专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-11-10 12:29


9 月欧洲板材服务中心 (SSC) 销量高于 2019 9 月的水平。这标志着,自 2 月下旬疫情开始在欧洲蔓延以来,销量首次达到疫情前的水平。

Europeanflat steel service centres (SSC) registered in September a level of sales abovethe one registered in September 2019. They thus reached pre-coronavirus levelsfor the first time since the pandemic begun to spread through Europe in lateFebruary.

9 SSC 带钢产品出货量同比增长 3.7% ,而 8 月出货量同比仍下降约 1.5% 。尽管 9 月销量有所回升,但根据欧洲钢铁经销商协会 Eurometal 的最新数据, 1-9 月总出货量仍同比下降 16.1%

Strip mill productshipments from SSC rose 3.7% year-on-year in September; in August, volumes werestill some -1.5% down y-o-y. Despite the recovery in September, aggregatedJanuary-September shipments remained down -16.1% y-o-y, according to the latestEurometal numbers.

SSC 销量的提振主要来自于汽车行业的复苏。然而,多产品和近距离钢材经销商仍然面临一些挑战。

The boostfor SSC was mainly fuelled by the recovery in the automotive sector. Multiproduct and proximity steel distributors continued to face some challenges,however.

9 月一般经销商的所有钢材产品出货量同比下降 2.1% 。“ 9 月只有商品条钢、热轧和冷轧板材出现积极趋势,” Eurometal 在发给 Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)的一份简报中说。

Septembershipments for all steel products from general distributors decreased -2.1%y-o-y. “Only merchant bars, hot-rolled flats and cold-rolled flats had positivetrends in September,” Eurometal says in a note sent to Kallanish .

尽管 9 月业务放缓,但多产品经销商 1-9 月的出货量同比仅下降 11.9% ,证实该行业受疫情影响较小。

Despite theslower performance in September, nine-month shipments for multi-productsdistributors were down only -11.9% y-o-y, confirming that the pandemic impactwas less severe for this sector.

