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可可英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2017-04-27 14:10




Brazil Nuts
These potent seeds hail from South American countries like Venezuela, Colombia, and more. They may not be as common as peanuts or walnuts, but there's good reason to seek them out at your local health food store or online: "One ounce of brazil nuts, which is about six to eight nuts, has 777 percent of the daily value for selenium, an antioxidant that plays a critical role in DNA synthesis and helps protect our body from oxidative damage and infection," says Alexandra Miller, a corporate dietitian at Medifast. "Inadequate concentrations of selenium may be associated with age-related declines in brain function," she adds. Selenium concentrations in your body naturally decline with age, so load up.
这些强有力的种子来自委内瑞拉、哥伦比亚等南美国家。也许巴西坚果不如花生或核桃那般常见,但有充分的理由从当地的保健食品店或从网上购买这些坚果:"一盎司的巴西坚果(6至8个左右)含有777%日常所需的硒元素,该元素是一种抗氧化剂,在DNA合成中起着关键作用,同时还能保护身体免受氧化损伤和感染," Medifast的企业营养师亚历山大·米乐说道。"硒浓度不足可能会导致与年龄相关的脑功能下降,"她补充说。身体内的硒浓度会自然的随着年龄的增长而下降,所以补充起来吧。
Sesame Seeds
"These are high in calcium and rich in other minerals like iron, magnesium, phosphorous, fiber, and more," says Annie Kay, lead nutritionist at Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health. "Bones are made of more than calcium, so a mineral-rich diet, along with adequate and appropriate movement are a recipe for healthy bones for life." Try using tahini (which is made from sesame seeds) as a base in vinaigrettes or sprinkling a handful or two into pasta salads for a nice element.

"Mushrooms are one of the few foods that naturally contain vitamin D, a vitamin most people don't have enough of," say Lyssie Lakatos and Tammy Lakatos Shames, The Nutrition Twins. "Without vitamin D, you can't properly absorb calcium, which will lead to osteoporosis, broken bones and a hunched spine, and nothing ages you more than that."
"蘑菇是少数天然含有维生素D的食物之一,大多数人的维生素D摄入量都不够,"营养双胞胎(The Nutrition Twins)的Lyssie Lakatos和Tammy Lakatos Shames说道。"没有维生素D,人们就不能适当的吸收钙元素,从而导致骨质疏松、骨骼断裂和脊椎棘突,没有什么比这些让你老得更快了。"
Dark Chocolate
Sorry, milk chocolate doesn't count. "Dark chocolate is loaded with flavanols, which are believed to benefit appearance by increasing blood flow to the skin," says nutritionist Mitzi Dulan. "Flavanols also absorb UV radiation, protecting your skin from the damaging effects of the sun." It is high in calories, though, so to avoid weight gain, be sure to eat it in moderate amounts - a square or two as a afternoon treat is all you need.