Google CEO表示,量子计算离“真正实用的收益”还需要5-10年的发展。
量子计算现在的突破让我想起2010年左右“Google Brain”在AI领域的进展。Pichai说
“The quantum moment reminds me of where AI was in the 2010s, when we were working on Google Brain and the early progress,” Pichai, who is also CEO of Google parent Alphabet Inc., said at the World Governments Summit in Dubai on Wednesday.
量子计算现在的突破让我想起2010年左右“Google Brain”在AI领域的进展。Pichai说
“The quantum moment reminds me of where AI was in the 2010s, when we were working on Google Brain and the early progress,” Pichai, who is also CEO of Google parent Alphabet Inc., said at the World Governments Summit in Dubai on Wednesday.