topic calls for novel research contributions including, but not restricted to the following topics.
- New theories, architectures and models for multi-channel CRAHNs
- Capacity analysis for multi-channel CRAHNs
- Spectrum sensing, sharing and management in CRAHNs
- Medium access control, scheduling, and routing protocols for multi-channel cognitive radio networks
- Transport layer design, TCP extension for multi-channel cognitive radio networks
- Joint route and spectrum allocation, adaptive cross-layer design and optimized resource management
- Security challenges in multi-channel CRAHNs
- Application scenarios and emerging markets over multi-channel CRAHNs, such as smart grids, emergency responders, disaster recovery, high bandwidth multimedia communication, military deployment, and homeland security among others.
