"I think for us it is better, much better, to have a new government without an election campaign problem," he told the Guardian. "It is much better to have an election behind, rather than in front, because for us it is much better to achieve an agreement."Had May not called the snap election, the UK would have gone to the polls in 2020, sharpening the electoral calculations in Brexit talks for the prime minister.
“我认为对于我们来说,一个没有任何选举运动问题的新政府才是更好的,且会比之前好得多。”他告诉《卫报》,“在脱欧结束之后进行选举会比在之前进行好得多,因为只有这样我们才能更好地实现谈判成功的愿望。” 如果梅不提出提前选举,英国将在2020年进行投票,这可以增加在脱欧会谈中支持英国首相的选举票量。