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清明: 通过这些名人遗书,我们来聊聊中国人的生死观

中国日报双语新闻  · 公众号  · 国际  · 2017-04-04 11:01


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前一阵,明星读信节目《见字如面》 Letters Alive 几乎刷屏朋友圈。



Hailed as “serious” show in a field dominated by mainly entertainment programs, Letters Alive got high marks. At one point, it scored 9.8 out of 10 on Douban.com, a popular Chinese platform, and is now sitting at nine.


Letters Alive , a 12-episode culture program showcasing the enduring charm of written correspondence, included appearances from stars such as Lin Gengxin, Zhang Hanyu and Kuei Ya-lei. Eleven star performers reading 90 remarkable letters has been watched 200 million times on the major streaming sites. There’s a studio audience as well.

虽然节目已经播完了,但双语君 (微信ID:Chinadaily_Mobile) 仍在回味。

其实,《见字如面》节目里有好多遗书、绝命书、诀别书, 很适合在清明时节雨纷纷的意境里,点一盏幽香,沏一壶清茶,细细咀嚼此生永别的滋味。

通过联系节目组,双语君 (微信ID:Chinadaily_Mobile) 获悉,遗书在所有书信中能占到14%的比例,而且几乎期期节目多有。



Up to 14 percent of the letters read on air were written towards the end of the writer’s life. The majority are from Communist revolutionaries and military officers, with the rest penned by famous people who either committed suicide or suffered from serious diseases.

For producers, the overwhelming response to the program has not only been uplifting but has also highlighted a trend that they want to explore further.

张子选回忆说, 在打响一场战役前, 遗书就会大规模成批量出现。 尤其是在抗日战争和解放战争期间,每一场生死攸关的大战前,上至军队将领,下至普通士兵,都会写好遗书,这是上战场前的“标配”。如果侥幸生还,下一场战役前,还要接着写。



Zhang Zixuan, the program’s chief editor who led the selection of letters from more than 10,000 entries, has read many wills and death-bed letters.

He said the crew selected the letters from online resources or handwritten copies, and the team discovered that military officers and soldiers regularly wrote final letters before big battles.

“China’s mainstream education actually avoids talking about death, with such clues seen clearly in ancient school texts influenced by Confucius philosophy. It values the meaning of life and urges people to optimistically strive for this life,” Zhang said.

"Most Chinese would not prepare for death even after being seriously ill for a long time," he said.

“But wartime is an exceptional time and probably creates the largest number of wills in every era,” Zhang said.

“Warriors were ordered to write the last letters to their families. And the survivors would write other ‘last letters’ for the next battle if they didn’t die in the last.”

但他也提到一个很有意思的观点,那就是庙堂之高与江湖之远,对死亡的 态度是 不同的。





总导演关正文被双语君 (微信ID:Chinadaily_Mobile) 问到这个话题时,觉得又新鲜又感慨。


前一种,有战斗到最后的 陈京莹 、有16岁以身殉国的夏完淳,这些革命烈士或古代义士,让关正文更为动容。

陈京莹留给父亲 的遗书,字里行间都是家国的深沉感情。



他认为,遗书是和你在世间所关心的人、所爱护的人说再见的一个庄严仪式。 所以,即使没有写这个的习惯,也不妨提前 有所 准备,不要让死亡来得太突然、太意外,让周边的人觉得措手不及。


Liu Yu, executive director of the program, said a last letter is “a solemn ceremony to say farewell”.

“For family and friends, a last letter is an important legacy,” Liu added.

He said many Chinese don’t write wills or publish obituaries, and that they should write such letters to make sure that their children and loved ones follow their wishes after they are gone.

双语君 (微信ID:Chinadaily_Mobile) 也联系到杨雨教授,嗯,就是《见字如面》来自中南大学的那位特别有气质的 美女 拆信嘉宾。




Yang Yu, a professor of ancient literature at the Changsha-based Central South University, as well as a guest commentator on the TV show, said Chinese mainly regard death as an inevitable end of life.

“Deeply influenced by Confucius philosophy, they can use faith to resist the fear of death, as well as the wish to pass on their knowledge and wealth to blood relations,” she said.

Using the example of Zhuang Zi, an ancient philosopher who played a drum to laugh and sing after his wife’s death, Yang said Taoists take death as a natural process to see a return to life’s origin.

双语君 (微信ID:Chinadaily_Mobile) 读完夏完淳的《狱中上母书》,也是唏嘘不已。

勤奋的双语君 (微信ID:Chinadaily_Mobile) 通读节目所选的遗书,还读了这些遗书的古文原文,那质感、风采,实在比明星的白话通俗版好太多。

下面, 双语君 (微信ID:Chinadaily_Mobile) 特别挑选了几份遗书,献上独家双语版,和大家一起用心感受一下。






We’ve just received a telegram from his excellency Li (Li Hongzhang, then supreme official of the navy), who has ordered the troops to sail to Korea at 1 pm tomorrow. We don’t know what we will do, but I’m ready for death. I have benefited from the motherland as a youngster. Now it’s my duty to fight for it. Besides, it will be a glorious moment if I die in the battlefield. I know you (his father) will be very sad if I die, which I can picture now. But if I choose to be loyal to the country, it means I cannot take the responsibility to be a dutiful son at the same time ... My son is still very young. But what comforts me is that my younger brothers will soon become adults and have their own families and take care of you and mother. Please don’t mourn me all the time, otherwise, I will not stop to worry about you under the earth.




